Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 225: : Gentle despair

   Gao Yanhai Family Banquet is simple but very rich.

   From Pippi Shrimp to Swimming Crab.

   From Boston lobster to sea cucumber with scallions.

   There are also abalone and oysters.

The craftsmanship of hourly workers is good, Gao Yanhai said: "Aunt Zhang’s family is Jimo, and she has been by the sea since she was a child. I originally came here as an hourly worker, but later I found out that she is very good at making seafood, so I asked her what was going on and asked her to help. I'm cooking." Aunt Zhang is bringing up a plate of fried clams.

   He said kindly to this Auntie Zhang: "Come over and eat together early."

   Aunt Zhang smiled back and said, "Okay, I will make it first, and you will eat it."

   Gao Yanhai smiled, and looked at Su Qingyue from time to time, as if showing off.

  He helped the earphones, and said to Jiao Kejun: "Old Jiao, you should also hire a decent nanny."

   Jiao Kejun shook his head helplessly.

Li Lin interrupted: "Old Gao, now your ideal has been realized, right?" He said, "No need to cook, beautiful girl in a car, rich! Rich man!" He said with a smile, and joked with Jiao Kejun: "If you find another 18th-line star in the future, your life will be complete."

   is very surprised when Li Lin speaks, and does not shy away from the girl next to Gao Yanhai.

   The girl still looks okay, with a smile still on her face.

   Gao Yanhai smiled and said, "I have pursued this point, unlike you both who have big pursuits."

   As he said, Aunt Zhang brought the wine.

   Two bottles of white wine and several goblets.

   The cup is thin.

   With a slight flick with your fingers, the echo is crisp and the texture is excellent.

   The price is not cheap at first glance.

   Gao Yanhai said: "A few of us are not drunk today!"

   Li Lin said with a smirk: "You are always drunk first, so you are embarrassed to say this."

   Watching him pour the wine, Jiao Kejun removed his glass: "I won't drink today, and I have to drive home later."


   Almost at the same moment, Li Lin and Gao Yanhai both made this sound.

   looked at him.

   Li Lin persuaded for the first time: "I drank alcohol, don't you still drive back." He said that he often did this.

"I also advise you, don't always do this, it's too dangerous." Jiao Kejun said, and emphasized: "Look at the latest news, all kinds of accidents. Not for others, even for yourself and your family." Jiao Kejun said, life and death are not allowed to pour wine.

   Gao Yanhai said: "This is a happy day, if you don't drink, it's so boring." He said, "I'm afraid of what, my sister-in-law is in the United States, and it doesn't matter to you."

  Listen to them what you say to me.

   is a good friend on weekdays.

   I remembered Jiao Kejun and said that they were nicknamed the Troika at that time.

   Su Qingyue wanted to say: This is a horse that doesn't want to run.

   The other horse can't run anymore.

   The whole focus is on Jiao Kejun alone, and it takes a lot of effort.

   In the end, Jiao Kejun insisted on not drinking.

   Gao Yanhai finally had no choice but to remind: "Old Jiao, then we have the old rules, people who don’t drink are not allowed to speak."

   Su Qingyue listened.

   Although there is also a culture of persuading liquor in northern Jiangsu.

   But Su Qingyue always felt that wine should be drunk with people who want to drink it.

  Don't persuade.

   forcing others hard will only spoil the atmosphere of the wine shop.

   Several people were talking, and Chen Ting kept smiling.

   Old rules, she still has a drink at will.

As the host, Gao Yanhai offered the first cup: "Today is my housewarming joy and the day of our team building. There is nothing else to say, my good brother, from the United States to the present for so many years." He said to look at Jiao Kejun and asked in a false manner. : "Is it ten years?"

   "Ten years." Li Lin said: "It has not been easy for us to focus so much in the past ten years."

   Jiao Kejun smiled without speaking, holding a drink.

   Gao Yanhai continued: "We have nothing to say about our relationship and understanding, it is worth it in this life."

   "Come on! Stop talking nonsense, wine in the glass!" Li Lin reminded.

   Taka Iwakai takes the lead to toast.

   Although Su Qingyue is not considered sensitive, no one can hear this sentence. It is for himself.

   Although there is still a smile on his face, his attitude is very clear.

