Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 213: : Dark cuisine

   "Is there time? Qingyue." Jiao Kejun's voice came through the phone.

   You don't have to think about it, what he is looking for. Su Qingyue replied: "President Jiao, I need to rest for a while."

   "It's okay, then wait for you to have time." His tone was sincere, his voice was slightly hoarse, and it sounded like a cold.

   Su Qingyue agreed.

   hung up, and felt that it was a little sloppy to refuse others.

   There is no doubt that the focus is on these companies who are looking for him. They must be the most sincere and the ones who need themselves the most.

   It's just that he hasn't thought about it yet.

   During the period when he left his job, rumors were flying everywhere.

   It is said that Chang Ming was never found last time. It was Hualuo who saved him face and asked him to finish "Feng Shen World" before leaving.

   There is another saying, he went to Seven Colors.

   He went to Tiancheng Shengshi.

   Anyway, Su Qingyue was speechless.

   was too lazy to refute, he felt that the most important thing for him now was not to think about how to work, but to relax.

  Su Qingyue has always believed that life needs to constantly look back, sorting out and reviewing it in stages, which is conducive to better progress.

   Anything eager to get results, rush into battle, there will be no good results. It may even enter a misunderstanding of thinking.

   Sharpen the knife without accidentally cutting wood.

   I thought about it for a while, made a plan for myself, and thought about work every day, not more than two to three hours.

   But what else can you do?

  Looking at the house, he was cleaned up by Amo.

   Housekeeping is certainly not what he is good at.

   He was taken care of by six sisters since he was a child, and his sensitivity in this regard is very low.

   does not mean laziness, but simply lacks eyesight.

   But besides these, what else can you do? He thought, walking around the house, and suddenly saw the kitchen.

   There are green onions left over from yesterday on the plate.

   For a time, inspiration bursts out.

  He suddenly realized that since arriving in Pingjing, either Brother Guang was cooking, or occasionally Amu, he had never cooked at all.

   went out immediately, bought a recipe for cooking at the newsstand, and looked through the contents carefully.

   chose a few dishes he thought he could cook.

   From scrambled eggs with tomatoes to simmered squash, as well as kaiyang dried shreds and fried pork with chili.

   He thinks that these dishes seem to have not many steps at least.

   is not like mapo tofu or boiled pork slices. Just look at the raw materials you prepare, and you will be confused.

   did not go to the vegetable market, but went straight to the supermarket.

   The more Su Qing knows that people who don’t distinguish between various dishes like him are the most convenient supermarket.

   Expensive is more expensive, but it saves trouble.

   But when he walked in, he was still in a daze.

  Because, he was surprised to find that the variety of dishes in it was beyond his imagination.

   Various seasonings.

   He began to choose recipes one by one, and occasionally consulted the waiter.

   was about to go out, the phone rang, and he lowered his head to find that it was Qiu Xinjun.

   He picked it up, without Qiu Xinjun speaking, and said, "Have you been to Pingjing?"

   "Am I here? I am now resident." Qiu Xinjun's laughter came over the phone.

   Su Qingyue was startled, and gave way to other people at the checkout counter that had been stopped.

   "Did you transfer to Pingkyo?"

   "Yes." Qiu Xinjun said: "What are you doing at night."

   "You come to the house directly, I will cook today." Su Qingyue returned.

   "You...do you cook?"

   "When you come, I will add two more cold dishes."

   It is impossible to add new types of hot dishes, otherwise...

   Su Qingyue shook his head helplessly, thinking that he was so powerful, and simply bought two cold dishes in the supermarket.

   I checked out and went out with three big plastic bags.

   suddenly remembered how many years ago, his father was like this. Suddenly I wanted to cook, so I bought a bunch of raw materials and a casserole. During the preparation period, my mother came into the house and laughed. Saying that the food is good or not, put it aside, the posture is very bluff.

   No, he vowed to make this meal ready for everything.

   got home and started to prepare.

   Although he is clumsy, Su Qingyue thinks this thing is like work.

   should be classified first.

