Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 198: : Chen Feng's phone

On the coldest day of January, Su Qingyue returned to Hualuo.

It was still snowing the day before.

The next day, the sky was clear and there was not even a trace of white clouds.

Only the dry branches of the cold wind were left, which made a loud noise.

Yesterday, Chen Feng called Su Qingyue and said clearly.

The interactive entertainment market center continues to be responsible for the promotion of "Fengshen World".

Furthermore, let Su Qingyue report directly to Tian Lei.

Finally, he told Su Qingyue: "After the company's investigation, it was discovered that Guan Er did instruct his cousin, but this is not the biggest problem. The biggest thing is that he has set off a bad atmosphere in the company, making everyone only for his own department. The interests of the company are not considered by the company. After some specific investigations are completed, the company will have specific handling opinions and will have a clear statement for you personally. But I hope you will take the overall situation into consideration and grasp the specific work first."

Su Qingyue listened, he was actually not interested in how Guan Er was.

But Chen Feng told him, "The internal opinion of the company on Guan Er is to expel, and Jia Naixiang is demoted."

"He got involved with this too?" Su Qingyue asked.

"You go to the Chalu Teahouse. Jia Naixiang should have said it. But this is not a problem, his mistake is the same as Guan Er."

"There is only oneself in the eyes, no collective, right?"

"Yes." Chen Feng said, "Now you understand why Jia Naixiang's promotion report always fails?"


Su Qingyue nodded, realizing Jia Naixiang's problem.

He cares too much about himself, everything is only for himself.

Finally, he asked Chen Feng when he would return.

Chen Feng said it was almost time.

He didn't say the specific time, it sounded bad, and someone in the room was coughing.

The next day, the sky was not fully lit.

The harder Su Qing opened his eyes, he was a little uncomfortable getting up early.

Last night, he went to bed after four o'clock excited.

It's harder to get up at 7 o'clock now than to climb to the sky.

As a last resort, wash your face with cold water after getting up.

When I went out, the cold wind blew on my face like a knife.

The champion cake is still there.

Su Qingyue moved from a distance.

When he came to the front, the boss smiled and asked him: "I haven't seen you for a while."

"I haven't gotten up early recently." Su Qingyue said.

"It's better if you don't get up early, so happy." He laughed, and saw the state of the cake in the stove. He said something and he would get better immediately, and then said: "The sick will get up early. I tell you, I want to be like you Culture, rich, I am sure to lie at home every day. Drinking, sleeping? A lot of energy..."

Haven't finished talking? His wife gave him the back of his head and said, "Do you work? You can't stop your mouth with anything."

The lady boss suddenly gave him the back of his head.

The boss doesn't speak now? Give him the champion cake for a while.

After only one bite, I felt that the once fighting spirit was slowly returning.

Just Dongshan came out.

In his car? Dongshan, as always, a gangster, drove in an unbelievable way.

Send him to the unit soon.

Look at the watch? It's only a little over eight.

Everyone probably hasn't come yet.

He got on the elevator? He felt that everything was new and familiar.

Back at the work station, I suddenly found that there was a cup of steaming green tea on the table.

He subconsciously wondered? Who did it for himself?

There is no one on the other workstations.

Then there was applause? The door of the meeting room opened.

Zhou Ziyou and Qi Xiaopang applauded, followed by Haohao's sister and Xiao Yu.

"Boss, we know that you will come early, specially come earlier than you."

He held the cup in his hand, slightly hot and then put it down.

Zhou Ziyou explained: "Sister Xiao Yu? Made it specially for you. Good sister and boyfriend sent the tea from Lin'an."

"Thank you." Su Qingyue first turned his gaze and nodded to her earnestly. Then he said, "I have been wronged."

"It's nothing, as long as the result is good."

Zhou Ziyou also introduced: "This water is not ordinary water? It's the Nongfu Spring we bought specially outside."

"Thank you." Su Qingyue was really moved.

Everyone chatted again.

After a while, Sheng Tiancheng also came? He smiled and said to him? Have a drink together recently.

Everyone is talking and laughing.

The previous atmosphere was restored, Su Qingyue sat down, just catching up with Jia Naixiang in.

The two looked at each other for a moment.

The latter's gaze instantly shifted away, but soon came back and said, "Is it resolved?"

"Yeah." Su Qingyue nodded politely.

"That's good." He nodded.

He walked to his desk and sat down without speaking much.

Since yesterday, Jia Naixiang has stopped talking in the group.

Su Qingyue didn't think there was anything, and he didn't deliberately conceal or avoid anything.

The handling of Jia Naixiang is a corporate act.

I am not interested at all. Not surprisingly, the company will announce a new department manager today.

Su Qingyue recommended Zhou Ziyou yesterday.

After that, his QQ rang, and after looking over it, he found that it was the person in charge.

The content is simple, let him go to Tian Lei's office.

In the past, Tian Lei was calling.

He was still in the suit, talking about cooperation.

Then the secretary came in from outside and poured a cup of tea for Su Qingyue for the first time.

Su Qingyue sat down.

Tian Lei hung up the phone, then turned around and smiled: "I'm wronged."

"This is good, and it's a test for myself." Su Qingyue replied.

"There is no way. If the company wants to develop in the long-term, it cannot be without discipline." He explained: "We received such a fragmented report at the time, and the words were conclusive. It is impossible not to investigate. Otherwise, let others think about it. . After all, you are not alone, there are others."

"I see."

Su Qingyue nodded, not taking this matter to heart.

In the next moment, Tian Lei did not continue on this topic.

Then he said: "Do you know everything about "Feng Shen World"?"

"Old **** told me."

"Guan'er's plan is still good when it was put in the past, but at this time, it is obviously out of date." He said: "Our data is very poor and we need new ideas and new paths. In this regard, you must pay close attention to it because of the open beta. The time will not change, nor will the established plan."

"Okay." Su Qingyue said.

"How long can you give me a plan?"

"It's all right this afternoon."

"Afternoon?" Tian Lei was startled, very shocked.

"The plan is ready, UU read www.uukanshu.com but I have to have a meeting to make sure again." Su Qingyue said.

Tian Lei laughed, said nothing, just nodded appreciatively.

His eye circles were still dark, and Su Qing was used to it. Knowing that he always sleeps late and wakes up early.

Su Qing realized that the days of leisure had passed.

I have to spend all my time.

It was agreed that the company's executive meeting would be held at 2:30 in the afternoon, and Su Qingyue left his office.

After walking a few steps, I saw Guan Er's workstation where two people were sealing up his computer.

He stood with his face gray.

Several colleagues all stayed away, for fear of involving themselves.

Su Qingyue saw him as if he hadn't seen him, and returned to his desk with a cold face.

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