Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 209: : Writing poems to lovers

   The Su’s family dinner is even more lively.

   Adults just drink, and children just play around.

  The dishes are very rich. From the soft bones of Huaiwen Sangxu Town's specialty: Sangxu crucian carp, to a thousand pieces of temple head with excellent taste and thin fragrance, to Amu's favorite Qianji braised goose, the meat is delicious, clean and hygienic.

   According to the traditions of northern Jiangsu, all the female relatives went into battle, each showing their magical powers.

   Su Qingyue’s mother made A Mou’s favorite spicy shrimp, using fresh big river prawns. The surface of the shrimp was slightly fried, the skin was golden brown, and it was burnt and crispy when eaten in the mouth; the king ribs made by my uncle’s wife, when she brought it up, everyone was amazed by the dish, she said it was Learned from the Internet.

   Everyone is impressed with the current network.

   took a bite and praised it.

Uncle    said: "Now we have to learn from young people, or we will keep up with the times."

   Then the dishes were brought up continuously, and the man was a bottle of liquor for one person.

   After three rounds of wine, Su Qingyue became a little dizzy and went back to the house to sleep.

   It was already the next morning when I woke up, and my father was sleeping on the side.

   He knew that his mother and Amou must be in another room.

   Feeling a little hungry, ran to the kitchen to find some leftovers, and ate it when it was hot.

   I wanted to go back to sleep, but I didn't expect the sound of cannons outside.

   The sound is so loud that I can’t sleep, and I don’t want to get up.

   Seeing the Liu'an melon slices in the kitchen, he hurriedly made himself a glass with boiling water.

   This is one of his favorite green teas.

   When I was young, my grandfather and father liked to drink this, so he also drank it, and it became a habit over time.

   It's a pity that Pingjing is rare, and water is not good.

   Smell the tea fragrance a little, Su Qing took a deep breath.

   seems to be back when he was a child, with a lot of concentration.

  I got used to the sound of cannons outside, and he walked out of the hospital with a teacup.

   A tree-lined road, with fallen branches and leaves on the ground, and debris left by firecrackers.

   It feels the same as when I was a child, the kind of fresh, scented early spring.

   We are about to start again, we must strengthen our faith and complete our goals in stages.

   There must be both strategy and tactics.

   Su Qingyue drank another sip of tea, but the drunkenness still came in waves.

   After drinking tea, he went home and lay back on the bed, and went back to sleep.

   It was almost noon when I woke up again this time.

  The wine spirit finally dissipated.

   went out of the house and saw his mother chatting with Amou.

   He laughed.

   Mother loves Ah Mu very much, just like these children at home.

   There is no barrier or suspicion.

   Ah Mou treats her mother as warm and warm as her own.

   Seeing that the two people said nothing, Su Qingyue walked over and asked with a smirk: "What are you talking about?"

   "Huh! What are you talking about?" Amu grinned and looked up: "Su Qingyue, how many things are you hiding, didn't you tell me?"

   "Huh? Bad thing? Nothing."


   Watching the two children gag, Su Qingyue's mother laughed.

   When I was eating at noon, the call from the coach came, and they were there in an hour or two.

   "Stop eating, just find a place to sit for a while." said the master.

   hung up, Su Qingyue contacted Ye Luo.

   They arranged to meet at the tea house next to Yuji Park.

  Su Qingyue originally wanted to say, how could there be a tea house in this big Chinese New Year.

   But Ye Luo immediately told him that his uncle had opened it.

   So everyone said yes.

   When we met in the afternoon, Su Qingyue saw a brand new Elantra.

   Ye Luo smiled and said, "Okay, I just went to Lin'an for a few days to change cars."

   "Thinking about the New Year, I have to give myself some rewards, so I bought it." He smiled, patted the car shell, and introduced: "1.8, the speed is not meaty, and the car is also large, so it is very comfortable to sit on."

   The good sister next to her also smiled.

   She is wearing a white down jacket today.

   wears a white woolen hat with a string hanging down on both sides of the hat with a wool ball on it.

   Seeing that the age has become a lot younger, and also a lot cute.

   Everyone greeted warmly.

   Ye Luo opened the rolling shutter of the tea house, walked in and took out a box of tea leaves from a locked cabinet.

   said: "The green tea grown by my uncle himself on the mountain has a small yield and is very good."

   "You never said you know tea well before." The teacher said with a smile.

   "The increase in tea knowledge is proportional to age..." Su Qingyue interjected with a smile.

   A few people took their seats and made tea.

   chatted for a while on the topic of the New Year, and then quickly transferred back to the company where the coach was working.

   "You guys have a strong momentum this year. According to that, it should be the number one in the industry soon, right?"

"The e-commerce market is still very small. It won the first place in the industry, and there is not much money," Shi Shuai said. "The key is how to make the plate bigger. Even if it is not the so-called first, it will be larger Many." He took a sip of his tea and continued: "In this process, we will definitely fight for the first place."

   "You can talk more and more now, and the height of your standing is different." Ye Luo laughed.

   Su Qingyue listened, recalling not too many times that he had seen the teacher's boss speak.

   A sense of strength and nourishment, it is a kind of perception and strong belief after experiencing wind and rain.

   Su Qingyue said: "Your marketing feels great?"

“It must be the general direction first, and then we will pass on our values ​​through various channels.” He said: “The company must continuously deliver information through new product launches, brand transformation, public welfare activities, and crisis management. Our boss said, public relations It's like writing poems to lovers ~www.ltnovel.com~ writing poems to lovers." Su Qingyue couldn't help repeating this sentence, feeling that it made sense.

   Abandon the rigid publicity form of the company in the past, moisten things silently. It may be better to use a different perspective, a different mentality, and a different form of communication in the way of managing artists, packaging companies or products.

   Then the teacher said: "There are many Internet models, but so far, apart from e-commerce and online games, there is no real mature model."

Su Qingyue laughed and followed: "The demand for online games is strong and the profit model is clear. The most important thing is that the best era is far from coming. Everyone agrees that this is the beginning of the ten-year golden period. In such a market In the tide, is it to passively coerce forward or actively participate in it? The results of the two are completely different."

   Several people were talking.

   Su Qingyue thought to himself, should I talk about my thoughts with my sister in advance.

   After thinking for a moment, he stopped the idea.

  Everyone is very happy, so I won’t talk about work.

   decided to go back to Pingjing and talk about it.

   After a while, Su Qingyue said that he would stay as a teacher for dinner.

   But the coach declined, he mainly wanted to continue on his way.

   A few people chatted for a while, and Su Qingyue and Amou went home.

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