Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 204: : Jianghu Dream

   One bite of a hundred years of Erguotou into the stomach.

   The wine is fragrant, because the boss warmed them up with hot water.

   So the strong refreshing sensation disappeared in the mouth, leaving a full-bodied wine with a long stamina and an aftertaste.

   The restaurant is steaming hot.

   Su Qingyue put a chopsticks in the water to burst his belly, instead of dipping sesame sauce, he used garlic juice specially prepared by the boss.

   Chen Feng introduced next: "The garlic sauce in his house is my favorite. I think it tastes better than sesame sauce."


   Su Qingyue put it in his mouth.

   With a light bite, it feels crisp and tender, with garlic juice.

   immediately neutralized the alcohol.

   couldn't help but nodded and said, "This drink is so comfortable."

"Shuibaodu is like this. It must be eaten in a tavern, not a big restaurant." Chen Feng introduced: "I am usually tired, so I like to eat here and have a sip of wine. It is the most comfortable in winter." He said Toast.

   Su Qingyue smiled and said, "I wish you an early life."

   The two took another sip.

   Su Qingyue found that Chen Feng was obviously haggard.

   Obviously, he didn't have a good rest, and his hair was growing, and he was almost catching up with Huayang.

  'S voice also changed a little, and it seemed to be a lot deeper.

   He put the leather jacket on another chair and asked Su Qingyue: "When will I go home?"

   "Tomorrow's ticket."


   "Yes." Su Qingyue nodded.

"That's the New Year's Eve." Chen Feng said, taking a sip, and then said: "In fact, you should go back a little earlier. After all, Fengshen is already on the right track, and family members are the most important no matter when." There was melancholy and emotion in his voice.

   Su Qingyue asked, "Is the old man and the old lady alright?"

   "The old man is in poor health, I went to see a doctor with him." Chen Feng said.

"What now?"

   "Just keep it, come and drink at the bar." He said, not wanting to continue on this topic.

   Su Qingyue did not ask any more.

   The two of you just drink dry mouthfuls one by one.

   The boss served them a plate of cold radish peel and a plate of mustard.

   Su Qingyue soon discovered that he could not express his thoughts about resignation when facing Chen Feng.

   He admitted that he loves Hualuo too much.

   Before I actually say these two words, it would be so difficult to just talk to the boss.

   took another sip.

   still didn't enter the topic.

   In the end, Chen Feng saw what was on his mind and asked bluntly: "In fact, it was not a kickback incident. It broke your heart, right? Think about complaining."

   "Sad?" Su Qingyue was startled and shook his head hurriedly.

   Chen Feng laughed: "I don't think you are that vulnerable." Then he asked: "What's the matter, let's talk about it."

Seeing the boss's initiative to ask, Su Qing no longer hid it more simply: "I recently felt that although Fengshen is getting better and better, the feedback from the whole market is the same, but my personal growth has slowed down, and I suddenly began to have a strong self-doubt. ."

   "Tell me something." Chen Feng became curious.

"After so long of research, I have learned more about the industry. I found that games are different from other low-tech industries. They rely on early quality control and later marketing, which are basically dual processes and systems. The gaming industry is completely different..."

   Su Qingyue said, watching Chen Feng listen carefully.

So it went on: "After the product came out, we reached the user through marketing and channels. At this time, the work has just begun. The long-tail operation for the next few years and decades requires a large number of user needs, feedback, and services. These feedbacks It involves R&D, operations, marketing, service and other departments, and it operates 24 hours a day."

   He tells his observations over the past year.

   Chen Feng couldn't help but nodded, hum, and said: "Very carefully, you continue."

   "So far, due to the short time and experience of the online game industry, all processes and operations are transplanted from the traditional industry at most from the software industry, but this does not actually meet the needs of integrated online game marketing."

   He said, Chen Feng listened.

   Chen Feng adjusted his sitting posture when he heard Su Qingyue talk about the concept of integrated marketing.

   asked: "Do you want to intervene from the most basic product?"

   Su Qing thought for a while and nodded seriously.

   Chen Feng involuntarily agreed, saying: "This is also a problem for the entire industry. Product development and the market are severely separated, and the front-end and back-end are not closely connected."

   "I talked about this with Lao Jiang." Su Qingyue said: "I won't talk about the early positioning of Fengshen. If it wants to maintain it in the later stage, it should first give feedback to users."

"How did he say?"

   Su Qingyue spread his hands.

   "Hehe, it's normal." Chen Feng laughed, he obviously guessed it, and sighed: "People have inertia."

   "But we shouldn't be blindfolded by inertia." Su Qingyue said.

