Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game

Chapter 364: : Night, can you compare with morning?

【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen glanced at the ghosts on the street, felt the Yin Qi and ghost power emanating from them, couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and walked forward slowly.

This place is no different than Blue Star, with distinct levels and status in all aspects, so there will not be that kind of star effect. Lin Chen will be surrounded by ghosts as soon as he comes out.

Looking at a group of ghosts like them from a distance, they are considered out of line.

"Master Ye, where are we going?" Shen asked.

"Ghost power room." Lin Chen spoke slowly. His voice was not loud, but the ghosts present had extraordinary hearing power, and they could all hear clearly.

Shen nodded, and then led the way.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, walked straight in the direction directed by Shen after he finished speaking.

The surrounding ghosts also dispersed when they heard the words.

After a while, the news that the Hunshigui was going to the Ghost Power Room spread throughout the entire Miangui City.

And Lin Chen walked into a super-large building as if strolling in a courtyard.

The internal activity area alone can accommodate thousands of ghosts, and it doesn't look crowded at all. In addition to the activity area, there are also ghost power rooms inside, which are the fields for ghosts to practice.

"The ghost is here! "

As soon as Lin Chen entered, a ghost recognized him.

They had already heard the news that Lin Chen was coming, so they weren't too surprised. Moreover, some ghosts who were not in the ghost room also came early after hearing the news.

At this time, hundreds of ghosts have gathered here.

Almost all ghost king level.

"Is this the ghost of the world? It's the same as in the portrait."

"In the legend, his strength is the existence that can compete with that morning."

"Struggling? The ghost of the world will definitely crush Chen. How can a human being be compared with the ghost of the world? It is an unprecedented perfect ghost land!"

"One morning and one night, is it predestined by God?"

Whether it was a male ghost or a female ghost, they all looked at Lin Chen with incomparably curious eyes.

The appearance of the ghost in the world will always make the ghosts think of a certain human being who makes the little ghost stop crying.

"Ye, you're finally here."

The extreme ghost walked out of the group of ghosts. He looked at Lin Chen with fighting intent in his eyes.

Lin Chen nodded with a smile, feeling a hint of surprise in his heart as he felt the ghostly breath.

Compared with the first time when he broke through the ghost king, the extremely ghost's breath was actually much thicker. Although it was not in the middle of the ghost king, it had obviously improved a lot.

"Ye." Yu also came out, nodding to Lin Chen, with the same fighting spirit in his eyes.

The previous battle had brought a great shock to his heart. He had tasted defeat for the first time, and it took him a long time to calm down. He worked hard and kept soaking himself in this ghost room. It is to enhance one's own strength and defeat the ghost of the world.

Seeing this, Lin Chen also showed a smile.

It's good to have the fighting spirit, I'm afraid that all of you will be scared and avoid me.

"Brother Ye."

Among the ghost crowd, a woman walked out. Her face was not beautiful, but her temperament was excellent. Just standing there, she overwhelmed many beautiful female ghosts.

This woman is none other than Mengka. She resumed her women's attire and looked at Lin Chen with brilliance in her eyes.


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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen laughed and nodded to Mengka.

This is one of the few ghosts in the field that he has a good impression of.

"Ghost, you came out of the dungeon so quickly, I don't know which dungeon you entered, how did you get?"

Another voice sounded, and a young man walked out from the crowd of ghosts. It was the nightmare ghost who hated Lin Chen because of his love for Mengka.

There was Infinity Ghost standing beside him, but compared to Nightmare Ghost, Infinity Ghost just greeted Lin Chen with a smile and didn't say much.

"It's just an ordinary four-star dungeon. The boss is just a ghost king. If he couldn't stop me, I came out." Lin Chen said concisely.

He didn't say anything about the deserted village. After all, there are ghost women in the horror world on the Blue Star side, so there are women in the horror world in the Blue Star.

Although Blue Star has sealed the details about the details, the big event that Chen entered the deserted village and brought out two hundred four-star players cannot be hidden at all, and it will definitely be introduced into the horror world.

And what he said was as low-key as possible.

However, even so, his words still made the ghosts present gasp.

The difficulty of the four-star dungeon is not low. Among them, some ghosts may not even be able to deal with ordinary native ghosts, let alone the dungeon boss.

The calmer Lin Chen's tone was, the more unpredictable Lin Chen was in their hearts.

This is related to the dazzling halo of the ghost.

"Hey! As expected of a ghost, even four-star dungeons are so common in his mouth, what kind of strength is he now?"

"I have news that on the way here, the Hunshigui used an iron pot to clean up eight ghost kings and seven fierce gods. One of the ghost kings is already at the peak of ghost power, and half of his feet are about to be sold. The kind that is in the realm of the ghost king, but is still crushed by the ghosts of the world."

"It's too strong. This kind of strength is probably invincible among the ghost kings. Even that human will not be the opponent of the ghost."

All the ghosts talked a lot, and some female ghosts looked at Lin Chen even more brilliantly.

The Nightmare Ghost's expression darkened slightly. He just wanted to check on Lin Chen's situation, but Lin Chen's nonchalant answer made Lin Chen even more dazzling in front of the ghosts.

