Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 227: : Jiang Zhengshang's phone

   When he got home, it was already eleven.

   When he opened the door and entered the house, he was already drinking.

   swaying around.

   Brother Guang is walking out, it seems something is going on. Seeing him a little sideways, he held him.

   "How much do you drink?"

   "There are so many, uncountable."

   "Drink beer?"

"White wine."

   "Wine can drink the city like this?" Guang Ge said.

   "I can't count how many cups, all of them are full, you try?" Su Qingyue said, having exhausted his last energy.

   Brother Guang was left stunned.

   Ah Mou opened the door from the back room and helped him in.

   Smelling the faint scent of Amou, she complained softly: Why drink so much.

   I wanted to say: When the two armies meet, the brave wins!

   The words that came to my lips stopped abruptly with the rush of sleepiness.

   The highly vigilant heart instantly relaxed.

  The warmth of home, like a gentle sea, envelops him.

   The moment he touched the soft mattress, he fell asleep.

   I don’t know how long it took, Li Lin and Gao Yanhai appeared repeatedly in their dreams.

   They are in Jiao Kejun's office.

A voice rang out: "Our focus is no problem with R&D. We always ask Su to solve the marketing problem. The important thing about the game is depth. Our R&D content has been changed very well. If it is added temporarily, the priority is actually very high. Low." It was Li Lin, and Su Qing heard it more.

Then Gao Yanhai said: "There can be no perfect product. I think it is a marketing problem. You go to any forum, any official website, and no game is not scolded. We only serve a specific group of people. It’s normal."

   These voices appeared over and over again.

   so that Su Qingyue felt that all this happened.

   Until I woke up from my dream and saw the room that was still dark.

   Amu's silky breathing sound.

   He has a dry mouth and a drink, only to realize that it was just a dream.

   But I remembered repeatedly, but I couldn't remember what kind of attitude Jiao Kejun was.

   That seems to be a blank in the dream.

   went to sleep again, but continued the meeting.

   Li Lin and Gao Yanhai still repeat those words.

   In Su Qingyue's mind, a voice echoed over and over again: It must be successful with one blow.

   The current situation is that I can't wait, Jiao Kejun can't wait, and Focus probably can't wait either.

   So there is only one blow, one chance.

   I woke up in the morning and it was half past six.

   Su Qingyue wanted to keep sleeping.

   But when he thinks about what happened last night, he feels that he must suppress them in all directions.

   Cheered up and took a shower in the bathroom.

   I feel much more refreshed.

   Then he put on his clothes and got ready to go to work.

   On the bed, Amu opened his eyes in a daze, looked at him and asked, "How much did you drink yesterday?"

   Su Qingyue said: "I don't remember anymore, just remember to drink all the time."

   "Don't do this in the future," Amu said, "I don't hate you, I just think it's not good for your health. And the way you were yesterday..."

   "Stop...I know." Su Qingyue blocked Amu's mouth.

   The biggest "embarrassment" in life is the reappearance of the scene of gaffes after drinking.

   I don't have any appetite, so I went out after a drink.

   He called a taxi.

   It was only 7:25 by the time of the unit.

   The guy in the red clothes ran into the elevator again, still carrying a bag of buns.

   is actually stuffed with leeks.

   Su Qingyue wanted to say: "Can't you change your taste?"

   thinks that his whole face is not good, a thick dish.

   Fortunately, there was only seven floors in the unit. They resisted the smell and went out.

   Su Qingyue returned to his office.

   A cup of green tea as usual.

   looked out the window.

   It's about to start summer, and Pingjing is getting hot every day.

   It's getting bright early too. There are very few people downstairs in the company.

   The traffic coming from Qinghe hasn't filled up the College Road.

   The distance is already flat.

   Except for the school, there are a few low buildings.

   A voice appeared over and over again, recalling the logic inside the focus, and what happened last night.

   He forced himself to think rationally.

   Do not target people, only things. Are Li Lin and Gao Yanhai really targeting themselves?

   still focus on things.

   Jiao Kejun changed because of the pressure of reality.

   And Li Lin and Gao Yanhai obviously haven't, they haven't realized that the crisis has come.

  Recall what happened last night.

   Su Qing realized that if he only proposed a more conventional plan like an expansion, it would not be convincing enough.

   I want to intersperse all the changes again, and it is bound to meet strong opposition.

   In the end, even if Jiao Kejun fully supports it, it can't change a fact.

   is that the whole thing cannot be executed.

   must be done in one step.

   Otherwise, the industry prestige that I have finally accumulated in ChinaNet will be lost.


   What about?

   Su Qingyue thought, but it was determined that the original idea was not feasible.

   The lights outside come on.

   People keep walking into their workstations.

   More and more people.

   He went out to collect water, and when he came back, he ran into Li Lin and Gao Yanhai.

   The three of them had a face-to-face meeting, and Su Qingyue politely called out: Mr. Li, Mr. Gao.

   The latter two obviously haven't recovered from yesterday's drunkenness, their eyes are stunned.

   Especially Gao Yanhai, he didn't touch his headphones anymore.

   He was stunned when Su Qingyue called himself.

   asked, "You came so early." His voice was weak, and he took a breath after speaking, as if he couldn't breathe.

   "It's okay."

   "Are you okay yesterday?" Li Lin asked with wide eyes.

   "It's okay, what's the matter?" Su Qingyue said with a smile.

   The two looked at each other, their eyes could not tell whether they were shocked or admired.

   Finally, Li Lin said: "I forgot all the time yesterday and later, you are too good to drink."

   "It's completely fragmented." Gao Yanhai said, "I called that little girl today and brought us both."

   "It's okay, you didn't drink much, right? You two drink less, and I ran out of the few glasses in front of me."

   Su Qingyue said, in fact, the stomach is upset.

   But he resisted a mouthful of willpower, pretending to be normal, and drank another mouthful of hot tea.

   "You are the Bacchus of our company." At last Gao Yanhai made a conclusion.

   The three chatted again.

   Su Qingyue rubbed his stomach as soon as he returned to the office.

   He grinned.

   Thinking of that sentence, the two armies met and the brave triumphed, and laughed secretly.

   After a while, Chen Ting knocked on his door.

   He said please come in.

   The latter came in with a smile and asked, "Is it okay last night?"

   "It's okay."

   "Give you and Mr. Li and Mr. Gao." Putting two anti-drinking medicines on the table, Chen Ting smiled faintly.

   "Thank you~www.ltnovel.com~Ting sister."

   "I hope you don't mind them." Chen Ting said before leaving.

   "Of course not, don't worry." Su Qingyue nodded.

   After Chen Ting went out, she took medicine, and she was fine all morning.

   In the afternoon, the unit had a small accident.

   Someone in the customer service department fainted. Su Qingyue discovered that it was the person who ate vegetarian buns every day.

   is a little low blood sugar, I want to say that eating buns every day is fine.

   In the evening, Jiang Zhengshang called him: "Brother, what are you doing on May Day?"

   "It's not decided yet, what's wrong?"

"Go and climb the Jiankou Great Wall. I called Okay, Xiaoyu and Xiaopang Qi, I'll leave you and Ziyou." He said, "It's been a long time since I saw you, and I miss you. The Fengshen would not be today without you. , Come out and play together."

   Then I realized that it was about to go on holiday.

   I wanted to reply: Not necessarily, I don’t know if I should work overtime.

   suddenly felt that I missed the time of Hualuo and missed those friends.

   I also need to relax a little bit.

   Use this to get back the state and maybe find a good solution.

   The next moment, he said: "Okay, no problem."

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