Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 211: : Reunion

No one speaks.

They didn't even look at each other, they just looked at Su Qingyue with their wine glasses.

The music in the hall and the sounds of the people taking the food set off their surprised and unprepared faces.

The wine in the glass is actually just halfway through.

Xiao Yu looked at him, completely expressionless.

Zhou Ziyou was still holding the cup.

The more Su Qing understood that this was too sudden, but he really couldn't think of a more suitable time.

My sister smiled well, it seemed to understand and it seemed to know.

Jiang Zhengshang took his shoulders and said awkwardly: "Brother, what are you kidding me, this happy day."

"This is true." Su Qingyue emphasized in an undeniable tone: "I thought about it for a long time, and I mentioned it to the company."

"Telled it?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Yes." He nodded: "I was afraid that it would affect everyone's work, but I never said it. And I have a wish to lead you to do a good job in the last project, not only let "Feng Shen World" be a god, but also let the market. Conferring the gods at the center, of course, also includes letting everyone participating in this project." He said, his voice suddenly heavy: "Now, we have done it."

"Are you leaving after doing it? Brother!" Jiang Zhengshang asked in surprise.

"Yes." Su Qingyue nodded.

"The company agreed?"

"Hua Luo is the first company I came to Pingjing, and it is the place where my dream started." Su Qingyue said: "Whether it is President Qi, President Tian, ​​or President Chen, and each of you, it is me. For the brothers and sisters I met in Pingjing, I sincerely thank you."

He speaks from the bottom of his heart.

I remembered that Chen Feng was in the office, and finally got up to shake hands with him, and said earnestly: Originally, Tian always wanted to talk to you again. I said that such a person can't be driven away or kept, and I still respect your personal development wishes. He asked me to convey a sentence: Hualuo's door is always open to you.

Without retribution, Su Qingyue simply said thank you.

Yes it is. Su Qingyue admitted that he was from Hualuo wherever he went in this life.

Now he clearly saw that Xiao Yu's eyes were red.

There were tears in his eyes, and I resisted not falling.

He said seriously: "Xiao Yu, I have recommended you to take over my position to Mr. Chen." Turning to Jiang Zhengshang: "Old Jiang, please trust me. With Xiao Yu, there will be no problems for the time being." The term temporary is used specially, because this market is ever-changing, and the future direction needs to be constantly thought and changed.

"But I don't want to be the director, I want you to come back." Xiao Yu finally couldn't help it, sobbing, wiping tears, and said: "I know no one can persuade you, but...but..."

I dare not hear her sobbing anymore.

Not daring to look at her again, Su Qingyue hurriedly turned his attention to Zhou Ziyou.

Said: "Ziyou, although your manuscript is well written, the planning of forum activities has become more mature. But in terms of resource allocation, you still have a big gap. What you need is to follow all the links. This is why I repeatedly transferred you to various departments."

"Boss I know everything."

"Learn more from Xiao Yu and grow up soon."

"Boss, I want to go with you!" Zhou Ziyou said without hesitation.

Su Qing laughed more and more, and said, "I haven't decided what you will go with me."


"Okay, drink, I'll talk about it later!" Su Qingyue was categorical.

"Okay! Drink!"

Zhou Ziyou didn't hesitate, and immediately picked up a whole glass of red wine.

Go on in one bite.

Then he slowly wiped his mouth and said, "Boss! To be the boss for one day, and to be the boss for life! Thank you."

"Brother! Brothers for one day, brothers for life!" Su Qingyue said, filling himself up and drinking a glass of wine.

Seeing that there was not enough wine, Jiang Zhengshang shook his head slightly, and his assistant immediately got up to get the wine.

Finally, Su Qingyue turned to her sister again, and said seriously: "Thank you very much."

"Qingyue, I wish you an early career and pursuit."

"Good sister, you are the most important lubricant for our team. With you, our hard rocks will not be violently bumped. With you, we will be more effective." Su Qingyue said: "Now you are Director of Brand Marketing, I want to give you some suggestions."

