Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 205: : Year 30

  Su Qingyue is very grateful to Chen Feng for sharing so much with himself.

   This has gone beyond the relationship between superiors and superiors.

   Although I still don’t understand how difficult it is and how much risk it is.

   But Su Qingyue believed that Chen Feng was right.

  Life is like climbing a mountain. It can't always go smoothly, there are always difficulties and obstacles.

  The key is your own choice.

   Either raise your head and continue upward. When encountering mountains and opening mountains, encountering water to build bridges.

   Either give up and give up, even if it is mediocre for a lifetime, without regret.

   They drank a lot of wine that day.

   Chen Feng faintly mentioned that he was leaving Hualuo, but did not say clearly.

   just said that I love Hualuo very much. If you leave by yourself, you will never go to a competitor's company.

   Su Qingyue felt that he had something on his mind but didn't say it.

   Send Chen Feng home at night.

   took a taxi back alone, and vomited when he got home.

   was lying on the bed so drunk that it was still uncomfortable when I got into the car with A Mo the next day.

   lay on the train for most of the day, and didn't slow down a little until when he was about to reach the southern capital.

   Before getting off the train, New Year's Eve messages on the New Year’s Eve began to hit.

   The phone keeps ringing.

Most of them are forwarded in the same way: the sound of firecrackers is divided into one year old, and text messages send blessings; a new year, a new journey; a new year, a new hope; when the new year comes, sincerely wish you and yours Family, health and longevity, good luck...

   Someone even got the name wrong.

When    forwarded, I forgot to delete the name.

   He glanced at it and smiled involuntarily.

   simply turned to silent, and got out of the car with Amu.

   I bought two tickets back to Huaiwen tomorrow at the station.

   In the 30th year of the year, Su Qingyue decided to spend his time at Amou's house.

   He felt that Ah Mou was not only to accompany him to Pingjing, the key was to give up a lot of things.

   Now I accompany myself to New Year's Eve.

   He didn't want Amou's parents to feel lonely.

   One-child family is the product of a special period.

  Love and materiality are exclusive, loneliness is also exclusive...

   New Year’s Day tickets are really good to buy. They almost bought it without waiting in line.

   When I got home, Amu’s parents had been waiting.

   They cleaned up the house once, and the ingredients for the meals were all cut, and they waited for them to come back.

   As soon as he entered the house, Amu yelled and hugged his parents.

   Su Qingyue respectfully called his uncles and aunts, and took out the special products bought from Pingjing.

   Tobacco, wine, clothes, eight pieces of Beijing, as well as filial red envelopes, and Pingjing flower tea that Amo’s mother specifically said.

   and Su Qingyue carefully selected two large volumes of Amou photos.

   With a spring breeze on his face, he said "Happy New Year". A Mou's parents smiled and said, "Sit down, sit down."

   After the warm greeting, Su Qingyue stood still, asking what needs to be done at home?

   "What are you kids going to do, sit down." Mother Amu pushed Su Qingyue to sit down.

   Father gave him tea: "Sit down, sit down and talk."

   The Spring Festival Gala of previous years is being broadcast on TV. It is the two songs that are singing "Meeting 98".

   Amo’s father lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

   Su Qingyue did not smoke.

   sat on the edge to chat with him and peeled an orange.

   He asked how the rebate incident was handled in the end. The old man actually knew the result long ago, but he still had to intervene in person to be relieved. After all, in the minds of the older generation: Disruption is big, it is something that is stuck in the heart in a state of growing up in a big era.

   understand the elderly's worry.

   Su Qing explained patiently, and Amou's parents listened.

   can't help but curl his lips, and finally Amu's mother sighs: "Nowadays, people's hearts are not old, how could there be so many things before."

   Amo’s father listened and said, “I didn’t have so much money before.”

   "There is no money and there is no money. That is security." Amu's mother said.

   Amo’s father didn’t fight with his wife, but said to Su Qingyue earnestly, “But you should also pay attention to it.

"I see."

   "There is one more..." he ordered again.

   Su Qingyue knew what Yan Weiguo was going to say, so he waited patiently.

   Sure enough, the next moment Ah Mou's father said: "You can't have some bad habits, especially those who are deliberately beautiful and flattered. You must be vigilant."

   "Because hobbies are like too much, and if you like too much, you want to have it. Desperately wanting to have is greed. If you have greed, you will lose your sense. Losing sense will naturally become a weakness. There are many lessons since ancient times, and there are many ancient teachings.

   "Don't worry." Su Qingyue said.

   Old people talk about big data, not to mention the nagging that rises to parental relationship, Su Qing understands.

   Amu interjected: "Dad... his hobby is work..."

   The family laughed.

   As if the words could never be finished.

   Gradually, the sky outside gradually darkened.

   The sound of firecrackers gradually became denser, and there were various fireworks.

   Amo's mother Liu Xiuzhi went to the kitchen to cook, and Amo followed in to help the kitchen.

   The phone is still vibrating.

   Su Qingyue took it out at this time, or a New Year greeting message.

   Zhou Ziyou also sent it over. At first glance, he made up it himself, very simple, but with sincere emotions: thank you boss, thank you for taking me. I am willing to be your brother for the rest of my life, doing things well and doing things seriously. In the new year, I wish the boss a happy new year and all the best, and bless the boss’s family and good health...

   There are not enough words in one text message and it was cut into two.

   Su Qingyue also went back to him.

   Then came Xiao Yu's.

   "Brother Yue, thank you for your help. I am very happy this year. In the new year, I sincerely wish you and your family good health and all the best." She followed a smiling face made up of punctuation marks.

   Su Qingyue replied: "I also thank you very much, thank you all. I wish you a happy new year, have a new life as soon as possible, and wish your mother good health and all the best."

   Watching the show with Amo’s father, Yan Weiguo.

   was amused by some sketches from time to time.

   After six o'clock, the phone rang. Su Qing took a look and found that it was the coach.

   picked it up and heard the sound of New Year greetings over there.

   Su Qingyue also returned to his happy new year.

   A simple greeting, he asked Master Shuai: "When will you go to your sister's house?"

   "I may not be able to go this year, it is too busy here." He said, "Come here on the first day of the new year. Let's get together on the second day of the new year and have a meal together.

   "Okay, no problem."

   I spoke a few words with the teacher and set a specific time.

   6:30~www.ltnovel.com~ A family of four sat down.

   Yan Weiguo specially opened a bottle of Moutai and said: "Qingyue, I won't drink you today. I invite you to drink this."

   "Thank you uncle." Su Qingyue took the initiative to pour the wine.

   Amo’s mother prepared a generous meal.

   is very southern.

From fried malantou to scrambled eggs with leeks, steamed white fish, and boiled river prawns; and Su Qingyue’s favorite braised lion’s head, sweet-scented osmanthus glutinous rice lotus root and salted duck; it’s not a big deal. Said: "Later, everyone will make dumplings together."

   The TV show hasn't officially started yet, and there are various stars on the screen celebrating the New Year.

   Amo and his mother also poured a glass of white wine for an unprecedented time.

   Four people clink glasses and say happy new year.

   had to take the meal made by Amo’s mother. Although it was not delicious, it tasted better than the restaurant.

   Su Qing is full of praise.

   A toast to Amo’s mother, who took up the glass and said, “Qingyue, we are married and don’t expect you to be rich. If anything happens over there, your parents will always be your strong backing.”

   "Well, thank you Auntie." Su Qingyue nodded, drinking all the Chinese wine.

   Then the family continued.

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