【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

(ps: At the end of the last chapter, Dong Potian and the three ghosts did not know that the Hunshigui was Chen. In the world, the three ghosts have naturally seen it, sorry everyone.)


"He's finally here..."

In a courtyard, the figure of Jigui stood proudly. As soon as Lin Chen entered the city, he got the news, and it took him a long time to say such a sentence.

His face was calm, but his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

However, a fighting spirit gradually began to emanate from him, and it became stronger and stronger.


"Ghost, Monka is mine, no matter how powerful you are, I will destroy you."

In another room, the Nightmare Ghost's face became extremely ferocious, filled with endless anger and resentment.

"I have already found an invisible ghost from the Dark Demon Clan to assassinate you, a ghost from the dark world is also a good prey for them. "

"No matter how powerful you are, you still can't stop the attack and killing of ghost-level invisible ghosts."

In a manor.

Kai Chu Guijun was half kneeling on the ground, in front of him was a slender man with a very handsome face.

"Master Carlyle, the previous conflict has already made us offend this ghost and make enemies with it. How should we deal with this next?"

There was a glint of thunder in Kai Lei's eyes, and he said slowly, "You should have killed him directly, and the one who died would be an unknown person."

"The subordinate is guilty." Kai Chu Guijun's head was covered with fine sweat. Even though he was of the same clan, he still called himself a subordinate. It was obvious that Kai Lei put tremendous pressure on him.

Kailei turned his head and looked up at the sky. After a while, he spoke again: "No matter how strong he is, he is just a ghost king after all. I will deal with him if I have a chance. But on the bright side, we don't need to tear ourselves apart with him." .”

Kaichu Ghost King trembled in his heart, and said: "This subordinate understands!"

In a small courtyard.

Dong Potian and the three ghosts are gathering together.

At this moment, their faces were full of excitement.

Dong Potian excitedly said: "The teacher is here! We can finally reunite. As soon as I bring the **** gun king back home, I will practice Lao Tzu every day. Let me take a wooden stick without using ghost power to pierce a stubborn rock. Lao Tzu is Dong Potian, not Dong Poshi, he is obviously targeting him, it will be all right now, with the teacher, I will never have to go back.”

Qiu Ziwen said: "For the time being, we should keep a low profile. The teacher is here as a ghost, and this is hidden very deeply. If we hadn't seen his photo, we would not have thought that the ghost was our teacher, but there are many ghosts here. Miscellaneous eyes, we have special identities, we can't deliberately approach him, so as not to be exposed."

Niu Ritian said: "Ziwen is right, we don't want to cause trouble for the teacher, and we have to cooperate with him, go to ridicule him, after all, we are Chen's apprentices, and the ghosts here are compared with the ghosts of the world and Teacher Chen, we You should show an attitude of hatred towards the bastard.”

"Ritian used his brain this time, so let's do this..."

In Miangui City, undercurrents surged.

Not long after Lin Chen settled down, Geng Fan Hall heard the news and stepped on the door.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

After all, Lin Chen was recruited by him, so naturally he would not ignore him.

After some earnest conversation, Ghost King Geng Fan left, and before leaving, he told Lin Chen that the city lord would come to see him after leaving the customs in three days.

Lin Chen had no objection to this, but nodded to express his understanding.

"Master Hunshigui, do you need to eat? If you want to eat, what kind of food do you need?"

A young man in the black uniform of Mianguicheng walked up to Lin Chen and said respectfully.

This ghost's name is Shen, and its strength is at the level of a fierce god. It is a servant arranged by Bu Shan for Lin Chen to help Lin Chen deal with some trivial matters.

"No need." Lin Chen said.


Shen nodded, then took two steps back, standing quietly at the side, nothing happened, he would basically never leave.

This is his real job.

Although he has not received any professional training, he is familiar with Miangui City and can also be used as a guide.

In order to stay in Miangui City, there are not many servant ghosts of his type. Compared with other servant ghosts, he is extremely excited and fortunate at this time.

The ghost of the world is in full swing, and following a ghost of this level is much more promising than following other ghosts. This is something that lies ahead.

Lin Chen took a look at Shen and said, "You don't have to be too cautious, you can do whatever you want."

Shen said: "My lord, after you enter this residence, my life belongs to you, I should not leave every step, and listen to your command."

Lin Chen smiled slightly, knowing that there is no need to persuade too much, everyone has their own rules, and there is no need for him to change them forcibly.

After thinking for a while, Lin Chen said, "After I entered the city, did any news spread in the city, especially about me."

Shen nodded, and then began to talk: "After you entered the city, you received the attention of all the powerful and powerful people in the city. Among them, the extreme ghosts, nightmare ghosts, perishing ghosts, and Yu, who originally belonged to Miangui City, all entered the city later. Said to fight you again."

"Actually, in Miangui City, there are two more powerful ghost kings than Master Yu. I am very interested in you."

When Lin Chen heard this, he couldn't help but sneered.

This was not on purpose, but on his current strength. Hearing that he was being targeted by the ghost king made him want to laugh inexplicably.

