Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 223: :a little complicated

   The Gao Bin incident was finally brought under control.

   In the afternoon, Su Qingyue asked the marketing department to check the major professional forums and found that it had not spread.

   He wants Zhou Ziyou to pay attention these days.

   Su Qingyue believes that the Gao Bin incident may be just the tip of the iceberg.

   More things haven't exploded yet.

   In addition, from Gao Bin’s words, he also heard that Li Lin is a very controlling person.

   This may be due to his success in many single-player games and his inertia in project control.

   So, to convince him...

   No wonder it hasn’t made any progress for so long.

   was thinking of a ding dong from the mailbox, and found that it was Li Lin's.

   Su Qingyue frowned slightly, not sure what was going on.

   Click to open it, and found that the subject of the e-mail was impressively written: Statement on the division of powers and responsibilities of the company's departments.

   The beginning of the article is to emphasize: If a company wants to develop in the long term, the first thing is to have clear rights and responsibilities, and a department has the responsibilities and powers of a department. Although a traitor appeared in my department today, I am very grateful to the marketing department for its help. But this problem should be mine, and the responsibility is mine.

   I hope that other departments will not intervene in R&D matters in the future. Anything, I am wrong, I admit it! No other department should interfere...

   there is a lot of content behind.

   Before I finished reading, Qin Shaofeng sent a link from the department manager’s small group.

   was followed by a comment: too much!

   Su Qingyue didn't understand, so he clicked to see.

   I discovered that Li Lin had sent this letter to the company's intranet forum.

   is all research and development Ding Chunqiu-style responses.

   Qin Shaofeng asked in the group: "Boss, what should I do?"

   Su Qingyue did not reply.

   He realized that he thought of Jia Naixiang now.

   Jia Naixiang will know that he is wrong anyway.

   Although he is unwilling to admit his mistakes, he will react when he is wrong.

   Such as avoiding the eyes of others.

   or talk less.

   But Li Lin is not.

   Su Qingyue realized that with Li Lin's age and status, he would not be so disregarded of the overall situation.

   Things are not that simple.

   What a person talks and does is determined by where he sits.

  It is not the head that decides the head, but the interests represented behind him. No one wants to give up the power in his hands...

   As the saying goes: "It is harder to touch the interests than the soul."


   In this way, it is complicated!

   While thinking about it, Liu Yuming said, "Lafayette, as long as he involves a little research and development, he would hate it to be a dog protecting food. No matter whether the other party is for the company or for himself, he must first bite."

   It seems that these department managers have long complained.

   Otherwise, how could it be possible to talk about others like this in front of a strange leader.

   Su Qingyue and Zhou Ziyou did not speak in the group.

   After a while, he asked everyone to come to his office for a meeting at three.

   Zhou Ziyou arrived a little earlier.

   As soon as the door closed, the sentence came: "Boss, this Li Lin is a crazy dog!"

   After other words, Su Qingyue pointed at him and told him not to talk nonsense.

   Zhou Ziyou stopped talking now, but he was still obviously angry.

   said: "What is the difference between this and Jia Naixiang?"

   "Not the same." Su Qingyue waved his hand.

   "Why is it different?"

"Jia Naixiang is a character factor, I don't like it, but I can accept it." Su Qingyue said: "Li Lin knows what we are here for, he doesn't want us to intervene in research and development. This is intentional, deliberately pretending to be stupid. "

   "Then this is a bit troublesome, he is the founder." Zhou Ziyou said.

   "So before you come, I told you that we have to face many problems outside of work."

   "It's okay, boss. No matter what you face, let's go together."

   After hearing from Zhou Ziyou, Su Qingyue smiled.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Also I have to tell you that you have to change your mind and don't think that the other party is a mad dog. Otherwise, one day the company party will drink too much, and one of the subconscious minds may break and say this. Trouble is endless."

   "Understand." Zhou Ziyou nodded.

   They were talking, and Qin Shaofeng and Liu Yuming also came in.

   Su Qingyue talked to them again and conveyed the same meaning.

   emphasized that respect is still the main thing.

   Don’t talk behind the scenes, it won’t help solve the problem.

   As a result, Liu Yuming said: "I think it's a shame to call Mad Dog. Guess what is Gaoyan Overseas?"

   "What?" Zhou Ziyou asked with wide eyes.

   "Teletubbies, also called Demo Little Prince."

   "What do you mean?" Su Qing asked in surprise.

Without waiting for Liu Yuming's answer, Qin Shaofeng leaned forward and said for him: "The game they developed has been a demo for several years. We all know that he is very good at setting up a project. It looks particularly brilliant at first glance, but it can be done specifically It’s just that.” He said, suddenly laughing, and added: “There is also a nickname called Teletubbies because he never takes off his bully Bluetooth headset...”

  The atmosphere suddenly became active.

   Then Liu Yuming suddenly turned upright and reminded: "But, boss, be careful of this person."


   "What's wrong?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "This man is a smiling tiger."

   "He is also the founder, right?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "It seems to be, I don't know the details." Liu Yuming replied.

   After a few people talked about gossip for a while, they began to discuss the plan.

   Su Qingyue proposed to have a plan for R&D to accept.

  Using a plan to bring out an overall plan to solve these problems or partially solve them

Liu Yuming put forward: "I suggest that I propose an overall plan, wait until they object, and then talk about the problems that have been partially resolved. Partially resolved, it is necessary to solve the most vocal problems of the players. These are the issues that I am compiling the "Customer Service Briefing" and our summary here. "

Zhou Ziyou put forward: “All plans must have R&D support as the premise. They have already had their version plans before R&D. We put our suggestions into it and package an overall concept.” He said, and then said: “It can be built into Material subject."

   "Yes!" Su Qingyue nodded.

   Qin Shaofeng and Liu Yuming looked at each other.

  Su Qingyue knew that the two of them did not disagree with the plan, but worried that Li Lin would not pass it.

   But they don’t have any problems with their work ~www.ltnovel.com~.

   So he just said in the end: "Ziyou, you go back and think of an expansion theme."


   "Yuming, your work is clear?"

   "Of course." The latter replied.

   Qin Shaofeng’s task is to provide design support.

   includes the content planning of the official website.

   After saying this, everyone left.

   Su Qingyue was thinking about how to convince Li Lin at that time.

Jiao Kejun sent a message: "Everyone will build a team tonight, and we will all go to Yanhai's house for dinner. He has just moved to a new house, let us all together." He said, and explained: "I posted something for Li Lin on the intranet today. I apologize to you. He is this person, don't be familiar with him."

   "It's okay, the important thing is to do things together." Su Qing said in Vietnamese, turning back with a smiling face.

   "I let Chen Ting call you at night."

   "Okay." Su Qingyue replied.

   sent a message to Amou and Guang, saying that they would not go home to eat.

   I want to take this opportunity to learn more about these two people.

   At half past six, Chen Ting knocked on his door.

   They left together.

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