Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 217: : Renewed

   a few days later.

   The weather is fine, the blue sky is like washing, and there is no cloud.

   The yellow calendar says: Avoid logging.

   The rest is suitable for everything from weddings and funerals to going into the house.

   This is what Amu told him after checking.

   He wore a long-sleeved red and white shirt today.

   This is Amou just went to Xiguancun to buy it for him a few days ago.

   Su Qingyue is not disgusted with this traditional culture that has been passed down from generation to generation and rooted in the heart.

   This is just loving life, loving family, and looking forward to a better life in the future.

   It's just that Su Qingyue feels bad luck, it depends on whether he is serious.

   Bad luck is the result, not the process.

   The message that he went to the focus has been spread since that night.

   has now exploded in the industry.

  From professional forums to various industry groups, this matter is being discussed.

   Some people think: He focused on money for the sake of money. This shows that although Su Qingyue is clever, but short-sighted, there is no reason in the world that "people go low".

   Some people think: Su Qing can't see himself clearly, saying that he can succeed not because of those market ideas. It's because the Hualuo platform is big enough, and now that he leaves Hualuo will surely expose him.

   It is estimated that because of these words, Chen Feng sent a message specifically, asking him: Everything will be difficult, and some people talk about it. But now that you have chosen, you must stick to it and build a bridge when you meet mountains and rivers. Never give up halfway or give up.

   Xiao Yu said: Brother Yue, I will support you no matter where you are, and I need resources to tell me.

   The same goes for my sister.

   Liu Hao also sent a message, asking: What is better about Pingjing?

   Finally, he said: Tell me if you need it.

   Su Qingyue never thought that his every move would make waves in the industry.

   When I think back to the newspaper more than a year ago and left by myself, no one remembers.

   Su Qingyue was very excited.

   I am grateful for my choice at the time and enjoy the process.

   At 8:30, Dongshan's car arrived at the entrance of Shining Building on time.

   Su Qingyue calculated a little, if he departs at 7:50 every day, his arrival time will be 8:30. If it’s a few minutes later, it won’t be necessary to catch up with the traffic jam on College Road.

   got off the car and saw Chen Ting already greeted herself in front of the turnstile.

   He hurried over.

   Chen Ting wore a black knee-length work skirt and a pair of black high heels today.

The    top is a woolen casual jacket with a corsage.

   The two exchanged simple greetings, and Chen Ting smiled and said, "Let’s go upstairs, Mr. Jiao and them are upstairs."


   The office building where the focus is located is not too big.

   It is said that it used to be a private club.

   More than a dozen stories high in the clubhouse, Su Qing couldn't figure out who the owner would be.

   Unlike Hualuo, the lighting here is not very good, and it feels like a deep courtyard as soon as you enter the door.

   The roof height is not high, which is a bit depressing. However, it matches the atmosphere of a technology-based R&D company.

Chen Ting said as he walked: "There is a very small welcome ceremony upstairs, mainly for Mr. Jiao, several vice presidents, and some people from the management platform. You have a few words. In the morning, we will complete the entry procedures, and then I'll transfer you to a department, and everyone will get to know each other."

   "No problem," Su Qingyue said, "Thank you sister Ting."

   is going to work, the four elevators are obviously not enough.

   He and Chen Ting waited a while before going up.

  The focus is on the seventh floor.

   As soon as he and Chen Ting got out of the car door, they first saw a few people smoking at the safe passage door.

   Turn right, the glass door of the office area is open.

   Jiao Kejun and a few people stood at the front desk with the company logo in the background.

   The front desk does not have much depth. On the left is a translucent reception room, next to a large conference room.

   Seeing Su Qing approaching, Jiao Kejun took the lead and applauded.

   Several people beside Jiao Kejun, Su Qingyue had met briefly before.

   Chen Ting took a step back consciously, Jiao Kejun and Su Qingyue shook hands.

Introduce everyone: "As we all know, Qingyue is a well-known marketing expert in the industry. When he was in China Network, he used his own power to promote "The World of Martial Arts" to the top three in the industry; "World" is also one of his classic cases of trading."

   Jiao Kejun said, Chen Ting took the lead and applauded.

The former went on to say: "We asked him to be the vice president of Focus, mainly in charge of marketing, operations, and business. I hope Qingyue can make up for the shortcomings of our focus and let our focus go to a higher level." He said, and immediately Su Qing smiled and said, "Now, let us welcome him to say a few words."

   Su Qingyue immediately stepped forward.

   Several people are smiling.

   Yuguang noticed that the people coming and going on both sides stopped.

  Su Qingyue wanted to talk about his ideas impassionedly, but instantly gave up.

   The R&D personnel are quick to do things but not to speak. They talk too much about too much, which is not appropriate.

So I changed to a long story short: "Thank Mr. Jiao for giving me the opportunity. I hope that in the future, we will work together to make the focus bigger and stronger. When I come up with a specific plan, we will sit down and discuss together..." He said nothing, look at Jiao Kejun , Signaled that he was finished.

   The latter took the lead and applauded.

   Then Chen Ting brought a cup of green tea from the front desk.

   smiled and said, "Your favorite drink is from Nongfu Spring."

   Su Qingyue seemed to see the office screen of Hualuo.

   But comfort is meaningless, challenge is best for you.

   Su Qingyue smiled and nodded. The welcome ceremony was over, and everyone returned to their respective departments.

   Chen Ting led him through the entry formalities and simply handed over some work.

   Then she led him to the department.

Introduced: “We have two major R&D centers, a small casual game R&D department, and an engine R&D department.” She pointed to most areas of the office and said, “Because we were a R&D enterprise before. , So two-thirds of the company is technology. Marketing, operations, business, finance, and administration are here."

   She pointed to the area where she was standing.

   added: "We have a small size and a small structure. Except for R&D, we are all set up by departments and have simple levels."

   "It doesn't matter."

   As they said, they walked into an office area.

   Chen Ting clapped her hands slightly~www.ltnovel.com~ Everyone's eyes gathered.

   She introduced Su Qingyue.

   Several department leaders greeted him and called him President Su.

   Su Qing guessed, they knew they were coming.

   These are the departments under him.

   Chen Ting continued to introduce: "There are less than 50 people in marketing, operation, official website, and business cooperation."

  Su Qingyue nodded, and wanted to have a meeting in the afternoon to get to know everyone.

   Going to the R&D department, Chen Ting introduced: "You are the 301st employee of the company."

   "Such a coincidence?"

   "Yes, I just noticed when I flipped through the brochure today."

   After she said, the two smiled knowingly.

   Su Qingyue never believed in such a coincidence in the world, but felt the kindness in it.

   They talked and moved on.

   Passing through the front desk, Su Qingyue saw the silent developers who kept tapping the keyboard.


   Chen Ting introduced to Su Qingyue: "This is the first R&D center. I have introduced you to it before. They are responsible for the development of "Three Kingdoms Heroes".

   She said, they walked over.

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