Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 210: : I am leaving

   The fifth day of the Lunar New Year, 6:50 in the morning.

   The dark sky gradually faded, and the morning sun slowly rose in the thick fog.

   The dark gray air was dyed white.

   is still a bit dim, like being shrouded in blue light.

   Su Qingyue and Amou went out at this time.

   carrying the snacks his mother prepared for them.

   Father went out early in the morning and bought them the newly-baked "Chao Brand", and asked them to give Mom and Dad a taste.

   Xiaoshu insisted on sending them to the station.

  As expected, there are many people today. The migrant workers in the Yangtze River Delta stood in front of the ticket gate with large bags.

   Su Qingyue and Amou got in the car.

   At noon, I had already arrived in the southern capital.

   Amo’s parents cooked delicious meals for them.

   They are leaving for Pingjing tomorrow.

   At night, Amou lay on the bed and said softly: "I really don't want to go, it's better to be at home."

   knew she was just complaining.

   Su Qing smiled more and teased her: "Or let's not leave?"

   "..." Ah Mou was startled when he said that. But immediately knowing he was teasing himself, he giggled and said, "Okay! Don't go! You said it!"

   "I said, you are not allowed to go!"

   He said to hold her, his eyes met in a moment.

   Amu was scared and whispered: "Don't make trouble, Mom and Dad haven't slept yet."

   Su Qingyue chuckled, shaved off the bridge of her tall nose, and asked her: "Do you still know your parents are there?"


   The two had a fight for a while, but Su Qingyue insisted on returning to the study.

   The next afternoon, they went to the station.

   There were a lot of people, and it took a lot of effort to squeeze into the carriage.

   The people in the soft sleeper, yelling.

   All the people who came up gasped for a breath, as if they had finally completed a big task.

   Amou bought the upper bunk specially because she doesn't like a group of people sitting around on the bunk.

   Su Qingyue is in the lower bunk.

   Looking at the scenery outside the window, there are people a little younger than him watching "Xiaowei Software" on the road.

   The title of the cover says: Colorful ambition!

  The screen is "World of Hegemony".

   Does it seem to be taken down? Su Qing thought, after the young man finished reading, he borrowed it and flipped through it.

   The content is detailed and the time of the press conference has been announced.

   But it’s too early to collide with "Feng Shen World".

   He returned the magazine to the young man, thinking that the final battle of "The World of Gods" must be done well.

   On the way, he called Dongshan and asked him to pick him up at the station.

   They arrived in the early morning. As soon as he walked out of the car door, when the cold wind hit, Ah Mou sneezed immediately.

   Riding in the Dongshan car, Pingjing has begun to return to normal.

   The car started to jam again.

   Su Qingyue asked him: "Have you gone back during the Chinese New Year?"

"No, my parents are here." He smiled and said, "Drink every day, my father, and my brother-in-law. If you look for me yesterday, I won't be able to get out. I drank too much." He said, laughing. , "Now I burp, it smells like alcohol."

   "You won't go back to your hometown in a few years?" Su Qing asked more curiously.

   "I haven't been back when I came out," Dongshan said.

   "Huh?" Ah Mou was startled by what he said.

Dongshan's voice instantly rose, "My hometown is poor, so I won't go back." His state seemed to be showing off, but Su Qingyue heard the explanation: "Pingjing is pretty good. If you can't afford a house, you can rent. Get a drink, it's not bad."

   was amused by his simple language.

   Su Qingyue and Amou looked at each other, feeling that this is also a kind of life.

   After finally returning home, Dongshan helped them move the boxes down, and Su Qingyue gave him a braised goose before leaving.

   Dongshan invited him to go home for a drink in the evening.

   Su Qingyue politely refused.

When he left, Ah Mu lay down and stretched out, and said, "Su Qingyue, I suddenly felt that returning to Pingjing, it was like returning home. Lying here, although it is only a small house, it is very warm. "

   "In one or two years, I will buy you a house." Su Qingyue leaned down and said to her.

   "Really? Cut..." Ah Mou laughed.

