Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 197: : Poor parents in the world

They went to Guijie.

Hu Da's spicy crayfish is always the best choice.

Jiang Zhengshang said that this event is worth celebrating and must be treated.

He called Zhou Ziyou and Haohao Sister again.

Also promised to reimburse the fare for everyone.

Looking at him, Su Qingyue suddenly remembered the words of his elders: You have not yet become a parent, you still don't understand.

Suddenly understand now.

The product is Jiang Zhengshang's child.

It is a kind of unrequited feeling, mixed with too much pain, cherishing, cherishing, pleasure, expectation and other high-level biochemical reactions, even telepathy.

Deep and complicated, it seems superficial and pale to describe it in any language.

Su Qingyue looked at Jiang Zhengshang, even a little moved and a little envious. .

The entrance of a bite of crayfish, although it is winter.

It's not the season of spicy crayfish, but Hu Da's crayfish still keep the meat firm.

Spicy and delicious.

Even people like Su Qingyue who don't like spicy food still find it delicious.

It's just that the shrimp meat is a bit small. The more Su Qing saw that everyone was busy peeling it off, and he didn't care about drinking.

He laughed.

Looking out the window, there was traffic and people in the night.

Suddenly feel exhausted.

Next to him, Jiang Zhengshang took off the plastic gloves and said to him, "I will go to the boss tomorrow morning."

"No, Liu Yinsheng will look for him."

"Liu Yinsheng is looking for Liu Yinsheng, and I have to look for it. "Fengshen World" can't go on like this." Jiang Zhengshang said: "It must return to the center of the interactive entertainment market, and only then can it improve." He said nothing. After drinking the wine, he added: "This matter is not only for the company, but more important for myself."

"I see."

Su Qingyue also drank the wine in the cup.

He was surprised to find that he couldn't get enough to return to Hualuo.

The original feeling of anger turned into anger disappeared.

There are other things in his mind now.

Some guilt.

He and Jiang Zhengshang continued to toast again.

The latter said: "Brother, "The World of Conferred Gods" is pleased to you, you have to hurry up."

"Why are you like this?" Xiao Yu interjected next to him: "It is for this that we are with you, so that Brother Yue and us came out? Otherwise, if there is no plan, we will not be ignored, right?" She laughed. As I said, in a joking tone, everyone could tell Xiao Yu was upset.

Jiang Zhengshang also realized that he had passed.

Hastened to apologize to Su Qing Yue with a cup.

Su Qingyue said: "In fact, how to deal with, has long been prepared."


"Yes, I prepared it with them." Su Qingyue said, "During the day, they have to cooperate with Guan You against their will, and at night they have to discuss the plan of "The World of Conferred Gods". They often do it at two or three o'clock. I can sleep in the morning, but They still have to go to work." At this point, he grew up and said: "Old Jiang, you should thank them."

"Xiaoyu, why don't you say it?"

"What's the use of saying it? Can it change anything?" Xiao Yuyu, his eyes briefly looked at Su Qingyue? But he accidentally touched Amu? He immediately retracted, and said: "It doesn't matter if we sleep a little longer? But Brother Yue Make a good sister while suffering unjustified injustice? While making plans for you, this is the most difficult."

Jiang Zhengshang is listening? His face was red because of drinking? Now it is even redder.

Hurry up and serve the cup? Face your sister to apologize.

And said to Su Qingyue: "Brother, don't mind, I'm really stressed."

"I understand, you said that time." Su Qingyue also took the cup.

An understanding from the bottom of your heart? The two drank it.

The relationship is obviously one step closer.

During this period, Su Qingyue discovered that Xiao Yu's eyes always stayed on Jiang Zhengshang.

At first he wondered, is this true love?

But later it was discovered that she was just avoiding Amu's eyes.

After a while, everyone talked about Chang Ming.

Jiang Zhengshang said: "It's really useless. I really didn't expect that a superintendent of competition and cooperation? It turned out to be that way."

My sister sighed with emotion and recalled: "What was it like then? I didn't even recognize it."

Zhou Ziyou said: "If this kind of person is me, I will beat him up? Cheating my boss and sister."

Su Qing laughed more and patted him on the shoulder.

He looked at the time? He reminded: "Brothers? Should we go back? We still have to go to work tomorrow. If the promotion of "Feng Shen World" returns to us, the rest of the day will be very busy."

When he said so, everyone agreed.

Drink a toast with wine.

When everyone left, they gave up time alone to Jiang Zhengshang and Xiao Yu.

My sister and Zhou Ziyou took a taxi and left because they dropped in.

Su Qingyue and Amou were walking down the street.

The cold wind in the winter night in Pingjing wakes up the wine.

There were still a lot of pedestrians on the road, and Su Qingyue only then felt a little bit of Nandu's nightlife.

Ami took his arms and sighed with emotion: "Will that pass be dealt with?"

"If the investigation does have a problem, it should be. But now I don't care about this." Su Qingyue told the truth.

"do not care?"

"Even if he is dealt with, he can't solve the problems of my life." Su Qingyue said: "I don't think about these now, but my future..."

"Have you agreed to focus?" Amu asked.

"No. I'm just thinking about passing this matter. I'm thinking about how much space I have in ChinaNet."

"I've arrived at the director, so it's hard to go up, right?"

"This matter is not difficult or not." Su Qingyue said, continuing to move forward, sorting out his thoughts, and then adding: "But if you want to develop in this industry, you must contact R&D and go deep into products. But now I I couldn’t get in touch, and something like this happened again. It’s really..."

"I see."

"Compared with Hualuo, the focus is on a small company, both in terms of resources and channels. But this is a step I must take, and the future may be more difficult than it is now." He said, suddenly stopping, affectionately Looking at him, "Amu, if you fail, can you accept it?"

"I never thought about success." Amu sighed helplessly, and asked again: "But what about "Feng Shen World"?"

"I haven't figured it out yet," Su Qingyue said: "The general purpose is to do a good job. I must ensure the success of "Feng Shen World", fight back, achieve the goal, and achieve the top three position in the industry. This is not for Do it for others, but for myself."

"I understand." Amu nodded seriously.

After a while, they took a taxi back.

Su Qingyue had already fully understood.

No matter whether you go to the focus or not ~www.ltnovel.com~, you must complete "The World of Conferred Gods".

When I got home, I had no sense of wine.

If she couldn't sleep at all, she let Amu sleep first.

He turned on the computer and carefully checked his thoughts.

He was confident that there was no problem with this plan before lying down.

Ami hugged him and said, "Go to sleep, I'm so happy today."

Su Qing laughed more.

I closed my eyes, but found that I was always wandering between Hualuo and Focus Software.

Thinking of meeting Jiao Kejun in a few afternoons.

He began to use what to talk about and how to talk to get rid of the dissatisfaction and contradiction with Hualuo.

Then fell asleep slowly.

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