Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 224: : 3 carriages

   and Chen Ting went downstairs.

   It turns out that Jiao Kejun was already in the car.

  I ran into Li Lin and Gao Yanhai in the parking lot.

   They happen to be in the car.

   Li Lin nodded to Su Qingyue, expressionless.

   Did not say anything, the attitude is in the letter on the forum.

   Instead, it was Gao Yanhai, who smiled: "Mr. Su, come to my house today to drink more and talk to me about marketing."

   "Good." Su Qingyue said.

   noticed the well-known girl standing beside Gao Yanhai.

   Shawl, long hair, red lips.

  The eyes are jet black and very bright.

   There are Chanel platinum earrings hanging from the earlobe.

   is in a tight red dress, with a clear view of her figure.

   black stockings with bright blue high heels.

   Gao Yanhai didn't tell them who the girl was.

   went back to the car.

   Su Qingyue noticed that he was driving the most popular Mazda 6 right now.

   It's big red, very dazzling.

   Li Lin drove a black Audi 100.

   and Chen Ting got into Jiao Kejun's domineering, he sat in the back seat.

   Jiao Kejun turned on the radio, and the sweet voice of the host of FM103.9 came from the speaker.

   As soon as the car started, Gao Yanhai's Mazda 6 rubbed them, honking all the way out of the parking lot.

   Li Lin followed.

   They felt like ancient bullies, riding tall horses, arrogantly shuttled through the downtown area.

   Jiao Kejun's car started to keep up.

   Although it is almost seven o'clock.

   But the sky in Pingjing hasn't completely dimmed yet.

   College Road has been blocked by a long queue.

   In the darkening sky, the red is very dazzling.

   On the radio, the host was talking about traffic jams.

   The more Su Qing listened, the more he felt that this broadcast could also be discontinued. All traffic conditions had only one word: blocking.

   No traffic jams are news.

   Jiao Kejun was in the car at this time, looking around from time to time. Found that there was no way to stop, muttering to himself depressed.

   Chen Ting is in the co-pilot.

   Looking out the window, the red Mazda 6 driven by Gao Yanhai is not far from the other lane.

   She chatted jokingly: "Mr Gao changes his car and changes his girlfriend."

   "This girl has only known each other for a week, and she seems to have not graduated yet," said Jiao Kejun.

   "So few days? Bring it home today?" Chen Ting was completely startled.

"Hey, what's this!" Jiao Kejun laughed helplessly, talking about the past: "The three of us were in the United States, and we just met for two hours, and let us call them younger brothers and sisters. It was like glue, as if we were going to get the certificate the next day. Up."

   As he said, he glanced at Su Qingyue in the rearview mirror.

   explained: "Qingyue, I know everything, I will go all out to support you."

   I don't know if he is talking to himself or actually explaining to himself.

   Su Qingyue replied: "Mr Jiao, I know."

   understood in his heart that all kinds of pressures have all been concentrated on Jiao Kejun.

   To support Su Qingyue is to support himself.

   There is no doubt about this.

   just thinking, the car stopped again.

   They had already walked for half an hour before they reached the intersection of Xueyuan Road and Fourth Ring Road.

   The sky is completely dark.

   Chen Ting asked curiously: "Where is Yanhai's house?"

   "Modern City."

"so far?"


   "How many square meters?"

   "More than one hundred and ninety, only half a million spent on decoration." Jiao Kejun said: "He has completed his dream."

   "What dream?" Su Qing asked curiously.

"His dream in this life is to be a rich native." Jiao Kejun laughed and recalled the past: "We had no money in the United States and the living conditions were very poor. He drank every day and said that when he returned to the country, he must Buy a few more big houses. Live one on Monday, and one on Tuesday... I will open a party in the suburbs on the weekend."

   "Then he did it now." Chen Ting said with a smile.

   Jiao Kejun shook his head helplessly: "In the beginning, a few stand-alone machines were not bad, with some achievements. But now, alas, his project has not made any progress."

   "They seem to have to recruit more people." Chen Ting said.

   "The Three Kingdoms is the key now. First keep it, and then solve Yanhai." He said, and said to Su Qingyue: "Qingyue, is there any progress in the afternoon plan?"

   "Yes, it is proceeding in an orderly manner." Su Qingyue replied.

   "Good! Good! Good!" He said three good times, and then said: "I am waiting for your good news,"

   The car drove two steps forward, then stopped again.

   Jiao Kejun said a complaining American slang.

   Su Qingyue listened, trying to figure out the relationship between the three of them.

   The waves in my heart are not a little bit.

   He believes that the most terrifying thing is that wealth and temporary success will make a person's thinking solidify.

   Just like Gao Bin said, do you want to be a stand-alone for a lifetime?

   Judging from the current situation, they were taken away by their achievements.

   It is good for people to have grades.

   It's ridiculous to think that grades can manage a lifetime.

   Su Qingyue thought, and the car continued to start.

   It took them a full hour and a half to reach the destination from outside the North Fourth Ring Road.

   It is closely guarded by China World Trade Center and is the hottest business district in Pingjing recently.

   Su Qingyue knows that part of Jinghe also works here.

   There is also a game company in the United States.

   The car stopped in the underground garage, and several people got out of the car.

  Walking into the elevator, Li Lin smiled and chatted with Jiao Kejun: "Lao Jiao, when will we move here too. Look at the environment of others, and then look at us. Even the quality of girls is better than ours."

   "No problem," Jiao Kejun smiled: "If you make the Three Kingdoms top ten, you can go wherever you want."

   "The first few things are not my final say." Li Lin laughed and looked at Su Qingyue.

   Gao Yanhai added: "Lafayette, my good days are waiting for you."

   "What a good day?" Li Lin said, rolling his eyes half-jokingly, and said: "Your product, hurry up!"

   "It's almost done."

   Listening to their chat, Su Qingyue found that Gao Yanhai stopped talking when he talked about his products.

   Changed the subject and asked Su Qingyue: "President Su, do you have any ideas now?" After speaking, he touched the earphones again.

   "Just thinking about it." Su Qing replied more simply.

   Chen Ting said with a smile: “No matter how good Mr. Su’s plan is, he also needs the cooperation of Lafayette, so that it can be perfect.

   "What can I cooperate with? R&D is to do a good job of the product. I still have to rely on Mr. Su to go out and yell," Li Lin said, and smiled at Su Qing: "Right, Mr. Su, thank you for today's matter."

   "It should be." Su Qingyue smiled back.

   The woman next to Gao Yanhai during the whole journey, UU read www.uukanshu.com and kept silent.

   Take the elevator from the underground garage.

   Li Lin's house is on the 15th floor. As soon as you enter the door, you can see the huge French windows.

   Moonlight came in.

   The living room has a high ceiling and is very bright.

  The lobby is a golden crystal pendant lamp.

   The house is like a palace, full of European retro furniture.

   The decoration of the whole house is completely different from the style of modern city buildings.


   But there is no feeling of wealth.

   Su Qing Yue thought for a long time before he remembered a word: nightclub.

   Even the sofa is in the style of a nightclub.

  Each room is also covered with leather, just like a box in a nightclub.

   The walls are covered with light-colored wallpapers.

   Chen Ting said with emotion: "Mr. Gao, I will really enjoy it."

   Gao Yanhai said immediately: "I will enjoy it again, and I am not as good as Mr. Li. They are in Xiguan Village, and they bought a large flat floor of 230 square meters and gave them a roof terrace."

   Everyone chatted.

  The hourly workers came and helped them prepare their meals.

   Then everyone sat down.

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