Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 226: : 35 more buckets

   White wine with seafood is indeed delicious.

   The degree is estimated to be similar to the strength of the rice wine in my hometown, and it is also more than ten degrees.

   It's just that there is no mellow rice wine.

   just finished a cup and was about to steam fish with chopsticks.

   Li Lin brought a cup: "Mr. Su, don't eat in a hurry, drink first!"

   After another word, Gao Yanhai came up to pour the wine.

   This is already the twelfth cup.

   Starting from the seventh cup, Li Lin and Gao Yanhai started the wheel fight.

   Jiao Kejun said: "You two are done, don't drink Qingyue too much."

   Chen Ting also persuaded: "You are all right, you can have a drink with me, don't always pester Mr. Su."

   No matter what they say.

   The two just kept going, one cup after another.

   Su Qingyue felt that they were determined today and wanted to lie down.

   He doesn't like this, but he still gulps the wine.

   Li Lin and Gao Yanhai are like two children, with childish malice, toasting frequently.

   Their hostility, like noise made Jiao Kejun and Chen Ting sitting on pins and needles.

   I remembered the last time I felt such malice in the newspaper.

   A guy from another department couldn't catch up with Ah Mu, so he wanted him to drink too much to make a fool of himself.

   has been a few years.

   He still remembered that the man was carried out in the end.

   At this time, Gao Yanhai served another cup.

   His eyes are dull and his tongue is straight.

   but still want to provoke.

   was clearly low-alcohol liquor, which broke his defenses.

   The next moment, Su Qingyue decided to fight back.

   Regardless of whether it is because of their proactive offense or to stand firm in the unit.

   He reminded himself: Being polite to some people is quality, and being polite to some people is cowardly.

   And now there is no need to be polite.

   picked up the cup and Gao Yanhai, and said: "Gao, you are boring to drink like this."

   "Why is that interesting?"

   "We in Subei drink, it is good for the brothers. We start with three cups and see nine in threes!" He said, "You have to welcome me sincerely. How about we just see nine in threes?" He asked loudly.

   "Okay! See you nine!" Gao Yanhai shouted.

   First cup!

   The two were killed directly.

   Gao Yanhai shouted: "Come again!"

   As everyone knows, the more you shout, the faster the alcohol invades.

   The more Su Qing believed that Gao Yanhai could hold this cup at most, and the next cup would have to slide under the table.

   He took the initiative to come forward to the wine: "Come on! Second cup!"

   "Second cup!" Gao Yanhai replied, his voice stopped abruptly and began to drink.

   Before half a cup, he put down the cup.

   I can't lift my eyelids anymore.

   elbow supported his body, waved his hand and said: "Wait for me! Wait for me! Second cup! See you three or three..."

   Before the nine characters were spoken, he got down.

   Su Qingyue turned around to look at Li Lin, smiling: "Mr. Li, should we both be the next?"

   "Three to three see nine?" Li Lin's eyes finally got a little bit of fear.

"Yes, but Mr. Gao drank too much. You drink for Mr. Gao first, and then the two of us, how about it?" Su Qingyue pretended to drink too much, deliberately talked nonsense, and served a cup: "Come on!" Zhongjiu, looking at Li Lin: "Mr. Li, it's your turn!"

   I didn't know that it was Su Qingyue's momentum, completely frightened.

  I still can't drink enough.

   In short, Li Lin hesitated, his face pale.

   stopped talking.

   But at this time Jiao Kejun smirked and interjected: "Lafayette, it's your turn."


   Dry the wine in the glass in one bite.

   Su Qingyue applauded: "Come to the second cup!"

   When he got up to drink, Li Lin finally had fear on his face.

  Su Qingyue said: "If you don't talk about work today, you just drink, you will have to trouble Mr. Li in the future."


   is another cup.

   Come again!

   There is only one bottle of wine soon.

   Jiao Kejun smiled and said to Chen Ting: "Now I get up in Yanhai the next day, I can die of heartache."

   "Isn't it, thousands of them." Chen Ting smiled.

   Su Qingyue poured wine again and found that the last bottle of wine was also empty.

   He yelled: "It's not enough to see nine! Does Mr. Gao still have drinks?"

   Yu stopped Li Lin and continued to drink.

   The latter has been confused, his head hanging down and dozing off.

   I just said a few words that were fake and drunk.

