Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 202: : Mentality changes

Ten days later.

The New Year is very close, and the streets and alleys of Pingjing are filled with a New Year atmosphere.

Various blessings were posted at the gate of the mall, and news of discounts began to be announced in advance.

Train tickets have become difficult to buy.

There are complaints in the forum, and there are also fortunate ones. The news is also full of reports on the Spring Festival.

Su Qingyue heard complaints about these things every day in his work unit.

The tickets for him and Amu have not been decided yet, and they haven't even decided when to leave.

"It's about twenty-nine. There are a lot of things at work, but I haven't completely decided yet." Su Qingyue said to his family like this.

Amu also said: "It's almost 30 years old."

He has been waiting for the results of "The World of Conferred Gods".

Until yesterday the whole company was boiling.

The effect of the first wave of "The Conferred God World" came out, and the result was shocking, but it was also expected.

Shocked is that only one wave, "Fengshen World" restored the decline.

Whether it is the popularity of the media, Baidu's index, industry topics and attention, they have all flipped.

The number of posts and topics on the official website forums has increased nearly tenfold.

This excites the entire company.

This is not over yet. The internal test server has not been closed yet, and many people call customer service for an activation code and want to experience the game in advance. Feedback from the entire online confirms the correctness of Su Qingyue's plan. Some people even said: This is really the return of the king, and experts know if there is any.

Offline feedback is not constantly spreading.

Tian Lei is very satisfied with his work.

But Chen Feng hasn't returned yet, and Su Qing is a little worried about him.

The work of Sheng Tiancheng, who is in charge of the channel, and Hou Lili, the general agent of Fengshen, are getting more and more smooth.

The people in the following channels said that Fengshen finally returned to the popularity of "The World of Martial Arts".

Even some games that were originally scheduled to go online will start to adjust their schedules because they will collide with Fengshen.

Jiang Zhengshang and Su Qingyue said, "Brother, thanks to you, my heart is finally relieved."

"Not because of me, but because of these brothers."

Su Qingyue always said that.

After a long time in the company, he gradually understood that no matter how powerful the plan was, it would not be possible to succeed without an executive.

I am very grateful to these brothers.

At noon he invited people in the department to eat downstairs.

From time to time, people came to shake hands and said that the battle of "Feng Shen World" was beautiful.

Su Qingyue just smiled, he suddenly realized that he didn't feel anything.

Yesterday he also pushed Jiang Zhengshang's celebration.

He knew exactly what he was thinking.

Thinking back to choosing Hualuo, it was the first time I saw Chen Feng, Tian Lei, and Seven Masters.

And Xiao Yu wants to leave, Jia Naixiang wants department manager.

Friends of how to educate yourself about the manuscript.

In the past, everyone had to cooperate during the day, and stayed up at night to help themselves make plans.

Everything seemed to be yesterday.

Eating, listening to everyone talking.

They are discussing the New Year, going back to the wedding, and giving money for the new year.

Su Qingyue has a snack absent.

But he still said, "I went back to Huaiwen and I emptied my pocket. Because I have six older sisters and all of them have children. I used to go back every year and I could empty my pockets. "He said.

Zhou Ziyou laughed and said, "Fortunately, there are not many relatives in my family, otherwise I will die."

Everyone laughed.

Go back after dinner.

Su Qing was worried, so he went to the pantry and made a cup of tea.

Holding the tea cup and looking out.

Watching the tall buildings have risen.

Even if it is a little farther away, it has already risen, and some are installing glass curtain walls.

Su Qing understood that life is like building a building.

The geographical location chosen is important.

At the same time, primitive capital accumulation is more important.

The reason why I feel that I can't move forward now is because his space in Hualuo is actually gone.

Conferred gods even conferred gods.

It's nothing more than that for him.

During this period, because of cooperating with Jiang Zhengshang, Su Qing had more opportunities to get in touch with research and development.

But he found that as long as Jiang Zhengshang returned to his own standard, he would be very wary.

Many things can’t be discussed.

Drinking and eating are all based on helping him solve problems.

Su Qingyue felt that this state was very wrong and very bad.

Understandable but unacceptable, Su Qingyue found that since his grievances were washed away, his mentality had changed a lot.

It's no longer like it used to be.

Suspended contact with focus. He began to think that he should actively choose.

Take a sip of tea.

I want to talk about my feelings with Chen Feng and see what he says.

But he hasn't come back yet.

It's been so long since I went back. Su Qingyue took out his cell phone and just wanted to call him.

Xiao Yu walked in behind him and greeted him.

"Brother Yue, what's wrong with you? I think you have something on your mind?" Xiao Yu said casually.

"Things?" Su Qingyue was startled.

"It's nothing, I guessed it." Xiao Yu laughed and resolved his embarrassment: "I will take a cup of coffee and see you here."

Su Qingyue asked her: "Have you bought a ticket?"

"I haven't bought it," Xiao Yu said. The coffee was full, she took a sip while holding the cup, and asked, "How about you?"

"Wait, why don't you worry, I don't believe that I can't go back."

Su Qing laughed more.

"If there is no train, I can't buy a plane. I will let my mother celebrate the New Year. It is also good to play in Pingjing while resting."

While talking, Jiang Zhengshang walked in.

Probably because he heard talking about train tickets and his mother, he immediately said enthusiastically: "It’s okay~www.ltnovel.com~ Xiaoyu, you really can’t buy me to help you. Or if auntie comes to Pingjing, I’ll help. You pick it up, anyway, I won’t leave for the New Year, we can be together."

"Oh... don't be so troublesome." Xiao Yu's face instantly turned red, and he looked at Su Qingyue.

"No trouble, no trouble." Jiang Zhengshang said with a smile.

Su Qingyue saw this and hurriedly left.

I thought to myself that it's best to see Chen Feng before discussing this matter.

But when will Boss Chen come back?

Walking to the corner of the hall, he dialed the phone to Chen Feng.

It took a long time for Chen Feng on the other end of the phone to pick up, and the sentence came up: "Qingyue did a good job, I saw it all."

"Thank you," Su Qingyue said, entering the subject directly, and asked: "Boss, are you coming back soon?"

"About a few days." Chen Feng said.

"Come back before the New Year?" Su Qingyue asked.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Chen Feng didn't understand what it meant.

"I have some ideas that I want to talk to you, do you think it's okay? I'll wait for you to come back."

"Okay, no problem." Chen Feng immediately agreed and said: "I will notify you as soon as I arrive in Pingjing."

After hanging up the phone, Su Qing believed that as long as Chen Feng gave himself a little guidance, it would be absolutely different.

Because the predicament he is facing now must be what Boss Chen is facing back then, and even now.

Forget about the days, it seems that I can only go home on the 30th year.

He told Amu about this situation.

Amu sighed and said, "Mom and Dad, I will be unhappy." Then after counting the days, he said, "It's the twenty-ninth departure, right?"

"Right." Su Qingyue replied.

The two set a specific date for returning home during the Chinese New Year.

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