  They looked at each other, and they suddenly realized that it was quiet during the Spring Festival.

have done nothing.

   And the brother Guang next door has not returned yet.

   At that moment, the two were like wild horses that suddenly lost control.

   After some tossing, Su Qingyue finally lay on the bed and said, "Amu, I do what I said."

   On the eighth day, the festival finally ended.

   Early in the morning, Su Qingyue got up to work, and the cold wind hit again.

   found that the champion cake has been out.

   The old rules came here. When I went to the unit, I found that everyone had basically arrived.

   Greeting each other a good New Year.

   Then they went to the meeting room and simply arranged the task.

   He emphasized: “No one will be in the state before the fifteenth of the first lunar month. But time is not waiting for anyone, so we must bring up the spirit of 120,000 points to help partners and the media solve problems and enter the state as soon as possible.”

   Everyone clarified, so the work started.

day to day.

   The various data and performance of "Feng Shen World" continue to improve.

   Even a lot of data surpassed the "Wuxia World" of the same period.

  The industry has said that it seems that ChinaNet is set to win this time.

Someone even wrote an article saying, "It is not Hualuo that saves Hualuo, but fate. This shows that sometimes, there is indeed an element of luck. Hualuo won this time. But it is not only Hualuo that won, but the most important thing is Su Qingyue also won. In the field of marketing, it should be thoroughly recognized by the industry."

   Is this what I want?

   Look at these articles.

  Su Qingyue has no interest.

   Although the company continues to think "Fengshen World" will win.

   But Su Qingyue doesn't think so, he thinks mediocrity is mediocre.

   will not last too long.

   It’s not difficult if you just want a little achievement, just do a few things well.

   But a product must be the top three in the industry, and its follow-up vitality is strong. Then there should be no obvious defects in all aspects, especially the product development level.

   He constantly warned everyone to be alert.

  Chen Feng always emphasized: "Don't think that this is enough, the road ahead is still long, and the public beta is the starting point for all work..."

On the day of the public beta, Hualuo announced the number of users of "Fengshen World".

   Obviously, it has far surpassed the same period in "The World of Wuxia".

   But this is not over yet.

   The highest peak online reached 450,000 people.

   is the absolute number one among the games released at the same time.

   Seeing this result, the company cheered, only Su Qingyue was silent.

   He took a deep breath and felt that he had finally fulfilled his promise.

   shook hands with everyone in turn, thinking that I would start my own plan.

  At this time, Jiang Zhengshang came over and sent out an invitation: "Brother, I will treat you tonight, you choose a place, let's go out and play." His face was filled with a sincere smile.

   "Old ginger, we want to go to Leopard." Zhou Ziyou interjected with a smirk, and he was greedy again.

   "What is the golden leopard, you can drill the golden leopard, as long as the brothers say it!" Jiang Zhengshang smiled back, and inadvertently looked at Xiao Yu and asked, "Xiaoyu, what do you want to eat?"

   "Look at Brother Yue. UU Read www.uukanshu.com" Xiao Yu replied.

   "Just set it there." Su Qingyue said finally.

   I have already thought about it in my heart, today I want to tell everyone that I am going to leave.

   went to Leopard with everyone.

   They chose a long table in the corner, and the environment was quiet.

   Everyone toasted there to celebrate the success of "Feng Shen World".

   Jiang Zhengshang praised himself, praised Zhou Ziyou, and thanked my sister and Xiao Yu.

   Finally, he called on everyone to raise their glasses to Su Qingyue.

   "Thank you, boss!"

   "Thank you, Brother Yue!"

   "Thank you, Qingyue!"

   Everyone got up to clink glasses, Su Qing said seriously: "Thank you too."

   After drinking all the wine, he sat down, and Su Qingyue said again, "I have something to tell everyone."

   Everyone nodded and immediately calmed down.

  Su Qingyue looked at them, they were not only his colleagues.

   is also his best friend in Pingjing.

   Feeling a little sad, thinking of that sentence, I hate to see each other late, and stay together too short.

   He finally made up his mind and said: "I am leaving..."

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