Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 207: : Huaiwen My Home

   New Year’s Eve is warm and happy.

   Except for the lack of heating, which brought a little bit of cold, everything else was fine.

   insisted on watching Uncle Benshan, the family of four went downstairs and set off.

   Many people have gathered downstairs.

   The rumble of cannons, the fireworks blooming in the sky, constantly illuminating the earth.

  Because they are all from the same unit, everyone greets each other New Year.

   Someone looked at Su Qingyue, then at Ah Mo.

   was surprised that the man came to the woman’s house for the New Year’s Eve, boasting that Wei Guo had found a good son-in-law.

   Yan Weiguo and Amou's mother kept smiling from ear to ear.

  Su Qingyue only thinks that this is what it should be. People always compare their hearts.

   Ah Mou's parents didn't prepare many cannons, only two hangings of earth red.

   The rest are firework bombs and flashing thunder.

   Others are released on the fifth and the fifteenth of the first lunar month.

   Su Qingyue put a firework bomb in the barrel and lit it.

   then watched it ascend into the sky instantly, then exploded in the sky, bursting out a huge flame.

   Amu smiled and said, so beautiful.

   Su Qingyue went again.

   After twelve o'clock, they returned home.

   Amo’s parents brought them a bed, and Su Qingyue took the initiative to ask for a study room in order to take care of the customs of the elderly.

   Amu smiled awkwardly, and said nothing.

   Amo’s father carried the quilt to the single bed in the study, and asked, "What time is the ticket tomorrow?"

   "It's past seven o'clock."

   "Then take a rest early." Amu's father ordered.

   Su Qingyue nodded.

   When A Mou's parents fell asleep, Su Qingyue lay down alone and looked at the book in A Mou's father's study.

   and his calligraphy works.

   I remembered the mantra he said to himself after drinking.

   Su Qing realized that perhaps it was because he lost the meaning of struggle in reality that Ah Mou's father began to look inward. There may not be the Golden House and Yan Ruyu in the paintings and calligraphy, but they are quiet and far-reaching, which makes people calm and calm.

   was thinking, Ah Mou sent a text message like a naughty bag.

   "Really not coming?"

   "Haha, no more..." Su Qingyue replied.


   and Amou teased for a while, they both rested early.

   Before five o'clock in the morning, Su Qingyue was awakened by the constant explosion of firecrackers.

   At half past five, Amou's mother got up and cooked dumplings for the two of them.

   After New Year's greetings, after eating dumplings, he left home and went to the station.

  From Nandu to Huaiwen, it takes three hours. Usually there are too many trains and there are not many people.

   But today is the first day of the new year and there is only one train.

   is a little bit crowded, the seats are full.

   Amo got into the car and fell asleep.

   Su Qingyue looked out the window thoughtfully, and there were people in the car chatting and chatting from time to time.

   The phone is still ringing, and it is still all kinds of New Year greeting messages.

   Su Qing is too lazy to watch.

   After all, this is the third time Amou has visited his house.

  Su Qingyue’s family likes Ah Mu, but the way he expresses it is different.

   Mother’s way is to cook, cook all kinds of dishes that Amou likes to eat, or all kinds of homemade snacks.

   Especially Liquor Candy, Amou likes it very much. It is a kind of liqueur that was bought only during the Chinese New Year when I was young, and most children are willing to eat it. Probably not because the bonbon candies are so delicious, but more because you can taste the taste of the wine and satisfy your curiosity.

   Father doesn't say anything, but smiles kindly when he sees Ah Mu.

   Su Qingyue’s six older sisters will pull her to chat non-stop.

   Generally speaking, Su Qing’s naughty past when he was younger will be revealed during this festival.

   Amo also likes this atmosphere.

   just couldn't remember the ranking order of the six sisters.

   is a family after all, and they look alike.

Su Qing understood better, and told her: "It's okay, after a long time, you will remember it." Then he told him: "You can remember the fourth sister first. Using the fourth sister as a benchmark, the older ones will naturally distinguish clearly. , It's easy to say further down."

