Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 362: : An invincible ghost lingering in the human world

【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Little brat, pay me some ghost coins, otherwise this matter will never end." The elder said relentlessly.

Lin Chen is not happy anymore, he can bear other things, money matters are not discussed!

And this old guy is really not up to the mark, once Lin Chen got angry, he didn't care what kind of ghost he was, he just replied, "Old Deng, anyone who can cheat money from me hasn't been born yet!"

"Old... Deng?"

The Great Elder was stunned, his personality had changed for a day or two, but anyone who dared to talk to him like that, even the boy who was the City Lord of Miangui City would not dare.

Is this **** so kind?

"Boy, you have the guts, aren't you afraid that I will slap you to death?"

"Lao Deng, how do you know what Lao Deng means? Besides, if you want money, you will die!"

"You!... Niu!" The Great Elder pointed at Lin Chen, and after a long time, he stretched out a thumb and said, intending to let it go.

After Lin Chen glanced at him, he curled his lips and said:

"You have been hiding here for a long time. You haven't shown up yet. Let me wait in vain. I want mental damage fees."

The great elder's eyes turned into copper bells on the spot, and after a long time, a bachelor's sentence exactly the same as Lin Chen's came out of his mouth.

"Whether you want money or not, you want your life."

After a while, the Great Elder led Lin Chen to a tea room. The furnishings here were very elegant and antique. The Great Elder sat on the side, picked up a tea set and asked, "Boy, do you have any tea?"


"Okay, I still have some scum left."


A pot of fragrant tea was poured, and after the Great Elder sipped it slowly, he said, "Boy, old man, I just appeared just now, and you were in a daze at that time, so you didn't see me. Not quiet."

Lin Chen rolled his eyes.

You are a wretched, stingy, old ghost, how can you pretend to be an expert?

It's just that at this time, he doesn't need to fight with this old man anymore, he has already figured out the temper of this great elder, and it doesn't seem difficult to get in touch with.

Lin Chen said: "You have living creatures here, so I'm naturally curious, how do you raise these birds, insects and small fish?"

He has always been curious, and it is absolutely extraordinary to be able to create such a garden unique to the human world in the horror world.

"I bought it for money, old man, I have a way to go to the human world, so I used the fixed-point teleportation talisman to go there a few times. These are all bought from the flower and bird market. They are replaced every month. The sparrow is cheap and alive, so It’s this breed.” The Great Elder said.


Lin Chen took a sip of tea and sprayed it out.

Shocked by the operation of the great elder, his eyes were straightened.

Although this old man is unscrupulous, his strength is from there. It is very likely that he has surpassed eight stars and reached nine stars. If this kind of ghost makes trouble in the human world, isn't it the end of the world?

"Don't be surprised, there are rules to suppress Blue Star, I can only send an avatar there, at most it's only a palace level, and it can't do anything big." The Great Elder explained.

"Oh, oh." Only then did Lin Chen regain his senses.

If it's just the hall, then it can be controlled.

But he was still curious about what a ghost of this level would send avatars over there. It couldn't just be to buy some birds, right?

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Do you only buy birds in the human world?" Lin Chen asked.

"Of course not. "The Great Elder looked at Lin Chen with the look of looking at a fool.

How can a ghost of this level just buy birds? Can't he do something big?

"What else did you do?"

Lin Chen's heart skipped a beat. If the old man really stirred up the wind and rain, he would definitely tell Zhou Geng that they would try their best to stop it.

Although it's not the real body, it's not a trivial matter for a palace ghost to be in Blue Star. This is an existence that can turn a large province into a ghost domain in a fight!

At this moment, Lin Chen had a lot of guesses about the identity of the first elder's incarnation.

The super villain hiding in the dark?

The leader of the Black Clothes Sect?

To secretly devour flesh and blood every day?

With a throbbing feeling, Lin Chen stared straight at the First Elder, waiting for his reply.

Grand Elder: "Dancing in the square."

Lin Chen: "???"

"Is...is there any more?"

"Online dating."

"Is there any more?"



Lin Chen only felt dizzy for a while, and was stunned by the elder's words. He knew that the elder didn't have to lie to him, but it still felt a little unreal.

An invincible ghost who worked so hard to get into Blue Star just to buy birds, dance in the square, and engage in online dating?

At the same time, he couldn't help expressing his silent condolences to the elder's aunt's dance partner and the elder's online dating partner in his heart.

"Aren't you doing something serious?" Lin Chen asked a little unbelievingly.

"No, old man, I don't really want to destroy Blue Star. This is Yuan's game, and I'm not interested in participating." The Great Elder said.


Lin Chen was taken aback, he didn't expect the elder to know the name of this horror game.

"He is what you call a thriller game, let's not talk about it, drink tea." The elder thought that Lin Chen didn't know what he was talking about, so he reminded him, and then skipped the topic.

Lin Chen nodded, knowing that the Great Elder didn't want to say anything, it was difficult for him to ask anything.

Although this kind of ghost doesn't seem to be upright, he still has self-principles. Although Lin Chen can scold him, he doesn't take the initiative to touch the bottom line of the other party.

"By the way, don't spread the matter about my smuggling. Otherwise, whoever you tell it to, I will kill whoever it is. This is my old man's secret." The Great Elder said.

"You're fine, you didn't intend to shoot me to death." Lin Chen couldn't help laughing.

"Nonsense, aren't you a ghost? I'm not willing to kill this kind of unprecedented ghost." The elder said with a smile.

