Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 192: :effort

The place to eat is called Sanqianli Barbecue.

There are only two stops away from Su Qingyue’s home. Su Qingyue originally planned to take a taxi, but it is now in a traffic jam.

He decided to walk.

In the evening in Pingjing, even if you don't take a car, you still feel crowded.

In short, not so cheerful.

The wind is not strong, but the air is good, and people are in a hurry.

The bus stop sign at the intersection was also an advertisement for the movie "Kung Fu". People stood there to avoid the wind, shaking from time to time.

At this time, most people can only choose to look at the billboard and then the mobile phone.

Suddenly remembered that on the day of the buffet, Jiang Zhengshang also discussed the movie with Xiao Yu because of this.

I don't know if they went to see it later.

Su Qingyue realized that the propagation path of this kind of advertisement is the same as that of the LCD screen in the elevator.

Then one bus after another drove by, still the advertisement of "Kung Fu", completely bombing.

Su Qingyue walked all the way, passing by two bus stops, both have this situation.

A very important solution is taking shape in my mind.

After passing the Microsoft Building, passing two or three intersections before finally arriving at the hotel.

Su Qingyue knows this is a chain brand with branches in dozens of cities across the country.

Last time I went back to Nandu with Amou, he had seen this brand in Nandu.

Sometimes, Amu and his unit also meet here.

Su Qingyue entered, the hall was huge. Although it hasn't reached the peak of dinner, the restaurant is full.

I reported my private room number: Jiangnan.

Slightly surprised, he was thinking on the way, why the Korean restaurant has a private room called Gangnam.

The waiter led him through the lobby and knocked on the door to enter.

Just when Yue Lindao came in, he was about to hang the woolen coat on the hanger.

Seeing Su Qingyue, he greeted: "How did you come?"


"Not far from here, right?"

"It's very close, it's in the university town." Su Qingyue said, "less than one stop away from the company."

The two exchanged greetings.

Su Qingyue found that Yue Lindao was a bit dark and felt a little tired.

He was wearing a red polo shirt, with a cigarette in his hand as usual.

While talking, Jiao Kejun and Chen Ting also came in within a few minutes.

As soon as I entered, I sighed that Pingjing was colder than last year this year.

Greeting with Su Qingyue and Yue Lindao.

Jiao Kejun is dressed in sportswear today, not like a boss, but like an athlete.

Su Qingyue and Chen Ting also said hello.

Chen Ting said with a smile: "After Gameyoung is over, everyone hasn't been able to take care of it. I heard that you are on vacation, and Mr. Jiao said, let's get together. It's not easy to get a rest." She hung her coat on the hanger. Go on? Sit down with everyone.

Su Qingyue discovered that everyone tried their best to avoid what happened to them.

Take a vacation.

He felt that there was no need to deliberately do this.

It just so happened that Yue Lindao said at this time: "Qingyue, finally take a vacation? Everyone should have a good drink."

Su Qing laughed: "Isn't it a vacation? It's just suspension of work to reflect and wait for investigation." He said: "The company encounters such a report? It needs to be checked. Don't hide from me, I am not that vulnerable."

What did he say? Yue Lindao and Jiao Kejun looked at each other for a moment.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Yue Lindao took the lead: "What do you think I am talking about? No need to avoid it. Don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts. If Qingyue does this, he will be knocked down, and he will not be confused in the future. No contrarian? ."

He laughed.

Su Qingyue also recognized this.

Always feel that facing a difficult situation? Shouldn't you give up halfway, sinking into loss of hope.

Because not only will it not solve the problem, but it will put people in a greater predicament.

Jiao Kejun then said the cause and effect.

It turned out that Chen Ting was worried that Su Qingyue would be hit and asked them to be as gentle as possible.

Jiao Kejun thought the reminder was right, so he paid a little attention.

Su Qing was even more grateful? Then he said: "There is nothing to be in a bad mood, and there is no need to take special care. There are some things that you did not do well? You have to reflect. Self-pity is a waste of time."

When he said this, everyone was more relaxed.

Asked about his current progress.

Yue Lindao said? This kind of thing actually happened in the industry before.

It is to use the so-called unspoken rules and information asymmetry for personal gain.

Will the people not pursue officials or investigate? In the end, nothing is left.

Then everyone sat down.

Yue Lindao took the main seat.

Jiao Kejun and Su Qing were sitting on both sides.

The waiter came in with the menu.

The menu is very heavy? Holding the heavy one? Yue Lindao had to put it on the table.

While ordering food, he said: "Everyone has a drink. Usually busy, it is not easy to get together. Especially Kejun, he took the investment, it sounds good, but the pressure must be even greater." He smiled again. Asked Su Qingyue: "How is your Hualuo's "Fengshen World"? Has the public beta time been set?"

"It's set." Su Qingyue replied without saying the specific time.

Yue Lindao and Jiao Kejun did not ask either.

Continue to order, in addition to pork belly, lamb chops and beef, Yuelindao also ordered kimchi.

If it was not enough, Jiao Kejun said to the waiter again: "Here is a piece of Su Ziye."

"Mixed with Suzi leaves?"


Jiao Kejun nodded and introduced him to school in Harbin.

There is a fresh classmate in the class. Every time he comes back from home, he will bring a jar of Suzi leaves.

Some wine was ordered after a while.

They ordered two bottles of Erguotou, and Chen Ting was still red wine.

Jiao Kejun said to Su Qingyue: "Qingyue, you can comfort Mr. Yue today."

"What's wrong?" Su Qing asked curiously, looking at Yue Lindao.

"He has always regretted losing your agency for "Fengshen World"."

When Jiao Kejun said so, Su Qing knew about it.

"Fengshen World" was signed by Wangqi last week.

The bidding of Lindao Software was unsuccessful, and Su Qingyue hurriedly said: "Today, I will accompany you well."

Yue Lindao waved his hand and said, "I won't be sad, but I took the initiative to withdraw."

"Proactive?" Su Qing became more curious.

Yue Lindao nodded, "Now the channel competition is too fierce and it has evolved into a capital game. Many times it is driven up by subsidies. After a long time, it is not you who die or die, but both sides will lose out."

Yue Lindao continued: "And taking this opportunity, I'm also reflecting on it. Is this form of channel card shop that hurts the people and money really adapts to the development of the Internet? So instead of being robbed, it is better to give up."

Listening to him, Su Qingyue thinks it makes sense.

The root of competition can never be to hurt both sides.

Zhizhi is the entrepreneur.

Have a new understanding of Yue Lindao.

As everyone said, the dishes and meat are here.

The wine was urged twice before it came up~www.ltnovel.com~ Yue Lindao suggested: "Don't use the wine dispenser in Erguotou, and drink it generously with a cup."

Everyone agrees to fill a glass of wine.

Say a good drink of seven.

There are waiters to help them barbecue.

Yue Lindao picked up the cup and said, “Even the new year has passed in the solar calendar. Let’s celebrate the new year, and pay respects to the old age and the early years.” He said, paused, and said: “Zhu Kejun Step by step, focus software business is booming; Qingyue, step by step; Chen Ting, a beautiful lady, must be younger and younger, and will always be 18 years old."

"I also wish Mr. Yue a prosperous business." Su Qingyue said.

Everyone joked, clinked glasses for a drink.

Then the waiter puts the roasted meat in the baking tray.

They started talking again.

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