The more people who stare at me, the better, it is best to attack me in the middle of the night, these ghosts are worth old money.

Or drag me into that life-or-death arena, where I can beat them to death with an iron pan, and no one will say anything.

Perhaps, I should think of a way to stimulate them.

Lin Chen thought for a while, and then said, "Is there anything else?"

Shen Dao: "After Jidao Reggae Kai Lei Guijun learned about the matter between you and the Red family, he taught Kaichu Guijun a lesson, and apologized for Kaichu Guijun's attitude towards you before, as if he wanted to expose you. This matter is just..."

Lin Chen said, "Just what?"

Shen was a little hesitant, but in the end he gritted his teeth and said, "It's just that this ghost has a sinister and vicious character, and it's rumored in the city that he's just putting on an appearance."

He expressed his opinion, expressed his loyalty, and told the rumors in the city to show that he had only heard it, and he would not offend Lin Chen either right or wrong.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen smiled and said, "I don't know much about Miangui City, you can tell me your opinion, and I will refer to it."

Shen Xi said: "Thank you sir!"

He knew that his statement just now had greatly improved his status in the heart of Hunshigui, at least he had recognized him.

Lin Chen didn't pay too much attention to the matter of Kai Lei Guijun. Jidao expressed the existence of ghosts beyond the boundaries of his own species, which is indeed very rare.

For example, sword ghosts and water ghost kings, the existence of legendary ghost species that gather peerless ghost domains, can add the word "jidao" in front of the name of the ghost species.

This kind of ghost may be very strong, but in Lin Chen's eyes, it is just a high-quality species that can be sold for a lot of money.

Lin Chen said: "How many ghosts are competing for the spot in the Flower Sea on the other side, and where do they usually gather?"

Shen seemed to understand this very well, and replied directly without blinking:

"There are hundreds of ghost-level beings here, because among the ghosts, there is a limit of no more than two hundred years old, so the number of people coming is not too many."

Lin Chen nodded, he had heard of it.

His age is not very old, but it does not mean that these ghosts have lived for a long time.

Like the extreme ghosts and abyss ghosts of his same level, they have actually lived for decades or even hundreds of years.

Ghosts such as King Mu and King Yan have existed for more than three hundred years.

The reason why the Ghost Lord stays for a long time is because the Ghost Lord is no longer at this level.

Wanting to improve is already extremely slow, after all, a high-ranking junior high school can easily cost hundreds of thousands of ghost power.

In addition, after reaching the peak of the ghost king, it is necessary to continuously compress the ghost power to achieve the refining effect, which requires auxiliary tools and time.

The longer these ghost kings are compressed, the greater their future prospects, so generally they will not break through the level of ghost kings quickly.

When the opportunity is right, they will take the last step and step into the palace.

"There are two hundred ghost kings. All powerful ghost kings from all states and countries are present. They are all very powerful. It is said that there are some particularly powerful ghost kings whose talents are not weaker than those of extreme ghosts."

"The level of fierce gods is a little less. After all, in the Battle of Banjie Mountain, the ghosts on the potential list of fierce gods were almost killed by that person, so most of them are new fierce gods."

"As for the places where they usually gather, most of them are ghost power rooms, thunderstorm areas, dark fire fields and other places. Those are unique places in Miangui City and can enhance their strength, so many foreign ghosts have gathered."

Lin Chen nodded. He knew that these were only ghosts who were eligible to participate in the quota competition, and his aborigines and foreign servant ghosts were not counted at all.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of ghosts in this crown ghost city.

Bushan also told him about these three places, and recommended him to experience them as soon as possible, which might bring him a lot of improvement.

He naturally also remembered it in his heart.

Lin Chen thought for a while and said, "Take me out to have a look~www.readwn.com~Yes, my lord."

Lin Chen's residence is a manor, in the central area of ​​Miangui City, the geographical location is very superior, and the surrounding area is also very prosperous.

But today, the excitement here is even more lively than in the past.

After all, the news of Lin Chen living in this manor has already been known by many ghosts.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Either to join in the fun, or want to see this legendary ghost with my own eyes, or other thoughts.

At this time, a large number of ghosts had gathered in the nearby taverns and restaurants.

His eyes looked in the direction of the gate of the manor from time to time, as if he was expecting something.

At this moment, the closed door slowly opened.

Lin Chen's figure appeared, he stepped forward and walked out from the door.

The sound of the door opening was not loud, and Lin Chen's pace was also very calm, but at this moment, the entire street seemed to have stagnated for a moment.

The next moment, all the ghosts gathered here turned their gazes over, and they all looked at Lin Chen, their faces becoming very excited.

"The ghost of the world will not stop at home peacefully and wait for the opening of the sea of ​​flowers on the other side!"

"This is natural. After all, there are magical venues such as ghost power rooms and thunderstorm areas in Miangui City, which can enhance our overall strength."

"Which venue is the ghost going? I'm really looking forward to seeing how long a person of his level can last in those perverted venues."

All the ghosts talked one after another.

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