Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 214: : The crisis of paratroopers

   The last dish is fried pork with chili.

   Before serving the first few dishes, Su Qingyue quietly tasted them.

   Although I can’t talk about how beautiful the colors are and how delicious they are, they are definitely on the table.

   That's it, Su Qingyue comforted herself in her heart.

   I didn't expect to stir-fry the pork with chili at all, it would make me cry so hot.

   Su Qingyue kept coughing and opened all the windows.

   went out to hide for a while before it was done.

   The heat is a bit over, but it's not bad.

   I settled down with everyone and poured the wine.

   Qiu Xinjun pointed to the sauced beef bought from the supermarket, and asked with a smirk: "Don't tell me, you did this too."

   "I dare to do it, do you dare to eat?" Su Qing asked him with a smile.

   Then everyone toasted, first to celebrate Qiu Xinjun's stay in Beijing, and second to celebrate Guang Ge being a father.

   After drinking all the drinks.

   I heard that Brother Guang has a child, and Amou is like a curious baby, she has to look at the photos before eating.

   Brother Guang readily agreed and turned on the computer.

   Entering the mailbox, what is greeted is not a photo at first.

   is a letter from Sister Xiaoxuan: I thought for a long time, after all, you are the father of the child, so let's show it to you.

   There is a mood and atmosphere of blame in the text.

   After he didn't see clearly, the attachment opened.

  The background is a villa, blue sky and white clouds, and swimming pool.

   The child is sitting in the car, smiling happily.

   The state between the eyebrows and eyes is really like Brother Guang. Su Qing couldn't help it, and even said a few words: "Dear, kiss my son."

"The necessary thing must be like me." Brother Guang said triumphantly: "And look at this chin," he pointed his finger at the screen, "When I laugh, this dimple is the most like me." Look at him With a happy smile, Su Qingyue sighed secretly, hoping that he could save Sister Xiaoxuan.

   Although there is only one photo.

   is enough to move people, enough to make people feel life.

   But Amo thinks that the child is more like Xiaoxuan Sister, especially in that state.

   After a while, everyone returned to the dinner table.

   Fortunately, it is not winter, and the dishes have not yet been completely cooled.

  Eating fish, Qiu Xinjun sighed and said, "You fish is better than my mother's, and the craftsmanship is excellent."

   "I also learned from Amou."

   "Amu?" Qiu Xinjun looked at her: "You can cook?"

   "She cooks soup very well." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

   Qiu Xinjun sighed with emotion, first said a dirty word, and then sighed: "It's good to have a girlfriend."

   Several people clink glasses again.

   Ah Mou asked Brother Guang what the child was going to call.

   Brother Guang was taken aback and said that he needed to communicate with Sister Xiaoxuan.

   Then, everyone asked about Qiu Xinjun's progress.

   The latter laughed, and said, "I'll make money first."

   From his smile, there was a hint of helplessness.

   The more Su Qing knew that he hadn't emerged from the shadows yet.

   The girlfriend who had been in college for four years, because his family was poor, finally chose to leave.

   Now he always considers himself a prodigal son, but the more Su Qing knows, that's not the case at all.

   There are some hurdles, you may not get through it for a lifetime.

   Several people talked and talked about online shopping again, and they said how to solve this security.

   "Zesamese opens the door very well. Our colleagues are using that to buy things quickly and well." Amu said, "But when I bought it, I was still a little worried and afraid of problems."

   "Credit is the key to online transactions." Brother Guang interjected: "A lot of game props are now scammers."

   Hearing that credit is the key.

   Trading game props, Su Qingyue instantly remembered the official trading props mentioned by Koreans.

   At this time everyone changed the topic again.

   Amu asked Qiu Xinjun, "Qiu Brother, is this a high promotion?"

   "High rise?" Qiu Xinjun was startled, then shook his head: "It's hard to say."

   "It's hard to tell?" Brother Guang followed up.

"Hey, the reason why the other party digs my boss is that they value my boss's ability," Qiu Xinjun said: "But the real society is not only about ability, but also weighing pros and cons." When it comes to these, he instantly returned to seriousness, like a proficient person. The veteran said: "When we are here, we will naturally touch the cheese of the original group of people, and the work will be difficult to carry out."

   "Is it bad to stay where you are?" Amu asked him.

   "Of course it's not good," Qiu Xinjun said with emotion: "My boss is an ambitious person. He refuses to be a regional manager for the rest of his life. He must find opportunities to climb up."

   "Isn't this dangerous?" Amu asked puzzledly.

   "What's the danger? There is still danger on the road? Don't you drive, but the intersection?" Su Qingyue interrupted.

   With his words, Qiu Xinjun cried out as if he had found a confidant.

   drank with him after having a cup.

Said: "My boss said the same, he asked me if I would come with him, and he told me the risk. It is all anticlimactic to say that the paratroopers did not end well. Because what he parachuted was ability, not relationship. It doesn't matter, no matter how good the ability is, it is imaginary. This is reality and helpless."

   "Then he will go?" Ge Guang asked in surprise.

   "If there are few chances in life, if you don't try it, how can you know it won't work." Qiu Xinjun said.

"That's right, Lao Qiu, I think you are the right person!" Su Qingyue was also excited, empathizing, and toasting: "Being the boss, you don't even have a bit of ambition, so what do the brothers do with him? Wind?"

   "But it's really like walking on thin ice." Qiu Xinjun sighed after drinking a glass of wine.

   "If you walk on thin ice, you can see the mountains and small mountains." Su Qing said loudly.

   Ah Mou looked at him and laughed: "Brother Su, now is full of fighting spirit."

   "I am not now, I have always been like this." Su Qingyue said.

   Brother Guang raised his glass: "Then we wish Lao Qiu, Qingyue, and success."

   "I also wish you success, build this website, and chase Xiaoxuan back!" Su Qing said loudly.

   "Look at all the mountains!" Qiu Xinjun followed.

   The three men drank all their drinks.

After    they talked about renting again, and everyone persuaded Qiu Xinjun to look for them in their community.

   "You are in Xiguancun, it's near here, you can go on foot." Guang Ge introduced.

"Don't worry, I'm familiar with it here," Qiu Xinjun smiled back: "I will choose your community~www.ltnovel.com~ Then I will find someone," Amu said: "Our media group has real estate network. Friends, they have a lot of news."

   They drank a lot that day.

   But because it is beer, everyone is not drunk.

   After ten o'clock, Qiu Xinjun left, and the three of them sent him off together.

   The weather in Pingjing is getting hotter and hotter, and there are more people at the barbecue stall.

   Brother Guang introduced the barbecue here.

   Su Qingyue's thoughts were all on the paratroopers.

   He realized that he was a paratrooper no matter which company he went to.

   will definitely move other people's cheese.

   And it is more serious than in China Network, because before, it was only the market level.

   It is now possible to intervene at the product level, involving R&D and other fields.

   There is no doubt that Qiu Xinjun is right. Ability is very important, and relationship is more important.

   But it doesn't matter to me.

  The only thing that can be done is to make sure that the other party needs himself very much.

   I can’t do without myself.

   And where is this company?

   Why do they need me? Su Qing Yue thought, waved his hand with Qiu Xinjun, who got in the car and left.

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