Lin Chen felt that he was crazy enough, but he felt that the Great Elder seemed to be even more crazy than himself.

It's the kind of madness who can do whatever he wants, ignores everything, and nothing in the world can restrain him.

It's like shooting whoever you want to kill.

To be strong is to be able to do whatever you want!

"So you are very optimistic about me?" Lin Chen said.

"Of course, otherwise why would I drag you to my small courtyard to see the flowers?" the Great Elder smiled.

"So, I can do whatever I want in Miangui City?" Lin Chen climbed up the pole with a sincere face.

The Great Elder's smile faltered, and then he shook his head and said, "Your expression is very real, it makes me feel like I see my own junior, but you should follow the rules, I always feel that you are not holding back your back." fart."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen turned his face on the spot: "Old Deng!"

Great Elder: "..."

After a pot of tea was finished, the Great Elder was about to pour out his tea foam again. Seeing this, Lin Chen stopped quickly and took out a pot of good tea from his body: "Make this, this is my last copy on a human body Got it, you have a hall incarnation in the human world, don't you know how to send some good tea?"

The Great Elder looked at Lin Chen's tea, his eyes lit up, he quickly took it, and said, "The price is expensive, old man, I do fortune-telling on the street, and I don't make any money at all, and I have to bear the risk of being beaten. I can't afford it. Tea."

Lin Chen was speechless.

A hall-level incarnation of a nine-star Tongtian ghost, fortune-telling on the street, the great elder is full of stories.

The Great Elder said: "Okay, I'll keep this cup of tea for myself to drink, you're very nice, come and see me more in the future, I just want to see you today, nothing else."

Lin Chen knew that it was the elder who was about to see off the guests, so he got up and prepared to leave. Although he was suspicious that the elder called him here just to see him, he didn't ask further.

He has the key to the copy, as long as he wants to leave, he can leave at any time within seven days.

When using the dungeon authority to leave the Horror World, even the nine-star ghost may not be able to interrupt the transmission of the power of rules.

So for now he's safe.

At this moment, the voice of the Great Elder sounded again, and he said: "You have been promoted very quickly, and a dungeon has actually allowed you to be promoted by a large rank, but here, you cannot hide this."

Lin Chen wasn't surprised. His breath-holding technique could only hide existences one level higher than him. He is currently five-star, and seven-star ghosts can see through him, let alone ghosts like the Great Elder.

"You gave me tea, so I'll give you a meeting gift today." The elder said, then took out a jade pendant and threw it to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen took it and looked at the elder in surprise.

"this is…"

The Great Elder smiled and said, "This is a ghost that I carefully tempered. It's not very useful, but if you wear it on your body, no one in this city can see through your ghost power except me."

Lin Chen was startled, and said, "Could it be a nine-star ghost?"

"Take it, the old man is very optimistic about you. "

After all, the figure of the Great Elder gradually became transparent, and finally turned into nothingness and disappeared completely.

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes. Although the Great Elder did not show ghost power in front of him, he gave him the feeling that this was the strongest ghost he had ever seen.

"The honor of a genius?"

Lin Chen's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he left the garden.

The Great Elder didn't look like an evil spirit, but Lin Chen felt that he should still be vigilant.

Outside the domain, Bushan Palace has been standing there waiting.

Seeing Lin Chen coming out, he smiled kindly and took Lin Chen to settle down.

Bu Shan was very enthusiastic, and took Lin Chen around the city, and told Lin Chen about the situation in Miangui City.

There are still ten days before the flower blooming day in the sea of ​​flowers on the other side.

And seven days later, a competition will be held here.

It is divided into three stages: the fierce god, the ghost king, and the new ghost king.

The ghosts in these three stages can only enter the sea of ​​flowers on the other side after reaching a certain score in the battle, and the best ones can get more places.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

These places are prepared for the forces behind those ghosts.

This is also the reason why many ghosts who were unwilling to enter Miangui City before came here now.

As for Lin Chen, naturally he doesn't need to participate in any competitions, his previous record already speaks for itself~www.readwn.com~ he will be directly assigned to the auditorium and just wait for the end.

In addition, Bu Shan also introduced some facilities in Miangui City to Lin Chen.

Over the years, Mian Guicheng has researched various venues that can improve the strength of ghosts.

A ghost room with refined ghost power.

There are thunderstorm areas that temper the flesh.

There is also the Dark Demon Fire Field for cultivating ghost skills.

Of course, Lin Chen can experience these for free.

Finally, Bu Shan explained some rules about Miangui City to Lin Chen.

At present, in Miangui City, no fights are allowed in the streets openly. If there is a conflict, the real duel venue can be opened directly to decide life and death.

Because of the incident in the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, in the current Miangui City, the forces of all parties are intricate, so this rule was set.

Others, there is no taboo.

When Lin Chen heard this, he stared straight at Bushan Palace, and the corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Are you sure this rule is not aimed at me?

In the end, Bu Shan brought Lin Chen to a fairly luxurious residence, and then left. At this time, the news about the ghosts entering the city in Miangui City had been completely spread.

Before Lin Chen could act, his appearance had already set off a wave of enthusiasm in Miangui City.

Of course, not every ghost has longings for ghosts.

For example, Ji Gui, Nightmare Ghost, and Kai Lei Guijun who had conflicts with Lin Chen, and Dong Dong, who has always been aggrieved because some ghosts compared Hunshigui with Chen.

The Potian three ghosts all looked at the appearance of the Hunshi ghost with different thoughts.

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