Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 199: :King's return

  "The theme of our project is "Five Thousand Years of Mythology".

   At 2:30, Su Qingyue was in the VIP room on time. He described the plan he had prepared for many days and waited for many days.

   He has made up his mind in his heart. This may be the last time he has elaborated a plan in ChinaNet.

   "Feng Shen World" will be his final battle here.

   is not as worried as the first time.

"Our mythological system is roughly divided into the Buddhist mythological system represented by "Journey to the West"; the Daoist mythological system represented by "Fengshen Bang"; and the historical mythological system based on Yan and Huang myths. In the rendering of the cultural atmosphere, we believe that "The World of Conferred Gods" is more in line with the oriental aesthetic value orientation."

   As the beginning, Su Qingyue is gentle and powerful.

   Tian Lei's face didn't change much, and he tapped the table top with his fingertips.

   On his side is Hou Lili, general manager of Wangqi, the exclusive agent of "Fengshen World".

   On the other side is Jiang Zhengshang.

   Today Lijun and Sheng Tiancheng are also here.

  There are also executives from other departments of the company.

   They all waited happily for Su Qingyue’s wonderful plan to rejuvenate.

   But after hearing the subject, they frowned and even shook their heads involuntarily.

   thinks this is far behind the concept of the first year of martial arts.

   Even Jiang Zhengshang cast an worried look.

   But Su Qingyue didn't care too much.

   He didn't dwell on the subject.

Instead, he changed the conversation and said: "Now the theme is secondary because the media has changed. The overall market environment was a seller's market before, and the same launch and announcement can achieve the largest scale of customer acquisition on the Internet. Now it’s completely different. A large number of products are launched and hot money is pouring in. The network space has become very crowded, and the user conversion rate has dropped sharply. The widescreen banner on the homepage of the competition was originally 3-5 random rotations, but now it is 60 rotations..."

   he said.

   Although Li Jun, product director, does not understand marketing, he does understand data.

   He knows very well that Guan Er's plan is useless.

   immediately realized that Su Qingyue was different.

The latter continued: "After our analysis, we found that due to time, space, and conditions, more user groups are not online. From the plane to the network, the existing transmission path is essentially based on traditional coverage, optimized and mining Yes. A large number of silent users are not in this range. Therefore, we believe that there must be a breakthrough in Fengshen, a fundamental path to change."

   He said this to set the tone for the plan.

   Then everyone realized, where is Su Qingyue's ambition.

   There are people who are knowledgeable, and their attitudes are immediately different.

   Although Tian Lei is calm on the surface, there are waves in his heart.

   He realized that Su Qingyue was right, and that the mistake of Guan Ning's plan was not the theme but the path.

  The spirit is refreshed, look at Hou Lili.

   The latter is also clearly aware of the change and sits upright.

   Su Qingyue said again: "This time our theme development is different from that of "The World of Martial Arts". We will change the propaganda path. The original network is mainly used, and it is changed to go online and offline."

   Su Qingyue said, Hou Lili's eyes were not bright, but tears were about to flicker.

   As the general agent of "Fengshen World", Hou Lili not only used more funds to defeat Lindao Software and win the game. She even used her private relationship with Chen Feng.

   The market response of Fengshen's first round of communication now has caused her to be questioned in the company.

   Her pressure is naturally increasing day by day.

Su Qingyue continued: "This time we have to learn from the channels, and make advertisements in communities, especially around universities, colleges and universities. Thirty cities across the country are linked together and covered by advertisements or posters through bus shelters and body advertisements. Form the initial brand recognition of'familiar, familiar'." He said: "Cross-border cooperation with the movie "Kung Fu", using the pre-influence of film and television to expand the user base and its impression. Find the movie "Kung Fu" starring as the spokesperson, hold Large-scale press conference, binding brand image enhancement and repeated recognition."

  As a channel business, Hou Lili immediately understood that this was right.

   Because if the brand is not well-known and influential, no matter how well-designed topics are, it will be difficult for them to explode online, let alone resonate. This is also the biggest problem with the project.

   finally took a breath and relaxed.