   What do I tell you, Jiao is always my brother, don’t lie to him!

  This company belongs to our troika.

   Then he too fell asleep on the table.

  The wine table suddenly fell into embarrassment, and the girl brought by Aunt Zhang and Gao Yanhai looked at each other.

   Jiao Kejun looked at Su Qingyue.

  Although the latter is also drunk, he is still strong by willpower.

   Finally, Chen Ting smiled and said, "Mr Jiao, today your task is heavy."

   As he said, Jiao Kejun called them: "Lafayette, Yanhai!"

   Li Lin did not respond.

   Gao Yanhai whispered, "I'm here! I'm here!"

   Jiao Kejun looked at Su Qingyue and asked, "Qingyue, are you okay?"

   "I'm okay, but I'm a little hungry." He said, and began to eat.

   Chen Ting laughed and said, "Lafayette now dare not to drink in the company."

   Let the girl help Gao Yanhai into the house.

   In another room, Li Lin settled down.

   Jiao Kejun returned to his seat, and the table was suddenly deserted.

At this time, he picked up the drink cup, faced Su Qingyue, and said, "I'm sorry. My brothers are not bad, but it takes some time to change." The voice became low, "Don't mind them. It should continue, we must Will continue, I will go all out to support you, not only for the focus, but also for both of them."

"I see."

   Su Qingyue nodded.

   I always feel that Jiao Kejun has hesitation in his heart.

   This is his good brother after all.

  He will definitely struggle with this in the future.

At the next moment, Su Qingyue said again: "Mr Jiao, the shopping mall is like a battlefield. Think about it, what Lu Su said to Sun Quan back then, everyone can surrender Cao, but generals can't surrender Cao. The township party is a tired official, so it is not a state or a county; a general who wants to be safe and belongs to him? No position, no more than a car, no more than a horse, never a few people, how can you be called lonely in the south!"

   This passage is from Su Qingyue who went to college and read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

   I didn't expect to use it here now, not only secretly feeling, but also the interesting part of the business war.

   But the next moment, Jiao Kejun obviously didn't understand too much.

   I think he is a pure science and engineering student and has been in the United States.

  Su Qingyue had to explain: "Lu Su said that if I surrender to Cao Cao, I can at least be guaranteed to be a governor, but how about a general? Can I still have today's position?"

   "What you said makes sense." Jiao Kejun nodded seriously.

   He speaks very earnestly and clearly knows the crisis.

   Chen Ting was listening.

   After a while, Aunt Zhang brought them tea.

   They drank a little.

   Su Qingyue sobers up a little.

   Jiao Kejun looked at his watch and said, "Shall we go?"

  The three people left.

   Pingjing, who hadn't passed May Day, was still cold at night.

   opened the window of the car and blew it, and the wine was gone.

   Chen Ting said with emotion: "I have had a drink with Qingyue before, but I never thought that he can drink so much."

   Su Qingyue smiled back: "Our hometown never admits defeat when it comes to drinking."

   Jiao Kejun said: "I see Galeries Lafayette and Yanhai next time, I will definitely not dare to look for you again."

   As he said, he sent Chen Ting home first.

Then ~www.ltnovel.com~ sent Su Qingyue back on the way, and said: "Qingyue, don't think that I and them are brothers, you are embarrassed. Although they are brothers, they don't know my pressure," he said , Stopped at a traffic light and emphasized: "I don't know how difficult it is for me!"

   He started to complain and shook his head helplessly.

   Su Qingyue listened.

   I think of Chen Feng's words: Entrepreneurship is a path without dignity, life and pain.

   He suddenly understood Jiao Kejun.

At this time, Jiao Kejun said again: "Just pay attention to his one-acre three-point land, and collect three or five more. But my side is different. I must pay attention to the grain and grass, and I must pay attention to the whole." He said, this time the signal light began to flash: "No matter how good you are, once you succeed, great changes will happen."

   He said, shaking his head helplessly.

   The signal light turns green at this time.

   He stepped on the accelerator.

   Domineering and extremely dusty.

   Su Qingyue thought that starting a business is difficult.

   I didn't expect that success would change people so much.

   For a time, he had countless thoughts in his mind.

   Jiao Kejun said again on the car: "No matter if you let R&D work together, or something else. Anyway, I will definitely support you."

   "I understand." Su Qingyue nodded finally.

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