Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 215: : 3 Gu Maolu

   April 20th, there was rain.

   In Su Qingyue's sleep, he felt that he was struggling outside the house.

   opened his eyes, opened the curtains, and found that the sky was gloomy, with raindrops beating against the windows.

   A burst of coolness came.

   Su Qingyue shivered. In the late spring of Pingjing, it rained a little bit, and it was cooler than autumn in Nandu.

   stretched and looked at the table below.

   It's nine thirty.

   The champion cake must be closed.

   He hasn't gotten up early recently, and he hasn't even thought about breakfast.

   Amo was not there. She had an interview in the morning and left early.

   Go to the outhouse to wash your face and brush your teeth.

   During these recent days, he has been more relaxed and comfortable.

  The fatigue gradually subsided.

   came out of the bathroom and noticed that the light in Ge Guang's room was still on.

   Recently, Su Qingyue usually cooks at home.

   Show Amou the manuscript and review the outline. Or help Guang Ge plan his website-Aiglas National Geographic.

  The website was launched recently, which is the key period for gathering players.

   Su Qingyue put forward a package promotion plan. I also used my own resources in the industry to facilitate cooperation with Qicai, which will provide them with a very popular internal beta activation code.

   It's just that Sister Xiaoxuan didn't send him any more letters.

   Now Brother Guang works day and night, 10,000 times harder than before.

   He tried to fill all the emotional emptiness with daily high-intensity work.

   said to Su Qingyue that he would go to the other side of the ocean one day to pick them up.

   Whenever he thinks of these, Su Qingyue is emotional: the prodigal son will not change his money.

   People are different from people.

   After someone separates, they will suddenly realize that true love.

   knew that I missed it.

  Some people are different, they will forget what should be remembered, remember what should be forgotten.

   It is said that Jia Naixiang is like this.

   He often goes to Lin'an now and even wants to settle down.

   However, Wang Xi didn't seem to be happy. The coach had read his resume.

   Open Sesame, I won’t want such a person.

   went back to the room, turned on the computer again, and entered the "Three Kingdoms Heroes" developed by the focus.

  He has been immersed in this all these days.

   Su Qing felt more and more that the focus of research and development was indeed great.

   The content is rich enough, and the picture is very good among competing products.

   The early playability is very high.

   But the problem is that it takes too much time.

   Main missions, side missions, various activities, gang wars, national wars, if you don’t go online for a day or two, you won’t be able to keep up.

   is very disappointing.

   Looking through the official website forums and other media areas, Su Qingyue found that players had very strong feedback on this.

   Next, the three forces set by the game itself: Wei Shu Wu.

   is very unbalanced.

  Although all gameplay activities and settings are developed around this.

   However, due to the fact that most of Wei players are in the north, the number of players is large, and the online time is long, the overall strength is the strongest;

  Shu Kingdom is relatively balanced;

  Wu players are mostly in the south. Although the number is relatively small, the players have strong ability to pay.

   However, the current mode leads to the advantages of players in the country of Wu, which cannot be reflected at all.

   Although the government has a relative compensation mechanism for the weaker camps, considering the overall balance, it is impossible to have much intervention. This causes the strong to remain strong and the weak to remain weak.

  Wu and Shu players are losing, and Wei players have become dull.

   No wonder the player joked that this is not "Three Heroes", it should be renamed: Wei Kingdom Heroes.

  How to change? Su Qingyue has a question mark in his mind.

   Looking at his watch, it was half past eleven and he went to ask Brother Guang to have a meal.

   In the afternoon, the rain stopped.

   In order to exercise, simply walked to the Chailu Teahouse.

   This was an appointment with Jiao Kejun.

  Think about the sincerity of Jiao Kejun from the rebate incident to the present.

   And after this period of research, it is not just the research of "Three Kingdoms Heroes", the research focus and Jiao Kejun.

   also studied other companies that have sent invitations.

   After analysis and thinking, he confirmed the future and results he wanted, and he was sure.

   believes that the focus is the one that best meets his requirements.

  First, the R&D strength of Focus is second to none in the circle. A large number of domestic R&D talents are more or less related to the focus. If you want to understand R&D, get in touch with R&D... The focus is undoubtedly the best platform.