  The difficulties and obstacles of the future, he can almost see.

   But I still had a glass of wine.

   Jiao Kejun glanced at him, but said nothing.

   Then Li Lin raised another cup, and said, "Old Gao, today you are moving, let me say a word."

"you said."

"Hold on to the project, you will have to finish your project." He said, "If you don't get results, Lao Jiao will be under great pressure here." He said, ignoring Su Qingyue and Chen Ting at all, and added: " We wish you a happy housewarming, a smooth project and an early success!"


   Hearing what he said, Jiao Kejun also stood up.

   "Rock Sea, hurry up."

   "I know, I know." When it came to the project, Gao Yanhai dodged immediately.

   touched his earphones and drank a glass of wine.

   Aunt Zhang has another seafood.

   Several people put down their chopsticks and praised her for her skill.

When Aunt Zhang returned to the kitchen, Jiao Kejun finally spoke: "On the one hand, we are the joy of Yanhai's housewarming, and on the other hand, today is the team building. You two left Qingyue and Chen Ting in the cold. This is not enough." He said: "I have a cup and welcome Qingyue to join our team."

   "Lao Jiao is right." Gao Yanhai immediately toasted: "Welcome to Qingyue."

   "Welcome." Li Lin was not so enthusiastic, but he still said: "Marketing is up to you."

   Su Qingyue listened.

  He guessed he came by himself, Jiao Kejun must have worked hard to persuade him.

Without saying much, he said at this good time: "Thank you very much for Mr. Jiao and the two technical experts. The future work requires everyone to cooperate with each other and work together to make the focus better." He did not talk about the crisis, thinking about these two I must know.

   "Yes, the team still has to cooperate with each other." Jiao Kejun immediately followed.

  Other words, Li Lin said: "The most important thing for a team is to perform their duties. Just like a football team, a forward cannot always want to be a defender. A defender wants to be a midfielder. The goalkeeper has to rush to the front to compete for the top."

   "Old Li is right!" Gao Yanhai laughed.

   Su Qingyue noticed that Jiao Kejun frowned, his original state of excitement was shocked.

   Very disappointed, right?

   Su Qing thought about it, too lazy to respond.

   Cheers to them.

   Just about to put down the cup, take a bite of the dish, slowly.

   Unexpectedly, Gao Yanhai suddenly dissuaded the monkey anxiously: "Don't put the cup, don't put..."

   "What's wrong?" Su Qing asked in surprise.

   "There is a rule in our focus that newcomers can't get to the floor after drinking three glasses." He said: "This is called the new three glasses for newcomers, which is a good luck."

   Stop talking, come up.

   Pour a whole cup for Su Qingyue.

  Although the degree of white wine is low, it is still more than ten degrees. If this is three consecutive glasses...

   Not only Jiao Kejun and Chen Ting were stunned, even Li Lin was stunned for a moment.

   Su Qingyue keenly captured the three expressions.

   At this time, Li Lin finally recollected and said: "Qingyue, fast! Fast! Fast! Three cups, three cups!"

   "You two..." Jiao Kejun said~www.ltnovel.com~Old Jiao, the old rules, you are not allowed to talk without drinking. "Gao Yanhai interrupted him immediately.

   Jiao Kejun blushed.

   Chen Ting wanted to talk, but Su Qingyue took the initiative to hold up the cup.


   He believes that focus does not have this rule.

   Suddenly remembered Chen Feng and said: You have to bear everything alone...just go what you want, the sky is high and the birds fly.

   The next moment he got up and drank it.

   Fortunately, it is a high-end white wine with a round taste.

   Without waiting for the wine to come up, he followed by another glass.

   The third cup, he picked it up.

  Looking at Li Lin and Gao Yanhai, he noticed that they were laughing.

   And Jiao Kejun and Chen Ting looked embarrassed.

He finally couldn't help it: "You are all the Han army, you are fellow villagers who came out with Pei Gong. I am naturally inferior to you in terms of the relationship." He said earnestly and earnestly: "But now it is wartime, and shopping malls are like battlefields. I have nothing else to say, just ask everyone, for the focus..."

   He didn't mention cooperating.

   Drink all the wine in one sip.

   Then, they continued.

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