   As long as the direction is right and the implementation is specific, ChinaNet will not have any problems at all.

   I really want to complain to Tian Lei, what did you do earlier? Let Su Qing go up early, it's all right.

At this time, Su Qingyue said: “On this basis, channels will be overwhelmingly covered. Not only stations, business districts, and Internet cafes, but also all newsstands, sizzling squid and pancake shops around the school. A huge offline store will be formed. A sense of substitution of heat and fashion."

   Listening to him, Sheng Tiancheng put down his pen.

   He thought that Su Qingyue would definitely be able to rejuvenate.

   I thought that Su Qingyue could definitely change the current passive situation of "The World of Conferred Gods" in various ways.

   I didn't expect that Su Qingyue would give up the online topic operations he was good at.

   turned to offline, learning channels.

   This is a transformation that requires courage.

   Sheng Tiancheng, who has been in the first-line channel for a long time, knows that due to the impact of online advertising, the price of outdoor advertising is almost reaching the floor. This will save the company a great deal of cost, and at the same time the brand's reception efficiency will double.

   I instantly remembered the vice president Jiang Jiming who brought him into the industry and said: It is better to be a **** on the earth than the emptiness.

   It's only a pity that Jiang Jiming is on a business trip today, otherwise, her temper will surely applaud him directly.

   he thought.

I heard Su Qingyue say: "We need to strengthen official website reporting and customer service. The core personnel of packaging research and development create mysterious topics and spaces around the product. For example, in "The World of Gods", we will use virtual stories. , To strengthen the user’s cognition, thereby creating a love house and Uzbek pursuit, and nurturing seed fans."

   "In addition, in terms of communication, the media interviewed separately to form a confirmation. Let users perceive the differences and character conflicts between the two wolves of the sky flame, and form a negative support for the positive battlefield and propaganda. Only this kind of communication has layers and embodies a three-dimensional sense."

   Look at Jiang Zhengshang beside him.

   There is only worship and appreciation in his eyes.

   Think about it not long ago, he still dismissed everyone.

   Everyone I see looks like a boss.

  The rapid change in attitude is shocking.

   At this time, Su Qingyue said: "Cooperate with forum activities and online activities, design related activities and scenes in the game, to accept the user's intentions, and form a continuous impact with film and television partners."

   No one frowned anymore.

  Everyone knows what kind of commercial effect this will produce from their own experience.

   brand exposure, back online, is almost invincible.

   This is not a simple theme, but a package of brand-centric plans.

   It is said that Su Qingyue relied on the company's resources for the success of the marketing of "Martial Arts World".

   Look now, where is this happening.

   Tian Lei nodded involuntarily.

   Although Jiang Zhengshang does not understand marketing, he is not a fool.

  This plan is obviously different from Guan Yi's.

  Because Guan Er's routine is too old, he can't make sense of some logic himself, so he can only explain it with certainty.

   But Su Qingyue’s is not ~www.ltnovel.com~ He is a layman, he can hear the sense of hierarchy.

   and confirm each other, interconnect.

   is like a set of well-organized programs that can be derived from A to B smoothly.

  Think about my product. It has been so long and the performance is so bad.

   If you used Su Qingyue early, it would have been fine for a long time.

   Fortunately, Su Qingyue didn't let herself wait so long.

   My bet turned out to be correct.

   Jiang Zhengshang's eye circles turned red.

At this time, Su Qingyue began to make his final statement: "What I want to say is that if "The World of Conferred Gods" wants to be a god, it must break through in its propaganda, and its thinking must be changed. We must not shackle ourselves online because of online success. As for the example Internet cafe charter flights, resource matching of agency partners, forum activities, etc. are detailed in accordance with the previous implementation of various departments, so I won’t repeat them here. Of course, the direction is out, and there will be more specific and difficult refinement and implementation. process."

   Say something else, which means that I have finished speaking.

   Tian Lei smiled and asked, "Is anyone in doubt about Qingyue's plan."

   No one responded.

   The meeting room was silent.

   Then Jiang Zhengshang took the lead and applauded.

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