   "Why do you remember the fourth sister first?" Ah Mou asked in surprise.

   Su Qingyue replied: "Because I fell down when I was a child and knocked my eyebrows with a scar. This is the credit of my fourth sister."

   Recalling the past, Su Qingyue is always happy.

   He also promised Amu to take her to fried sugar sticks.

   told her: When I was a child, the old man who fried sugar sticks drove a tractor into the open area. The children rushed home as soon as they saw them, urging their mother to fill rice and sugar, and take the largest bag to fried sugar sticks. After one bite, he squeaked and chewed, revealing a faint fragrance of rice. The fun is about half eating and half playing. Put it on your finger, eat while doing homework, satisfied.

   The phone rang at this time, it belonged to my mother.

   Su Qingyue picked it up and heard the voice of her old man over the microphone, asking: "Qingyue, is it coming soon?"

   "It's still two hours." Su Qingyue looked at his watch.

   "Okay, then I will save meals for the two of you. I guess I won't be able to catch up on time." Mother replied.

   There is a twittering New Year greetings.

   There was a younger brother who asked himself when he would arrive.

   Su Qingran is his younger uncle’s child. He played with Su Qingyue’s **** since childhood.

   is now in high school.

  Think about how time flies.

   chatted with mother for a while and hung up.

   Su Qingyue’s mother, as a teacher, has always had a good temper.

   Speaking clearly, it is very friendly.

   With a little kindness, Su Qingyue sometimes thinks she is like an old professor on TV.

   My father thinks he is chatting with grandpa right now.

   The Su family hasn't gotten together like this in years.

   In the past, there was always something in this family and that in that family. Many relatives hadn't seen Amu.

   This time, I can see it at odds and ends.

   Amu woke up at this moment, stretched out, got into his arms and went to sleep.

   After a long time, it finally arrived.

   They got out of the car, Huaiwen and Nan are different, and the scale of the city is smaller.

   But the same as Nandu is the atmosphere of the ancient city.

  The city wall, the moat and the trees on both sides of the road.

   The temperature got colder, and Su Qing couldn't help but shiver. Because it is the Chinese New Year, there are not many cars at the station.

   They struggled to find a car.

   went straight to the three horses.

  Su Qingyue’s home is a two-story building surrounded by a small courtyard.

   In addition to the eight main rooms, there are also three east and west wing rooms.

  West Wing is the kitchen and dining room.

   There are two concierge rooms.

   But because there are too many people here today, the restaurant is not enough.

   At home, a large shed was built in the yard, which was spacious and warm.

  Su Qingyue and Amou said that dozens of people came today.

   In addition to my own sister-in-law, there are also uncles and aunts.

   A Mou felt a headache, took his arms, smiled and said, "You have earned nothing this month."

   "What is it for nothing?" Su Qingyue smiled and said, "It's not enough~www.ltnovel.com~ He said and walked in the door with Amo.

   The door is red lacquer. When Su Qing was younger, he often climbed up and down here, and even fell down.

   The family is eating in the greenhouse.

   Seeing him come back, they greeted each other.

   Especially cousin Su Qingran jumped up from the chair and said excitedly: "Brother! Happy Chinese New Year, you can count back!" He is a high school student in school uniform, tall, tall and very sunny.

   "Brother, did I hear that you are playing games now?" He came up and asked with envy.

   Greet everyone and wish each other New Year.

   Grandpa sat in the main seat and looked at him with a smile.

  Walking over, Su Qingyue said, "Kow my head to grandpa, wish grandpa a long life and good health."

   Then he knelt down.

   complete a series of actions of kneeling, bowing, and kowtow.

   He didn't ask Amu to kowtow.

  Su's family didn't think she had to do this.

   After all, a place and a place have different traditions.

   Just about to get up, Ah Mou knelt down and said, "Knocked my head to Grandpa. I wish Grandpa a long life and good health."

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