   Second, the focus is on sufficient cash flow. The technology and product quality of "Three Kingdoms Heroes" completely passed the test, but it did not get good results. Both the industry and the focus of investors have put a lot of pressure on the management.

   Third, Jiao Kejun is eager to change, and his attitude is sincere enough. Under the premise of knowing what I need and thinking, I still try my best to invite, which shows my sincerity.

   In addition, using my own resources in the industry and the demonstration role of ChinaNet’s achievements, I am likely to quickly integrate and get started, and achieve certain results. This will greatly expand one's own display space in the focal point, gain more support, and have an accelerated effect on the deeper plans of one's heart.

   Comprehensive analysis focus is a good place.

   Everyone is tacit, and each has his needs.

   So when Jiao Kejun made another appointment, Su Qingyue agreed without hesitation.

   When he passed the Fourth Ring Road, he turned his head and looked at the office building where Hualuo was located.

   Think about it just a month ago, I was still here.

   I remembered that Xiao Yu asked herself last night: "Brother Yue, did Ziyou come to you?"

   Su Qingyue didn't reply.

   didn't quite understand what it meant.

   As soon as I entered the teahouse, the rain began to fall again, even more than before.

   entered the elegant room "three visits to the thatched cottage", Jiao Kejun also just came in.

   looked back at him and laughed: "Spring rain is as expensive as oil, it seems this is a harvest season."

   "I hope so too." Su Qingyue said.

   Chen Ting interjected and asked, "Qingyue, how is your rest recently?" She smiled brilliantly.

   "It's very rare to have a time to rest, review and sort out your thoughts." Su Qingyue said, paused, and then said: "By the way, I also played your "Three Kingdoms Heroes"..."

   Before he finished speaking, Jiao Kejun followed up and asked: "How about it, any suggestions?"

   Su Qingyue discovered that Jiao Kejun’s eyes brightened as long as he mentioned the product.

   Chen Ting laughed and poured tea for them.

   They ordered a copy of Shifeng Longjing from Ming Dynasty today.

   Su Qing more and more smelled the fragrance of tea, and then said: "You know my philosophy."

   "Integrated operation strategy." Jiao Kejun nodded and said the key words that Su Qingyue had always emphasized.

   "This is not a simple suggestion: it requires the cooperation of market, research and development, and product operation."

   "Then you choose the focus." Jiao Kejun smiled and emphasized: "No one is better than us."

   Chen Ting also said: "I have been transferred to the executive vice president, responsible for legal affairs, administration, and personnel. The original market, business, and operations are now vacant." She said, smiling brightly and kindly.

   "I will do my best to cooperate with R&D and products," Jiao Kejun said again.

   Su Qing became more silent, and both parties drank tea again.

   The sound of rain outside subsided after a while.

   put down the teacup.

   Chen Ting fell on him.

   I remembered Qiu Xinjun's words: "The paratroopers never end well."

  Su Qingyue said: "Mr Jiao, I choose the focus not to fight for benefits, but to do things."

   "All for things." Jiao Kejun nodded.

   "Let me talk about my idea." Su Qingyue said.

"you said."


"I am going to intervene in research and development ~www.ltnovel.com~ to collect player opinions. Organize players to conduct black box testing and meet-and-greet meetings on the intranet version." He said that this is a plan he has been thinking about for a long time: "Through this, take out the product The revised plan, while stabilizing existing players."

   "This is no problem." Jiao Kejun nodded.

   "As I said to you before, make innovations and breakthroughs in the model. The latest plan has not been finalized. We will discuss it when it is completed..."

   Jiao Kejun said: "I will give my all my support."

   Chen Ting laughed and exchanged tea for them.

   pointed to the floor-to-ceiling window and said, "It's great, it's dawn."

   As she said, they saw the sky in the distance and the sun came out.

   The halo was on the edge of the cloud, glowing golden color.

   Although it is already sunset, it is infinitely beautiful.

   Su Qing understood that Jiao Kejun would definitely agree to all his requests as long as he mentioned it by himself.

   He believed in Jiao Kejun's sincerity.

   But this is also a very big pressure, that is, one must think clearly and give a good result to the focus.

  Su Qingyue finally said: "President Jiao, I have one last request, that is, before I join the job, this matter should not be disclosed."

   "Don't worry, we will do it." Jiao Kejun and Chen Ting said almost in unison.

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