"Good." My sister nodded.

Su Qingyue said: "You are the director of the brand marketing department, and you should not only focus on the product itself, but the brand of the entire company. You must convey the meaning and values ​​of the Hualuo brand to the outside world through any possible channel."

"I see."


After Su Qing spoke in Vietnamese, Jiang Zhengshang's assistant had brought the wine back.

Everyone immediately filled the wine.

Su Qingyue said: "Thank you very much! It is my honor to cooperate with you. We are a family."

He toasted a glass of wine while talking.

Looking up again, he noticed Jia Naixiang in the corner and had a glass of wine.

Thinking about the conflict between him and him before, and the relationship between him and Guan Er, Su Qingyue suddenly discovered that there is no love or hatred in his heart, and some are just nostalgia for everyone in this department. The next moment, he asked: "Naixiang, do you remember what I said to you?"

"What?" He froze there, wondering if he couldn't believe Su Qingyue was talking to him, or he had forgotten that sentence.

In the end, Su Qingyue only said twelve words: "Don't fight each other, your future is boundless."

Finally everyone continued to drink.

Xiao Yu kept crying, couldn't stop at all, and even said many things.

Finally, he endured sobbing and said, "But where are you going?"

I remembered that I gave her money back home, and remembered what I said to her.

He drank a glass of wine and asked Jiang Zhengshang: "Old Jiang, Xiao Yu is a kind-hearted person, you must take good care of her."

"That's necessary." Jiang Zhengshang immediately patted his chest: "I have absolutely nothing to say to Xiao Yu."

When he said so, everyone burst into laughter.

They said, "Old Jiang, drink one! Drink one with Xiao Yu."

"Yes! Drink one!"

Su Qingyue also followed, and everyone applauded.

The two of them blushed slightly, feeling Xiao Yu looking at himself.

Su Qingyue gave her a positive look.

Then Xiao Yu picked up the wine glass, walked to Jiang Zhengshang, and said seriously, "Old Jiang, thank you."

She drank the wine in one sip, tears in her eyes.

I don't know if it was choking, or tears from my heart.

At this time, Jiang Zhengshang said again: "Come, let's all respect the more one? He is the big man in "The World of Conferred Gods"!"

He said, everyone cheers again.

They couldn't count how much they drank that night.

When he returned home at night, Su Qing couldn't fall asleep in bed more and more, recalling scenes from the past.

He suddenly got up and typed a paragraph on the computer:

Dear colleagues, brothers: I hate each other late, but stay together too short.

In just over a year, I want to say goodbye to everyone!

In just one year, we have experienced the launch of "The Great World of Martial Arts" together, the fluke of Gameyoung, and the crisis public relations of the patch incident...


He went on to write:

In countless **** days ~www.ltnovel.com~ we have established a deep friendship. It is the emotion formed in the battle, the harmony in the big family. Hualuo is the most important lesson in my life. I can't say that my ability is given by Hualuo, but at least it was inspired by Hualuo. Of course, more importantly, I made friends with you.

Hualuo is the banner of domestic software, but now it is a brain teaser to succeed with the concept of online games. This is precisely a huge success in a special market environment. Ten years, just as an old saying goes: the sharp edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from the bitter cold. All these accumulations are reflected on the individual, and they are inexhaustible and inexhaustible wealth for a lifetime.

Hualuo is the Whampoa Military Academy of China's software industry, and is now called the Whampoa Military Academy of the online game industry. What a torment is behind the change of just a few words. This once again proves the importance of perseverance and perseverance. Fortunately, this perseverance and perseverance will soon be cleared away.

And I can take a step forward with confidence and bravery.

Life is a process, but it is not just about birth, growth, work, and death. It should also have richer information, such as watching the mountains, watching the stars, listening to the sea, hearing the wind...

We should keep jumping out of our comfort zone to travel in space, touch the clouds, and enjoy the thrill of a more violent storm.

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