Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 216: :brothers! brothers!

   Finally, they jointly confirmed Su Qingyue's official entry time.

   Coming out of the Chailu Teahouse and looking at his watch, it was already 5:36 in the afternoon.

   Although the sky is clear, the wind blows moisture after the rain, which still makes people feel full of coolness.

   The traffic jam on Xuezhi Road has started. When he reached Xuezhi Bridge, the traffic flow had already merged into a long line.

   can't see the edge at a glance.

   The phone rang suddenly and found that it was Zhou Ziyou, so he picked it up.

   I heard him ask on the other end of the phone: "Boss, do you have time now?"

   "What's the matter?" Su Qingyue asked, feeling a rush in his voice.

   "Can I see you?" Zhou Ziyou asked again.

   "Yes, come home."

   "Then I will find you."

   hung up, not sure what was wrong with this kid.

   I remembered Xiao Yu again and asked myself if Zhou Ziyou had come here.

   faintly guessed something.

  Although he has left ChinaNet, everyone still takes him as the boss.

   He is really like the boss, caring for everyone.

  Walking home, Amu and Guangge are both having business today, so they will eat by themselves tonight.

   He simply went to a Sichuan-Chongqing home and sent the address to Zhou Ziyou.

  Because of the early arrival, there are no people in the restaurant.

   Su Qingyue first ordered a glass of white water.

   thought in his heart, although Jiao Kejun promised well, the specific plan still needs further discussion, so the plan must be sufficiently reasonable.

   was thinking, about six o'clock, Zhou Ziyou opened the door and entered the hotel.

   The first sentence when I saw him was: "Boss, where are you going?"

   "Where are you going?" Su Qingyue frowned slightly.

   "Which company to go to?" Zhou Ziyou sat down and asked curiously.

  The waiter came over, put down the menu, and waited for them.

   Su Qingyue just wanted to say: Let’s order food first.

   He pushed the menu to Zhou Ziyou.

   The latter ordered a boiled fish and a non-spicy dish.

   "Is it enough?"


   "One boiled fish is enough." Zhou Ziyou laughed.

   Watching the waiter leave, Su Qingyue asked him: "What's wrong with you?"

   "Boss, which company are you going to? Can I go with you?" Zhou Ziyou suddenly asked.

   Su Qingyue was startled instantly.

   I wanted to talk about focus.

   suddenly remembered that Xiao Yu asked if Ziyou came to him.

   "to find" means to run away.

   He immediately noticed the problem, his eyes were sharp, and he asked straightforwardly: "Ziyou, have you resigned?"


   At that moment, Zhou Ziyou was completely stunned.

   looked at him and did not respond.

   Su Qingyue asked again: "Is it right, answer me?"

"Boss, I think that if I want to go to you, I can't do the kind of riding a donkey and looking for a horse." Zhou Ziyou scratched his head and blushed. Without resignation, he said the reason: "I think, if you want to learn from you, first Resign. Only then can you be sincere to ChinaNet, otherwise..."

   was said by him.

   Su Qingyue didn't know whether he should be angry or happy.

   pointed at him, and said for a long time: "You are too brave, do you know how dangerous it is to do it yourself?"

   "Huh? What's wrong?" Zhou Ziyou was dumb.

   "What if I don't accept you or I haven't found a job yet?" Su Qingyue said.

  Zhou Ziyou obviously didn't realize this.

   He froze.

  Su Qingyue was very angry. He didn't think about the future in his work, so he said again: "My friend, I am not trying to train you, I am worried about you. You have to think about your future when you do things."

   "Boss, I came to you just thinking about my future." He scratched his head.

   Su Qingyue didn't know what to say for a while.

   The dishes will come later

   They eat.

   Su Qingyue thought about how to arrange Zhou Ziyou.

   The focus is now that there is a marketing manager, and it is impossible for me to withdraw others to arrange a child friend.

   But with the abilities of a child friend, being a deputy or an ordinary employee, but also inferior.

   "Boss, you won't be angry anymore?"

   "Why am I angry?" Su Qingyue put down his chopsticks and asked him, with a serious face: "You don't discuss with me for making such a big decision. You are not sorry for me, you are sorry for yourself, do you know."

   "I think, if I told you, I would embarrass you."

"What's the embarrassment?" Su Qingyue asked him: "What did we say that day? One day as the boss, and the whole life as the boss; one day as a brother, and a whole life as a brother. If you have any questions, you can directly contact me. What can you embarrass? "

   The second dish is here.

   eased the atmosphere a little, Zhou Ziyou saw that Su Qingyue's mood was slightly better.

   laughed, and tentatively asked again: "Boss, where are you going? Can you take me?"

   Looking at Zhou Ziyou's curious baby appearance, Su Qingyue really didn't know whether to be angry or to be happy.

   sighed helplessly.

   said: "Ziyou, I went to a small company. And the other party has a marketing manager. If you go there, you will be a deputy manager or team leader at most. The treatment must not be as good as that of ChinaNet..."

   "Boss! I don't care about this, I care about following you!"

   Zhou Ziyou said so.

   Su Qingyue shook his head helplessly and told him: "What I want to go to is the focus."

   "Understand!" Zhou Ziyou instantly sat upright and got serious.

Su Qingyue looked at him and introduced: "The focus is very special now. "Three Kingdoms Heroes" is a good game, but its performance has never reached the target. I discussed the direction with Mr. Jiao, but I am currently working on specific thinking and plans. ."

   "Understand." Zhou Ziyou nodded.

   Then they talked about the "Three Kingdoms Heroes" and the focus software.

  Su Qingyue asked him not to talk to anyone about what he wanted to focus on.

   Zhou Ziyou immediately made a guarantee.

In the end, Su Qing said earnestly in Yue language: "My friend, there is nothing to say between good brothers. Don’t be embarrassed, just say it. Otherwise, if you don’t say it, I don’t know, it hurts you. Is that still a good brother?"

   "I see, boss." Zhou Ziyou nodded seriously.

   At night, I sent Zhou Ziyou to the rental.

   Su Qingyue went home alone, but Ah Mo hadn't returned yet.

   opened QQ and found that Xiao Yu's head was shaking.

   He double-clicked to open, and found that the text she sent was: Brother Yue, have you gone to focus?

   Su Qingyue was suddenly shocked, and subconsciously thought: "Did Zhou Ziyou say it?"

   then realized that this is impossible.

   Jiao Kejun and Chen Ting? After so many contacts, it should not be possible.

   He realized that the information must have been leaked by the person in focus.

   Jiao Kejun and Chen Ting must have said this when they arranged their work.

   Then, my sister also sent a message and asked: "Qingyue, have you gone to the focus?"

   Su Qingyue frowned.

   realized that if you want to start work as quickly as possible in the focus, you can't do without your own.

   At this time, he received a message from Zhou Ziyou, which read: Thank you, boss!

   Su Qingyue suddenly felt relieved and laughed instantly.

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