Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 200: : Uplifting

   Exhilaration is the only emotion in the meeting room.

   The haze of failure in the first round was swept away.

   The smiles on people's faces finally came back.

  Everyone knows that this solution does not change the fate of a product.

   but to change a company.

   Seeing everyone excited, Tian Lei secretly sighed.

   I remembered that when I was talking about the plan, it was not like that.

   The whole meeting room was filled with doubts.

   Tian Lei didn't want to use it, but there was no way.

   Su Qing went out of such a thing, watching up and down.

   Fortunately, Chang Ming caught it in time.

   He was thinking, Hou Lili smiled and said: "Tian, ​​if you use Qingyue early, we won't be so nervous."

   Tian Lei smiled awkwardly, and sighed helplessly.

   Everyone knows what's going on.

   Hou Lili said again: "Qingyue, are you not going to hold Chang Ming to be held accountable?"

   "I don't have time." Su Qingyue shrugged.

"If this is the case, it would be a bit unreasonable." Hou Lili said: "I have to talk back to everyone, they really shouldn't appear on the Internet again." She said, adding to the tone, and said: "Two The scourge of a bad thing!"

   was talking.

   Tian Lei looks at everyone.

   want to hear opinions.

Product Director Li Jun took the lead and said: "I have no opinion on the plan. From the feedback data, we really have to make changes. Only by making adjustments to the path can the theme be brought into play." He said, laughing, and sighing: "What I admire most about Qingyue is this: Don't be lazy. It's not because you are already familiar with the online and easy to operate, so you won't change it."

   As he said, he leaned forward slightly and gave Su Qingyue a thumbs up.

   Su Qingyue nodded, thanking him.

   Tian Lei looked at other people again.

   Sheng Tiancheng shrugged and said, "I have no opinion. The only thing I can do is to cooperate seriously."

   "Where is the upright?" Tian Lei asked.

   "Me? I don't have anything. I only have touch and gratitude in my heart." He said, wiping away tears with his hands.

Next to    Sheng Tiancheng laughed: "Why are you crying?"

   "Nonsense, what do you know, I'm about to collapse recently..." Jiang Zhengshang said.

Tian Lei followed: "Yes, everyone has been under a lot of pressure during this period. Not only because of Fengshen, but also because of some internal affairs in the company, the team has some unhappiness. But fortunately, everything has passed. Now, our task is to make "The World of Conferred Gods" truly conferred."

   He stood up.

   Everyone immediately followed up.

   "Qingyue, detailed implementation plan, we must hurry up."

   "In fact, related work has already been done, including price searching."

   "Already doing it?" Hou Lili looked at Su Qingyue in surprise.

   "Yes, I am mainly worried about the lack of time, so I have made some preparations in advance." Su Qingyue said: "But for some things, we still need the brothers and agents of your channels to cooperate with us."

   "No problem!" Hou Lili promised heartily.

   Sheng Tiancheng also laughed.

When    came out, everyone was saying that Su Qingyue had more thoughts.

   and the action is timely.

   Su Qing hurriedly explained that this matter cannot be separated from the help of the entire department.

"Especially good sister, Xiao Yu and Zhou Ziyou." Jiang Zhengshang added for him: "They have to work on a wrong plan during the day, and they have to do their best to do this at night. Xiaoyu's QQ goes offline very late every day." Jiang Zhengshang Said, involuntarily called Xiao Yu Xiaoyu.

   Hou Lili raised her eyebrows involuntarily when she heard it.

   didn't say anything.

   Tian Lei did not pay attention to the change of pitch at all, and talked to Hou Lili about work.

   thought in his heart, Chen Feng didn't see the wrong person.

   Everyone got up and walked out.

   Sheng Tiancheng patted Su Qingyue on the shoulder and said, "Should we adjust our promotional materials?"

"The first wave is not used up, then use it." Su Qingyue said: "There can be no gaps, otherwise the audience will easily forget. In addition, you add a lot and pile up the materials prepared in the previous two or three waves. Wait for me A new one comes out here, and it’s better to blast again."

   "No problem!" Sheng Tiancheng said: "Yu Chenglong and the others are already gearing up."

   walked out of the meeting room.

   After returning to the work station, it didn’t take long for the personnel department’s official investigation report to come down.

   Su Qingyue clicked to look.

   As Chen Feng said, Guan Er was fired and Jia Naixiang was demoted.

   At the same time he resumed the director.

   But what’s more exciting is that the company listened to Su Qingyue’s opinions. Temporarily transferred my sister to serve as director of the brand marketing department.

   Zhou Ziyou succeeded Jia Naixiang.

   Although Xiao Yu remained unchanged, everyone knew that her future would not be bad.

   The department became lively for a while.

   Su Qingyue specially made a cup of tea for sister Hahao, Xiao Yu and Zhou Ziyou.

   Thank them for their help during this period.

   Jia Naixiang watched from the sidelines, and finally had to get up and leave.

   Su Qingyue secretly regretted him. I want to persuade him, don't play around with yourself.

   I know I can’t persuade him.

   Several people entered the meeting room.

  Su Qingyue laid out the tasks of each node in detail.

   includes media communication and promotion of ground city advertising.

   ask them to implement and complete.

   The work is arranged.

   Su Qingyue finally took a breath.

   He walked into the pantry and made himself a cup of tea again, feeling like seeing the sun in the sky.

   At this time Sheng Tiancheng walked in with another person.

   The two talked about the work behind.

   found out that it was not Yu Chenglong, but a thin, thin man with a beard and high brows.

   is a bit like a minority.

   Sheng Tiancheng introduced him as Wangqi's deputy general manager Shan Xiaobing, Hou Lili's right-hand man, and one of Wangqi's four kings.

   The three met and shook hands.

   Chat with them.

   Su Qingyue knows the strength of Shan Xiaobing and is well-known in the industry.

  From Tiancheng to Qicai, to Yiyuan~www.ltnovel.com~, the boss wanted to recruit him to his command.

   Su Qing wanted to sigh with emotion that in this era, as long as they are talents, there will be people who want them wherever they go.

   Even if you have no power or power.

   This is the golden age.

   I heard Sheng Tiancheng said that I would drink together another day.

   Su Qingyue promised heartily.

Shan Xiaobing said again: "Mr. Su, I just heard about your plan, and it's absolutely impossible. I have to let you do it early, so why the first round is like this, everyone in the team is nervous." He sighed helplessly. He said, "I often have a voice offline, so I have a say. Now that there is too much information online, it does not have much effect. On the contrary, these offline advertisements can better highlight the brand value, especially around colleges and universities. ."

   finished talking with them.

   As soon as I returned to my seat, I saw Jiang Zhengshang's message. Invite him to dinner at night to celebrate his reinstatement.

   Su Qing smiled more and refused.

   said: "We should work hard at night, we have no time."

   At this time, my sister asked for the price of the new advertisement and sent it over.

  Su Qingyue audited.

   Xiao Yu also sent online and offline media content.

   For a time, the interactive entertainment market center resumed its former vitality.

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