Especially when he saw Mengka looking at Lin Chen with strange eyes, he felt jealous in his heart, and finally he couldn't help but sneered and said:

"Brother Ye, you are indeed powerful, but I have a piece of news that the person from Blue Star has recently entered the dungeon, and that dungeon is a deserted village where no ghosts have ever escaped, but that person, more than Cleared the level strongly and brought back more than 200 human players. What kind of strength he is now has become a mystery. The ghosts here are comparing you with Chen Xiang... What Mengmai wants to ask is, is this kind of monster? Brother Ye, is he really confident of defeating the human race?"

The nightmare ghost's words immediately made Lin Chen and Mengka look at each other subconsciously, and they both saw a trace of strangeness in each other's eyes.

And all the ghosts around were in an uproar in an instant.

"What? Chen actually entered the deserted village and came out alive?"

"Is this a monster? Even a deserted village can be broken."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"This kind of human... can you really defeat the ghost-sama?"

All the ghosts exclaimed and looked at Lin Chen expectantly.

Lin Chen couldn't help being weird in his heart.

Do I have the confidence to beat myself?

How to compare? Rock in the left hand and scissors in the right?

Among the ghost crowd, Jigui also stared closely at Lin Chen's face.

A certain figure that has been lingering in his mind came to mind.

If it is said that his loss to Ye was an instant kill.

Then when he lost to Chen, it was an all-round crush.

Although the length of the battle was different, he knew that Chen hadn't used all his strength at all. If the last palm had been aimed directly at him at the very beginning, he would still have no way to resist that blow.

For him, the psychological haze caused by that battle was not small. If the uncle who returned from the mysterious place hadn't given him confidence and hope, he might not be able to get out of it in this life.

Even the so-called taboo-level dungeon of Huangcun came out this morning. This kind of strength can be called terrifying.

He also wanted to see if Ye had the confidence to defeat Chen in Ye's eyes.

Lin Chen thought for a while, and finally he spoke.

He set up according to the ghost of the world: "He may be very strong, but I never have any opponent in my eyes. As for the deserted village, if I go in, I can come out safely."

As soon as these words came out, all the ghosts couldn't help but gasp.

Ji Gui's heart trembled violently.

They were still discussing whether the Hunshigui could defeat the ghost Tu Chen, but the Hunshigui didn't take Chen seriously at all.

Chen single-handedly defeated the existence of Tianjiao of the ghost clan.

In the Battle of Banjie Mountain, the number of ghosts Chen killed was hard to count.

Killed the ghost king, slaughtered the war zone, forcibly killed the ghost king as the master of the dungeon, destroyed the entire body of Mingxun Palace, and exploded the dungeon, blowing up the hand of the eight-star fortune ghost ghost.

Now it has even passed the deserted village, a taboo dungeon where the death rate is 100%, and no ghost has ever successfully left.

This kind of record and strength can only be described as against the sky.

But the ghost is not afraid at all.

what is this?

It is the heart of the strong, the meaning of invincibility, and the aura of self-respect and invincibility inherent in the truly peerless strong.

Make ghosts admire and admire!

Some female ghosts even looked at Lin Chen affectionately, and boldly began to wink.

"Master Hunshigui said, it's only one morning, in front of the perfect ghost domain of Hunshigui, maybe he can be killed with one blow."

"It's scary to clear the deserted village, but it doesn't mean that Mr. Hunshigui can't do it!"

"It's a pity that Lord Hunshigui didn't show up in the Banjie Mountain, otherwise how could Chen's madness be tolerated?"

"I really hope for the day when Lord Hunshi will fight Chen!"

All the ghosts spoke ~www.readwn.com~ with a very respectful tone.

At this moment, a hearty voice suddenly sounded.

"Is this the appearance of the ghost of the world? It really is worthy of the legend of the ghost of the world. Ye, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Outside the door, five figures appeared.

It's three men and two women.

"Is this Ye? Hehe, apart from being handsome, there is nothing special about it."

"Brother Ye, I have admired the name for a long time, and I finally saw it today!"

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

They looked at Lin Chen, and they smiled and said, seemingly eager, but their eyes were full of fighting spirit.

When the ghosts saw the appearance of the five ghosts, they immediately exclaimed.

"It's Tianhuang and Earth Demon, as well as the Giant God of Yuechi Country and the Sky Demon Sisters of Moying Kingdom."

"They are all veteran ghost kings, and they haven't come out these days."

"It seems that Ye's appearance has finally attracted the attention of these peerless ghost kings."

Lin Chen knew the identities of the five ghosts through the conversations with the surrounding ghosts.

In fact, Shen also gave him a brief introduction to him before, so he is not completely unfamiliar.

"Very good ghost power."

Feeling the power of the ghosts, Lin Chen thought so.

These ghosts are indeed rare powerhouses among the ghost kings. At least, he has almost never felt such a powerful wave of ghost power from the ghost king.

Even though Lin Chen is the king of ghosts now, he has to admit that these ghosts can definitely be sold at a very good price.

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