   Chen Feng listened to Su Qingyue with great interest.

   clink glasses with him: "Do you have any ideas and directions for operation?"

"I think first, when product positioning and project approval, we must make sufficient preparations, from technology to theme to specific planning and gameplay. Not only should we consider the factors of the product development cycle according to the market at the time. Then at the right time Open testing and player participation, and appropriate market preparation and operation."

  Su Qingyue finally said his thoughts for so long.

  Especially during this period, he had an accident, which led to more thinking.

   Look at Chen Feng listening carefully.

He continued: "In the early stage of product launch, large-scale market launch and dissemination. After users enter, R&D conducts long-tailed opinion collection and rapid feedback. Guide them to participate in official activities and offline interactions to form a'virtual rivers and lakes'. Once the emotional atmosphere And "virtual rivers and lakes" appear and operate on their own, so stickiness and long tail are very scary."

   Chen Feng listened patiently, his eyes getting more and more serious.

"More importantly, such products are likely to have a reputation and form a familiar IP (brand). The closed-loop user group manufactured will cause the later second and third generations, the company to reduce the marketing cost of other products, and enter a virtuous circle... …"

   Su Qingyue said.

   Chen Feng did not serve the wine, but took a glass of water and took a sip.

   Looking at him, there is more and more appreciation in his eyes.

   He continued: "Boss, this is the direction I want to achieve or strive to achieve."

   other words.

   Chen Feng asked: "But you are looking for me, not because you have figured it out clearly, but because you are confused about the status quo?"

   "Boss Yingwu!" Unexpectedly, Chen Feng was so straightforward, Su Qingyue immediately said: "I am even more confused now than it was during the kickback incident."

"you said."

   "I understand that such a concept cannot be completed overnight. But if it is only in the field of marketing, it will not be possible to complete my own ideas." Su Qingyue said.

  Chen Feng nodded: "You said the confusion of all marketers in this industry."

"Thank you."

Su Qingyue did not expect so much, and continued: "I once went to Hengqin to try to get in-depth contact with R&D, and I felt very comfortable. But I found that this kind of contact was still superficial and could not solve the real problem and could not satisfy any of my ideas. "He said, starting to complain: "It really feels like dancing in shackles."

   Su Qing Yue, remember this time.

  I affected my mood because of the rebate incident.

   Now he recalled and asked: "Boss, my doubt is how to contact R&D as a marketer, and how to convince them? Convince them of their inexplicable sense of superiority."

   "This is what I have been thinking about recently." Chen Feng said, he also thought of a lot.

   looked out the door.

   Su Qingyue waited.

After a long time, he said again: "But I can tell you that if you continue to work in China Network, you will not be able to realize your ideas. This is not China Network’s problem. No matter how much China Network recognizes you, it will at most be a higher salary and Higher position...but..."

   "Say it." Su Qingyue's eyes lit up instantly.

"Because you are an entrepreneurial mind, your requirement of yourself is no longer a professional manager." After he said, he found that the garlic juice was gone, and asked for another one: "In the beginning you said to find me, I want to rebate Come on, you do have a grievance, and you have to persuade you. But if it’s because of this, I can’t persuade you.”

   "Boss, I love Hualuo very much." Su Qingyue emphasized.

"I know."

   "I don't know if I am right or wrong."

   "There is nothing right or wrong," Chen Feng said: "We all love Hualuo." He explained: "Hualuo is like this, it makes you feel affection for it unconsciously. Our cohesion is also the least to say."

"I understand ~www.ltnovel.com~ but you have to be clear, what you are going to take is an entrepreneurial road, this road is very difficult." Chen Feng said: "Part-time job is no matter what you do, at least it is Making money. Entrepreneurs are different. That is a path of no return. It is extremely dark, painful, without dignity, and without life, but once it succeeds, the sense of accomplishment cannot be expressed in any words..."

   "Tian is always my role model." Su Qingyue nodded, finding that he could hardly speak.

   "You have to bear everything alone, no one can help you. There will be physical problems and great mental stress. But if you can accept all of this, move forward."

   I didn't expect Chen Feng to say so.

   Su Qingyue felt that even though his abilities might not be enough, he always had to take this step.

   As for the risk...

   He thought about it, but he didn't think so clearly.

   did not expect it to be so serious.

   I'm very happy that Chen Feng can have a heart-to-heart relationship with himself. The next moment he picked up his wine glass and said seriously, "Thank you, boss."

  Chen Feng said at last: "Go what you want, the sky is high and the birds fly, the sea is wide and the fish leap!"

   "Yeah! The sky is high, let the birds fly!"

   Su Qing Yue speaks, clink glasses with Chen Feng, drank all the wine.

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