   The long time is one type, and the short time is one type.

   Steam the rice first.

   Cut all the side dishes.

   Then discard all the kitchen waste caused by cutting vegetables and washing vegetables.

   It looks like the kitchen is much cleaner and tidy.

  I looked at the materials prepared on the stovetop with satisfaction and looked at the watch. Now I am waiting for everyone to come.

   As long as it comes, let it go.

   He remembered what Amo had said. Just follow the recipe and don't create, so that there will be no major problems.

   The door opened, and it is no accident that Brother Guang was the first to arrive home.

   When he walked in, he was startled when he smelled the scent of rice.

Seeing that Su Qingyue was still preparing something else, he said, "Really? Fake? The sun came out from the west." As he walked into the kitchen, he suddenly found that the stove was clean. Everything was ready, completely stunned, and asked: "You can cook?"

   "What can't be?" Su Qingyue said with a smile: "It's nothing more than time matching and process."

   After other words, put the marinated fish in the steamer.

   ignites, and starts to prepare for something else.

   Brother Guang looked at him, and found that he was so handsome.

   shook his head constantly, reminding him: "Boil the pot dry, and then put the oil."

   "Understand!" Su Qingyue said.

   When the pot was hot and there was no more water, he put on the oil.

   put garlic and other spices into the pot.

   I read the book, and it said: You must sauté these ingredients before serving.

   So he pulled a little bit and only put the dishes in after smelling the scent.

   Stir-fried a few times, Su Qingyue was very clumsy, but the procedure was correct and the smell still came out.

   suddenly realized that Brother Guang was still in the kitchen, he laughed: "Don't worry, there will be no problem."

   Unexpectedly, Brother Guang, not worried about this, but said: "I have contacted Xiaoxuan."

   "Huh?" Su Qingyue was startled and looked back at him.

   "She sent me the child's picture." Brother Guang's voice was heavy and he lit a cigarette.

   "When did it happen?" Su Qingyue looked back at him, and fry the vegetables in the pot twice.

   "This afternoon." Brother Guang said, pointing to the pot: "It's almost done, this dish cannot be too long."

   "Okay." Su Qingyue said, adding a bit of fuel consumption as required by the recipe.

   Make the last few stir fry.

When he was out of the pot, Brother Guang said again: "That kid really looks like me." He couldn't help but laughed, "Especially that smile, it tastes in every way. Later, you will come to the computer to have a look. It looks exactly like when I was young. Father two, carved out of the same mold."

   "Nonsense! That's your son!" Su Qing laughed and asked, "When will she be back?"

  When the words came to this, Brother Guang, who had just opened his eyes, suddenly fell silent.

   Su Qing understood that this kind of injury cannot be forgiven so quickly.

   then encouraged him: "If you are willing to send you the photo, it means you are still worried about you."

   As he said, he brushed the pot, the fish was ready at this time.

  Put the chives in according to the procedure, boil the oil and pour it on the fish.

   put the lid on again~www.ltnovel.com~ and continued to be stuffy.

   At this time, Brother Guang finally said, "I have to make money."

   "I told you about user stickiness before, did you do it?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "I have done it all. I just went online. I have to see the reaction tonight." He said, Su Qingyue started to fry other dishes: "I want to make this and go find her there."

   "If you are really like this, she will definitely forgive you." Su Qingyue looked back at him.

   Seeing Ge Guang's eyes firm.

   no longer have the previous hesitation, Su Qingyue thinks this is the attitude towards love.

   I am very happy for them.

   Some people grow up through hurting and being hurt.

   Although it is cruel, love is originally like this.

   Need to experience, need to run in, or even give up...

   was thinking, the door opened. When Ah Mou came back, Qiu Xinjun was also here.

   Everyone was chatting, and suddenly they found Su Qingyue was cooking.

  In an instant, everyone was stunned.

   Then began to gesticulate.

   Su Qing became more anxious, and finally said, "Shut up! All go back to the house!"

   then closed the kitchen door.

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