Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 221: : Open the bow without turning back the arrow

   eleven o'clock exactly.

   The moon hung in the sky early, and Su Qingyue was still awake.

   He sat in front of the computer and looked at the "customer service briefing" sent by Liu Yuming for six months.

   is rich in content, covering almost all the questions feedback from players.

   Putting aside emotional expressions, Su Qingyue found that many problems were common.

   can also be reflected from the data graph of the customer service briefing.

   I remembered that when the department met yesterday, the Operations Department also mentioned it.

   Su Qing is more surprised to find that many problems still exist.

   In order to confirm his judgment, he tried.

   found only three or four problems and solved them.

   And not only there is no adjustment and improvement, there is also a lack of explanation and guidance for users on the forum.

   Su Qing frowned, completely not understanding what the operation was.

   Even if Jiao Kejun doesn’t understand the market, he should be able to see these issues in the comment area, right?

What is he doing?

   For a while, he fell into thought.

   Ah Mo came back from washing, blowing his head in the mirror.

   asked him coquettishly: "Vice President Su, when are you going to sleep?"

   "It must be late tonight, go to bed early." Su Qingyue replied.

"Hey..." Amu sighed and said, "Actually, I feel happiest when you are not working. I can guard you every day and go to bed early. Once you work, these good days are over... …"

   "At the beginning, a lot of things need to be prepared." Su Qingyue turned to explain, got up and walked behind her, comforting: "When you get up later, good days will come."

"Okay." Amu sighed helplessly, and then said: "If you choose this way, what else can you do? I can only keep on." Her hair dries, and she put the hair dryer away and smiled: "It is estimated that in the future It will be like this, born to work hard."

   "I am not afraid of how tired I am, but I don't want you to be too tired."

   Su Qingyue said.

   put Amu into bed, watched her fall asleep, and went back to the computer.

   He started to sort the mail for the past six months.

   Then go through it again carefully.

   He began to realize that although Jiang Zhengshang was mad, he would not allow external opinions.

   But when there is a problem with the product, all kinds of feedback are extremely bad, and the pressure still makes him compromise.

   Let him make the necessary adjustments.

   But the focus is not, they are farther from the market and have a stronger sense of self-superiority.

   sorted out the mail almost.

   thinking about continuing tomorrow.

   Zhou Ziyou’s resume was sent, and he clicked on it and checked it. After confirming that there was no problem, it was sent to Chen Ting.

   Look at Zhou Ziyou's message saying: "Thank you, boss."

   Su Qingyue thought: "Don't thank you, it's not necessarily a blessing or a curse."

  , thinking about telling the truth, let him know the difficulties in advance, so he sent a message: "This time is different from Hualuo. There may be a lot of difficulties outside of work. You have to be psychologically prepared in advance."

   "How can it be so easy to do things, I understand everything, boss." Zhou Ziyou directly replied, "And if it is really dangerous, you have to have a brother to carry it for you, right?"

   "Okay, let's carry it together."

   Su Qingyue said sincerely.

   sent his resume to Chen Ting, and after checking the time, he decided to go to bed.

   After washing up, and just lying down, Amu hugged his arm.

   All night, Su Qingyue was surrounded by a dream.

   It seems that he is the prime minister of Zhuge, who has been in the Northern Expedition, but always failed.

   He thought in his heart, if it doesn’t work, try Wei Yan’s Ziwu Valley scheming and imitate Han Xin’s "Mingxiu plank road, dark Chencang".

   In the dream, he seems to be unable to do anything.

   I got up in the morning, still thinking about this dream.

   It was seven o'clock, and he took a wash. I went out to buy the champion cake and got on Dongshan's car.

   thought to myself, simply making comments like this is not enough to communicate.

   You must rely on a plan to incorporate these opinions.

   Realize gradual corrections.

   If this is the case, simple activities will definitely not work.

   should be something else.

   Several plans flashed in his mind, realizing that he had to pass this, and establishing prestige first.

   The unit arrived after a while.

   walked into the lobby, now most people have not come, the elevator is still relatively empty.

   He just entered and was about to close the door when someone came in again.

   recognized at a glance that this was the person who ate in the cafeteria yesterday.

   Su Qingyue was very impressed with him, mainly because of his leek stuffed buns.

   asked casually: "Night shift?"

   "Huh?" The man noticed him then, reacted, and replied: "No, isn't this just coming."

   Su Qingyue nodded and said nothing.

   noticed again that he still had a few buns in his hand.

   looked at him carefully, and found that his face was very bad, it was simply a dish.

   did not speak any more.

   The elevator stopped, and the man let him out first.

   Su Qingyue said thank you, and went back to his office.

   took a cup of tea and drank no two.

   Turning on the computer, he found Jiao Kejun's message and asked him to go to his office.

   I checked the time, 7:55 in the morning.

   got up and walked towards his office and noticed that many seats in the office were still empty.

   Liu Yuming and Qin Shaofeng have not come yet.

   thought in his heart, it seemed that it was time to discuss specific work.

   This is also a good thing, otherwise the teacher will be unknown and it will be difficult to communicate and coordinate.

   Jiao Kejun’s office is located between the R&D area and other departments.

   He walked over and knocked on the door.

   heard Jiao Kejun say please come in.

When    walked in, seeing that he had just finished a breakfast burger, he pointed to the seat and said, "You sit first."

   Then he poured a glass of water for Su Qingyue, and said in greeting, "How is it? I came yesterday, do you feel comfortable with it? I had something to do last night, and I didn't care to ask everyone to have a meal."

   "Very good." Su Qingyue said, waiting for Jiao Kejun to say his purpose.

   At the next moment, the latter said, "I'm calling you, mainly to tell you about the current situation of the company."

"You say."

   "The number of online "Three Kingdoms Heroes" has been declining recently."

   "I know." Su Qingyue nodded.

"Especially in the last two weeks, the decline has been more serious." He said, his expression becoming more and more solemn: "To develop according to this situation, within three months, the revenue of this product will not be enough to support the company's development. We. Cash flow will become negative."

  "Um~www.ltnovel.com~ Su Qingyue thought about the problem, but did not expect it to be so big.

   This is obviously something that Jiao Kejun had not said before.

   Focus is very troublesome now.

Hearing Jiao Kejun continued: "I have the final say, "Three Kingdoms Heroes" will stop operating in one year. The "Three Kingdoms Heroes" R&D team is more radical and adopts many new technologies, so the early development cost is very high. . Now the board of directors is putting me under a lot of pressure, and I am approaching you to discuss how to deal with this issue."

   Su Qingyue was surprised, since the situation is so critical.

   Why is the problem so obvious, but nothing has changed?

   tried not to ask this question.

   Su Qingyue was a little dazed, but he still had the spirit of fighting, and said: "I have preliminary ideas, but I can only guarantee the matter itself. Other issues require the support of the company."

   "I fully support you, don't worry about that." Jiao Kejun replied.

   "What is the time limit?"

   "Before I was killed by the board of directors." Jiao Kejun said, smiling awkwardly.

   Su Qingyue knew in his heart that this was not a joke.

   The time is urgent.

   The next moment, he replied: "Okay, do your best."

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