Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 203: : The boss returns

The twenty-eighth lunar month.

Most of the people in the company have left.

Even the restaurants that I often go to downstairs have been closed.

They had to walk across the road.

There is a copper pot of meat-shabu.

As soon as he walked in, Zhou Ziyou rubbed his hands and said: "If I don't eat this in winter, I always feel that I am missing something."

Everyone laughed.

After ordering food, Jiang Zhengshang said that he was a treat.

Because the second wave of feedback from Fengshen also came out.

Obviously better than the first wave.

Whether it's the company or the partner, they all say that this is good, and it will be a stable year anyway.

Jiang Zhengshang also said that he could finally sleep peacefully, otherwise he would suffer from insomnia.

Su Qingyue has no feeling for this.

What he is worried about now is that it is already the twenty-eighth lunar month, and the boss has not contacted him yet.

Don't know what is going on, do you come back? I don't think it is appropriate to remind me.

But he thought it was better to discuss this matter with Boss Chen.

Su Qingyue listened to the people in the department chat.

Plus a Jiang Zhengshang, lively and peaceful.

Even if Jia Naixiang was in it, it was the same.

Su Qing dared not think about what would happen to everyone if he had to leave one day.

Just thinking about it, the hot pot came up with meat.

Jiang Zhengshang smiled and said, "This is the last meal before, and I will eat next year."

After speaking, he asked the boss to take a few bottles of beer.

Seeing Su Qingyue frowned, he explained: "One bottle. Anyway, it's okay to return to the unit."

"Okay!" Su Qing laughed more and more. In his opinion, a person who is always disappointed cannot be the boss.

The beer comes up.

Su Qing raised his glass, looked at everyone, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

During this period of time, he thought of many ways, and told everyone that he wanted to go.

But they didn't open their mouths.

Let's wait for Boss Chen to come back.

After a while, he said: "A thousand words, a thousand words, are in this glass of wine, thank you!"

"Thank you boss!"

"Qingyue, happy new year."

"Brother Yue, happy new year, ask my sister-in-law a happy new year." Xiao Yu said, after looking at Jiang Zhengshang, the latter was also busy keeping up, "Qingyue, come back together again during the New Year."

"In order to be a god!" Su Qingyue said.

"Yes! In order to confer the gods!"

Everyone laughed and drank a glass of wine.

Put down the cup and eat meat.

Su Qingyue still has a bowl of soy sauce, but now he has adapted to the copper pot.

Even thought it was delicious, at least in this weather, it was very warm.

After a while, my sister asked Zhou Ziyou: "Are you not going home during the New Year?"

"Go back, tonight." He smiled back.

"Tonight?" Xiao Yu was a little surprised and asked, "Have you bought a ticket?"

"No need to buy it, our Beihe is close to Pingjing, and we will get home in just two or three hours. You don't need to grab a ticket, just buy a car going south, and you will pass by us." He said triumphantly, putting the meat into his mouth. , Took a bite, and said: "Go to the station tonight and just choose a ticket."

"So happy."

Hearing what they said, everyone looked enviously.

Su Qingyue asked Xiao Yu casually, "How are you, have you bought a ticket?"

"She decided to stay." Jiang Zhengshang laughed and said for her.

"My mother will be here tonight." Xiao Yu said, "We decided to spend the New Year, and we will play all the places we haven't visited before." She smiled and looked at Jiang Zhengshang again. The latter added, "Just right. I have nothing to do during the New Year, I can drive you with me."

"This is the best arrangement."

Su Qingyue smiled, thinking Xiao Yu finally made some progress.

If you leave Hualuo later, it should bring them closer.

Clink glasses with them.

Laughing and chatting, a meal is rarely eaten more than two o'clock.

Everyone just went back.

The people in the unit have already left.

Su Qingyue had nothing to do until he got home from get off work.

Brother Guang is about to leave.

He only carried a mountaineering bag with a cigarette in his hand and a gray woolen hat.

There is no way to get a taxi on the road.

Su Qingyue called him Dongshan's car, and Amu watched him get in the car.

They just went home.

"Mr. Chen, haven't you called yet?"

"No, I guess I haven't come back yet." Su Qingyue said.

"Do you think you can't figure this out clearly?" Amu asked.

"Boss Chen has more experience than me. I believe he has experienced what I have now. Ask him for advice, there is no mistake in taking a reassurance pill." After returning home to sit down, Su Qingyue explained: "Now and during the rebate incident It’s different. I have more choices. I can’t be as blind as before.”

He said, sighing involuntarily.

In the most difficult time, he once thought of compromise.

Including defocus.

But it all passed. How do I go in the future, and whether my ideals can be realized, then I must choose my own initiative instead of being forced.

Just thinking about it, the phone rang.

Su Qing looked down and found that it was Chen Feng.

Excited instantly.

Answered the phone, before calling the boss.

On the other side of the phone, Chen Feng first said: "Qingyue, I just got home, let's find a small restaurant at night. Don't be very noisy. How about quietly chatting for a while?" His voice was obviously very tired and felt It's not simply because I didn't sleep well, there is also a kind of mental fatigue.

Hastily replied: "You can tell me the place, boss."

"There is a place in my house where there is a lot of food. It's usually very hot, but it's almost Chinese New Year. There are no people. Just stay here." He said, "I will send the address to your phone."

"Understood~www.ltnovel.com~ said Su Qingyue.

I hung up the phone and sent me the address soon after.

Looking at Amu, Su Qingyue suddenly couldn't bear to let her eat alone on the twenty-eighth lunar month.

Besides, Ah Mou stayed here just to wait for himself.

The next moment, he said: "I will eat with you first."

"No, you go quickly." Amu pushed him.

"Boss, I must clean up. Let's go out to eat a Chenghuang Temple." He said, "When I passed by, I found it was still open."

"You can send me there."

Ami laughed.

The two got up and went to the Chenghuang Temple, and simply ordered two or three dishes.

Su Qingyue also ate a duck blood vermicelli soup.

When it was almost time, he checked his watch.

He took a taxi and left.

Unexpectedly, Pingjing, where traffic jams do not drive the place on weekdays, can no longer see any cars on the road.

It turned out that those cars seemed to disappear overnight.

It's completely gone.

Drive all the way to Chen Feng's house.

The driver was on the road and said with emotion: "Look, how comfortable these out-of-towners are when they leave! It's always good to be like this. Alas, it won't take a few days before this group of people will come back." He lit a cigarette, and said: "I told you that the highway is now blocked like a long dragon, all leaving Beijing."

Listen to him.

Su Qingyue found out that he had adapted to Pingjing's driver's talk.

After a while, Chen Feng's house arrived.

Just in Hepingli community.

Su Qingyue asked the driver to walk around the old buildings for a while according to the address, and finally found the small shop.

When I walked in, I found that there was only Chen Feng in the restaurant.

There is a bottle of Erguotou on the table.

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