Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 222: : Uncover the lid

   came out of Jiao Kejun’s office.

   Su Qing understood that there was no turning back arrow in the bow.

   Now is the solution to the problem, and soon I will continue with the plan I was thinking about last night.

   There is no change in the general direction: improvements cannot be proposed scattered, otherwise R&D will definitely be strongly opposed.

   requires a big event, accompanied by online cooperation.

   Use this as an opportunity to make changes.

   Su Qingyue thought, returning to his seat.

   Thinking back to the activities that only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals, thanks to the close cooperation of the snake master Dongfangjun.

   Offline propaganda, if it is not reflected online, it will inevitably bring a huge sense of loss.

   The effect of marketing and advertising will also be twice as effective.

  HuaLuo may act slower than others, but I have to admit that internal cooperation is closer.

   took a sip of tea.

   Continue to think again.

   I always feel that something is missing.

   Then I discovered that the office cubicle is good for independent thinking.

   But there is also less communication with my brothers.

   I didn’t think about being together before, but now that everyone is not there, I suddenly realize that something is missing.

   sent a message to Zhou Ziyou and asked if the personnel department contacted him.

   Zhou Ziyou replied: I'll be there in a while.

   It seems that the focus is still very efficient.

   Before eleven o'clock in the morning, Zhou Ziyou had completed all the procedures.

   Su Qingyue led him to see Lu Zhenbin.

   I thought the latter would be very unpleasant, after all, he just became the agency manager.

   People like power, even a small department manager.

  Unexpectedly, Lu Zhenbin actually didn't care.

   And smiling, he sighed and said, "Hey, this man is not easy to sit." He said to Zhou Ziyou: "Your work, I must cooperate well, don't worry." He was sincere in his words, unlike any hostility.

   Su Qing understood, Lu Zhenbin might think that this person is a fire place.

   Liang Jun's end has been seen by everyone, and it is estimated that he is unwilling to take responsibility.

   Everyone had a meal together at noon.

   When they got on the elevator, it was peak time again, and they waited for a while.

   It was hard to squeeze in.

   Before he reached the seventh floor, he heard faintly screaming.

   and Zhou Ziyou looked at each other, not understanding what happened.

   Then the elevator came to a halt slowly, and before the car door was opened, I heard a typical northern foul language.

   is very clear, it seems that the company has a problem.

   Su Qingyue frowned slightly.

   The door leaf slid open to both sides. At the same time they stepped, they saw a man holding a bag and a girl stopping him.

   The man yelled: "Li Lin, I..." A **** about greeting parents came. This man is dressed in a plaid shirt and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, looking gentle. He also said: "Who do you think you are? Work depends on you! Life depends on you! If you say overtime, you will work overtime! Now even MSN signatures must listen to you!"

   When I heard that Li Lin was scolding, I knew it must be the R&D department.

   I just don’t know what happened.

  What MSN signature? Just thinking about it, when I saw the girl from the personnel department, I opened my arms to stop him, not letting him leave.

   She is very thin, and she feels like a man's arm is blocking the car.

   thinking that if he hits a woman, he must be the first to stop him.

   But in the end no, he just yelled.

   The girl cried.

   Several R&D rushed to stop him.

   The man yelled: "Who are you guys with? Don't forget that we usually fight together!" He flushed with anger: "He can do this to me today, and he can do this to you tomorrow!"

   No one spoke for a while, his complexion stiff.

   Chen Ting also came up at this time, smiling to ease the atmosphere.

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't give face at all, and continued: "If you don't let me go today, I will call the police. Not only will I call the police, I will also go to the forum to talk about the current situation of the focus. Let everyone see what the company is like. ! The data has fallen into this way. Has anyone ever taken care of it? Every day, there are various inexplicable procedures and regulations."

   Because it is noon, there are more and more people.

   The more Su Qing realized that such a confrontation might cause a disturbance.

  Before I started preparing the plan, I had to be forced to crisis public relations.

   This matter must be resolved immediately.

   gave Chen Ting a wink. As the latter was about to leave, Li Lin suddenly appeared.

   He was carrying a baseball bat and wanted to hit someone when he came up.

   Swearing in his mouth.

   Fortunately, several R&D team members stopped him.

Listening to him yelling: "Gao Bin, don't come to this set. Don't think I don't know. You have already interacted with the space. You are here just wanting to get this monthly salary? I told you, don't you With this salary, Lao Tzu is the founder, Lao Tzu..."

   Before he finished speaking, Su Qing was stunned.

   Then I realized why all departments refused to accept him.

   It turns out that there is this relationship here.

   Without thinking about it, walked to the side with Chen Ting.

Gao Bin held his notebook and shouted: "Yes! The founder is great. The founder can watch his product data continue to decline without making any changes! Who do you think is rare for your code? A person who only writes stand-alone games Stuff, in a few months, I think you have to go back and write a stand-alone machine!"

   he shouted.

   Su Qingyue heard Chen Ting talk about the whole thing.

   It turned out that Gao Bin was a researcher under Li Lin. He was expelled by Li Lin because he signed a personal signature on MSN and wrote a certain online game classic. Before leaving, he wanted to take away his laptop, but Li Lin disagreed. Said to prevent him from stealing the code and causing losses to the company, he must be checked for a few days before returning him.

   "Why did he find his next home?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "Hey..." Chen Ting sighed and explained: "It is true that he is also waiting for the salary at the end of the month. As a result, the signature stimulated Li Lin and he was fired early."

   Su Qingyue figured it out: the project was not good, and the members left.

   Li Lin was angry at first, but when he was stimulated, it became like this. It was actually a trivial matter.

   Su Qingyue then said to Chen Ting: "I'll take care of this."


   "Of course it's not me, just leave it to Ziyou." Su Qingyue said.

   Chen Ting asked in surprise, "Ziyou just came here, and he is the marketing department."

   "This is a big mess, causing a series of troubles from the media, the police, etc., which will cause the company's reputation loss. This is a crisis public relations, and it is right to leave it to me." Zhou Ziyou said.

   is still shouting over there: "Li Lin! Come on! You fight!"

  Su Qingyue asked Zhou Ziyou: "Don't inflame the contradiction~www.ltnovel.com~ To understand the management of R&D. At the same time, we must also understand that if this person really wants to steal something, it won't take so long to act.

   "I understand!" Zhou Ziyou nodded.

   "Let him write a guarantee, guarantee that no code is taken away, and follow the form."


   "In addition, tell him that there is a competition agreement in his contract with the company, and the company can hold him accountable." He said, "Everyone try to be calm and solve the problem. He finished writing the guarantee and let him go."


   Zhou Ziyou said, stop.

   Chen Ting and Su Qingyue watched Zhou Ziyou solve the problem.

   He first persuaded Li Lin to leave, and then quickly settled Gao Bin in the conference room.

   The crowd of onlookers quickly dispersed.

   Chen Ting looked at in surprise, and sighed: "It's that simple?"

   "The problem I encountered in ChinaNet is more complicated than this." Su Qing smiled.

   watched Zhou Ziyou walk back.

   I finally have a bottom in my heart. I think it's nice to have brothers.

   Right arm, at least one came back.

   Then they went back to their desks.

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