Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 193: : Military Theory

The barbecue is delicious.

Especially dip it in a little Korean hot sauce and wrap it with lettuce leaves or sesame leaves.

In this way, there is not only the refreshing of vegetables, but also the strong aroma of grilled meat and spicy sauce.

Chen Ting often comes at a glance and is skilled in her movements. Turn the roast upside down and cut it with scissors.

Set aside, and clamp other beef.

The waiter was asked to change the baking tray halfway.

Su Qingyue found that he was very comfortable.

Although I prefer Jiangnan cuisine, the barbecue with Erguotou makes it really comfortable this winter.

With half a catty of wine in my stomach, everyone said more.

The sky is all over the world.

Jiao Kejun took a bite of pork belly and talked about his days in the United States. Saying that he has a Korean friend, tell them that they rarely eat pork belly there. "I thought he was joking and teasing us." Jiao Kejun said, "But I went to investigate later and found out that this was unexpected. it is true."

Everyone was shocked to hear this.

Only Su Qingyue didn't think there was anything. After all, he had been in contact with Cui Chengyou several times. Knowing that in Seoul, a kilo of beef costs more than 700 yuan, and half a fish costs hundreds of dollars. Just not interested in this aspect, he brought the topic back to the industry and said: "This year A3 will be available."

"It's more than A3, and "World for Hegemony." Jiao Kejun said.

"The agent talked down?" Yue Lindao asked curiously.

"If there are no accidents, it should be Qicai." Jiao Kejun said: "Their harsh conditions are said to have been accepted by President Liu. In this case, the future market will definitely be Qicai and Tiancheng Shengshi contending for the boss. Maybe Qicai does well and can surpass Tiancheng. ."

Listening to him, Su Qing realized that the company's decision was right. "Fengshen World" must be launched in Q1, otherwise the cost of promotion will rise sharply when encountering these two strong opponents, and the effect will definitely be compromised.

"In fact, I think Mr. Yue, you are right for not taking "The World of Conferred Gods"." Jiao Kejun said again.

Yue Lindao raised his eyebrows, "Oh?"

Jiao Kejun said: "I had always been optimistic about Hualuo, but "Fengshen World" disappointed me. This is definitely a game with backward technology and traditional gameplay. Hualuo's operation is a bit fascinating this time." Feeling: "I don't know how to rejuvenate Qingyue with such a game."

After he spoke, Yue Lindao didn't answer.

But Su Qingyue felt that this must be one of the reasons why President Yue did not win the agency.

Yue Lindao, as an industry leader? It is impossible not to see the problem.

I recognized Jiao Kejun in my heart. Su Qingyue feels that this kind of game was no problem a year ago.

But today, it's a little bit powerless.

The gaming industry is an industry with extremely fast technological iterations? A slight delay? It will lag behind its opponents.

As he was thinking about it, Yue Lindao asked curiously: "Qingyue? Do you have any ideas about "The World of Conferred Gods" now?"

"Yes." Su Qing responded cleanly.

"Can it turn decay into magic?" Jiao Kejun asked.

"I can only say that according to my plan, the effect is predictable? There is no problem if it reaches the top three in the industry in the short term. Of course I agree with Mr. Jiao? The product itself is indeed conservative. After users come in, if R&D can be the first time Quickly iterate based on user feedback, then the life cycle will continue. Otherwise..." He laughed and repeated the direction of the plan in his heart? Did not say it.

"Top three in the industry?"

Both Jiao Kejun and Yue Lindao were taken aback.

The next moment? Jiao Kejun didn't speak any more, obviously he didn't believe it.

At this time, Yue Lindao changed the subject: "Qingyue, the handwriting you gave to Jiao is now hanging in his office. You can check it someday."

"Mr Jiao? I'm showing love." Su Qingyue hurriedly toasted.

"It's not to show love, but I really like it." Jiao Kejun said: "Especially who is the enemy of the heroes of the world? This sentence is magnificent. I hang it in the office and can see it as soon as I enter the door." He said? Also need a Lu Su? Just like Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei and Guo Jia to Prime Minister Cao."

They both said toast.

Then everyone talked about the Three Kingdoms? From the Three Kingdoms, they talked about shopping malls like battlefields.

Su Qingyue put forward: It is necessary to learn from military theory in many aspects? Learning strategy and tactics.

"Qingyue, do you still like this?" Yue Lindao asked him.

"I like it very much," Su Qingyue replied: "In an era, the most avant-garde theory must be military theory, not commercial theory. Because business wins or loses cost money, and military wins or loses is fatal. Obviously, military theory is better than commercial theory. It is more avant-garde. We use military theory to do business, which is also a differential attack of tactical play."

This is what Su Qingyue has been pondering recently. Su Qingyue's preference for military subjects has been cultivated since childhood.

"This is right." Jiao Kejun agreed.

"I think a company's department is a military unit. The upper level of the company must study the strategic direction, and the next step is to implement it seriously." Su Qingyue said: "Since the company has set the top three goals, then my task is to think Do everything possible to achieve, instead of complaining."

He said nothing.

Jiao Kejun yelled involuntarily: Good!

Then he said excitedly: "This is the responsible executive. I envy Hualuo. Even if Chen Feng leaves temporarily, there are still talents like Qingyue. They understand the market, dare to fight, and don't shrink. "Feng Shen Even if the world is mediocre, with such a person, there will be results above the average line. This is also the scary place of big companies."

"Then we wish "The World of Conferred Gods" successfully hit the top three in the industry." Chen Ting interrupted at this time.

The four people laughed, and when they toasted, Jiao Kejun said again: Our focus is not good at this aspect. Everyone is doing research and development and is not sufficiently aware of the market. The product itself is very good, and word-of-mouth response can also be seen. But to this day, market feedback is still not popular. "

He sighed, Yue Lindao was holding the cup, blushing, and said, "So you are still a short Su Qingyue."

"Yes, there is only one Su Qingyue, but this person is too difficult to find."

Jiao Kejun smiled and drank with everyone.

Listen to everyone talking.

Su Qing understood their meaning better, but his current mind was not in this aspect at all.

Don't know when to find Chang Ming.

What are the causes and consequences of this incident?

If you don't figure this out, you won't be able to return to the company, and it's not just "Fengshen World" that will die.

And yourself.

He was upset and caught his mouth.

Jiao Kejun casually said: "Why does that name Chang Ming do this? Well, the industry is considered a somewhat capable person. After doing this, how will he get confused in the future? I don't quite understand his motives."

"I don't understand either." Su Qingyue frowned.

Chen Ting followed: "This kind of thing can be regarded as an unspoken rule of the industry. Rebates always exist. Especially in traditional industries. For the company, it is a default expense, and sales usually cost more for entertainment. Only the money goes out. Whenever he got it, he opened his eyes and closed his eyes, and everyone was tacitly aware. But this time it was really strange, the quota was so large, and it was impossible for Chang Ming to report himself..."

As everyone said, Yue Lindao suddenly said: "It may be gambling or..."

"Gambling...?" The four people were startled ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Only this situation could explain, otherwise he didn't need to ruin himself for this little money. "Yue Lindao said.

"That's gambling. I owe loan sharks outside." Jiao Kejun said.

Su Qingyue thinks it makes sense logically.

But what is the cause of the reporter?

Su Qing thought about it, and the four continued to drink.

They talked about the future of the game market.

Yue Lindao was also happy, saying that he would work hard in the direction of the game in the future, and everyone can work together.

After nine o'clock, they drank two bottles and didn't ask for them.

Chen Ting drove them back home separately.

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