Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 208: : The theory of the older generation

   Su Qingyue's grandfather Su Xiangmao smiled brilliantly.

   He is over ninety this year and is already an old man.

   From the anti-Japanese war, to liberation, to reform and opening up, now it has come to the 21st century.

   His hope for life is more than four generations.

   is a family of five generations.

   took out the red envelope from his pocket, and it was ready.

  According to tradition, red envelopes are placed on top of the cloud cake, to signal the rise of each step.

   Su Xiangmao let his grandson-in-law sit next to him, which is the greatest courtesy of the Su family.

  Only Su Qingyue's father can sit.

   Warm and lively in the greenhouse, Su Qingyue gave the red envelopes prepared by He Amu to the children.

   They are their own juniors.

   The eldest sister’s child was embarrassed to ask, and said that he was married.

   is actually about the same age as his uncle.

   But Su Qingyue insisted on giving it to him, saying: "Which one won't get married, take it!"

   Then he sat down, and my uncle opened him a bottle of Yanghe.

   Amou looked a little dazed, and said to his uncle: "You told him to drink less. He drank too much just two days ago."

   "For the holidays, I just have to drink more, it's okay." The uncle blushed and smiled, and he also had a bottle of Yanghe in his hand.

   Grandpa Su Qingyue also smiled and explained: "Small eyes, don't worry, you won't drink too much. One person and one bottle is the most to fall asleep. Young people sleep more and get longer."

   He said, everyone laughed.

   Su Qingyue's father also laughed.

   Everyone toasted.

   Su Qingyue respects Grandpa first.

   is his father Su Yanyi, uncle and uncle, then second uncle and young uncle.

   until the little uncle Su Yanrui.

   Uncle was the youngest in the previous generation of the Su family, only twelve years older than Su Qing, and was the person who took him most often when he was a child.

   At that time, Su Qingyue regarded his uncle as his head.

   obey him.

   Now the whole family is closest to him, holding a wine glass and saying happy new year to him.

   Uncle smiled and asked: "When do you have a baby?"

   Su Qingyue hadn't responded yet, Ah Mou's face instantly blushed.

   Everyone at the scene laughed.

   "Come on! Our Su family is still waiting for the fifth generation to live together." He said, after a glass of wine, he asked Su Qingyue: "Qingyue, I heard you are not in the Nandu newspaper?"

   "Yes, I am in Pingjing now." Su Qingyue replied.

   "Do you do online games?" The younger uncle asked curiously.

   "Yes, "The World of Martial Arts"."

"I've heard of it. It's amazing!" The uncle's mind has always been alive and well. Since he was a child, he has been the broadest in the Su family. When he heard this, he immediately said: "This industry is powerful, much better than my own pharmacy. , Traditional industries cannot make a lot of money."

  Listening to them.

   Su Qingyue’s cousin Su Qingran’s eyes lit up, coming from behind: "Brother, take me, I want to play games too."

  He was full of joy.

   Su Qing couldn't help but worry, after all, he is still a high school student.

Yuzhong said sincerely: "You can enter a good school first, so you can enter." He said: "I told you that many of those who make games are graduates of prestigious schools. If you want to enter, you must study well and get your grades. Great."

"I study very well." My cousin immediately argued and said: "My math and physics are both older than me, and now my mother bought me a computer, and my aunt bought me a C++ book from Jiang Hai , I watch it whenever I have time."

   Know that Su Qingran is good in science and engineering.

   But he didn't expect that he had already started contacting programming languages.

   Su Qing was startled for a moment, thinking of some people he knew in Pingjing, and let the children touch them early.

   This kind of difference in education will soon become apparent.

   As the so-called fighting tiger brothers, father and son soldiers, Su Qingyue firmly believes that Qingran is fine.

   went on to say: "Qing Ran, go to school first. If you want to learn later, just ask me. Just say what book you buy, OK?"

   "Good!" Su Qingran said loudly.

   The family talked and laughed, and the Su family believed that the computer Internet was a new thing.

   There must be plenty of opportunities here.

   Su Qingyue is quite proud of this.

   Continue to drink and chat with family members.

   Grandpa can't hold on for so long because of his health.

   In the afternoon, Su Qingyue slept in the room.

   I wake up in the evening. The whole body's drunkenness, sitting on the bed and drinking a lot of tea, gradually eased.

   got up and saw Amou chatting with her mother.

   He laughed, not mixing.

   went straight into Grandpa's study, which was his favorite place since childhood.

   Seeing that Grandpa was talking to his father, I wanted to quit.

   was stopped by grandpa, so he sat down.

   Then he heard his grandpa ask him: "How about? In Pingjing?"

   "Very good." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

"I told your dad that you have a sense of aggressiveness. This is quite right." Grandpa said: "Your generation has more only children, all of them are called Jiaojiao. There are not many people who dare to leave their hometown and go out. You It takes determination and courage to give up that iron rice bowl and run to Pingjing."

   Grandpa bit the word determination very hard.

   Su Qingyue smiled and nodded.

Then his grandfather said to his son: "In the future, only those who dare to come out will have the opportunity. Before, you had no conditions. Now that you have the conditions, you must let go and support Qingyue. You can't stay here for the rest of your life. The family must get out!"

   "Don't worry, for sure." Su Qingyue's father said.

Su Xiangmao said to Su Qingyue at this time: "Qingyue, I haven't gone through business and don't understand your young people. But I have been on the battlefield and understand human nature." He said, "Once the Battle Charge is sounded. , You have to rush forward, not to delay, and not to be afraid. Indecisiveness will miss the opportunity and die even worse."

   I didn't expect Grandpa to talk about this with myself.

   Su Qingyue suddenly became serious, and his drinking spirit also dropped a lot.

Listening carefully, he always thinks that military theory is also the most advanced business theory~www.ltnovel.com~ Just thinking about it, grandpa said again: "Remember, if you want to do something, you must have firm faith and enthusiasm in your heart. , There is no suffering. Don’t be afraid of failure and do it boldly. You can’t wait for the enemy to rush up, and then think about organizing the battle. This is not good."

   "We must take the initiative." Su Qingyue continued.

   "Yes!" Su Xiangmao laughed and said, "It's really our old Su family."

   Su Qingyue's father laughed.

Su Qingyue then integrated his summary of these days and said to his grandpa, "I think I first draw a big goal, and then complete it in stages. It's like a mountain, to capture them. Yushan Open the mountains and build bridges when you meet the water, but you can't shrink back, and you have to be firm in your faith."

   Grandpa couldn't help but admire what he said.

   "Well said, that's right." He said: "There must be strategy and tactics, and it must be completed in stages."

   Su Qingyue nodded.

   suddenly realized that after chatting with grandpa for a while, the thoughts in his heart became more perfect.

   realized that although Grandpa didn't understand business, he did not separate lines.

   The direction of the military theory he said is very inspiring for his specific implementation.

   was thinking, the mother came out and asked them to eat, so the family went back to the yard.

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