Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 228: : The arrow is on the string

time flies.

   Like videos downloaded on the Internet, you don’t need to fast forward, just drag the progress bar.

   It's May 1st in a flash.

   Everything that happened before, like a dream, was so easily drawn.

   Su Qingyue overturned the previous idea, but the updated plan is still under consideration.

   Sleeping at night, I'm still full of this.

   I recalled the collaboration between "The World of Martial Arts" and Qin Yuanyuan when he first came to Pingjing.

   It seemed to be so painful then.

   is like a new swimmer who doesn't touch the shore and can't hold a handle.

   But he felt very clearly that the target was not far ahead.

   As long as he is willing to go further, he can reach it.

   But it's this one point further forward, it looks as thin as a gauze, but it is far away.

   is like white mist, making him lose his way.

  What should be done to get Li Lin and Gao Yanhai to agree to their plan.

   Their relationship seems to have become more harmonious during this period.

   But Su Qingyue knew very well that this was only temporary.

   is like Chu River and Han Jie, sooner or later it will cross over.

   The whole night, he was in his dream, worrying about it.

   didn't wake up until 5:30 in the morning.

   The sky outside the window, still with the black of night, is already a little shiny.

   Amu is still sleeping.

   Jiang Zhengshang said that he would come to pick them up at 7 o'clock.

   He washed his face and sat down at the computer before it was six o'clock, knocking out the worst possibility.

   want to find a solution from the worst possible.

   If you are rejected by them.

  The industry will also spread.

   What would they say, type out the text: They would say that I was crazy, and even dared to intervene in research and development, it was too bloated.

   The text stopped here, and he suddenly stopped.

   realized a destined result: no matter what the plan, as long as it involves inter-departmental integration, there will be such a discussion.

   In this case, it must be done in one step.

   Suddenly, the thought that was immersed in my heart came out.

Is    really possible?

complete in one step?

   was thinking about it, the alarm rang, interrupting his thoughts.

   He woke Amu.

   She went to wash in a daze, and came out after a while.

   was still rubbing his eyes and said, "I'm so sleepy that I don't want to go."

   "Do you just want to sleep in?"

   "Yeah." Amu lay back on the bed again.

   After a while, they packed up and went out.

   Although it is already May Day.

   But Pingjing’s morning is already very cold, so I still have to put on my coat.

   In order to climb the Jiankou Great Wall, Su Qingyue took Amou and Zhou Ziyou to the mall yesterday.

   They bought hiking clothes specially.

The    brand is Pathfinder, as well as hiking bags and walking sticks.

   Su Qingyue also specially bought a set of equipment for Zhou Ziyou.

   The latter said embarrassedly: "Thank you, boss."

   Amu said, "Is it really that difficult to buckle? I am a little worried about buying so many special equipment."

"Difficulty is interesting. If it's that simple, what else is there to play." Su Qingyue said with a smile, "Completing this challenge will bring people physical and mental pleasure. I need these now." He said, early in my heart. Just flew out.

   When he was in college, he heard about this Great Wall.

   It is said that many of the classic photos of the Great Wall publicized by the outside world are taken from the arrow.

   The mountains there are steep and without artificial trimming, simple and natural.

   Several famous landscapes, he can almost memorize them: Eagle flying upside down, South Building, Guimen Pass, Dongxi Shunkou Building, Jiankou beam, etc. It is said that it stretches for more than 20 kilometers, showing all the thrills, dangers, oddities, specials and absolutes of the entire Great Wall.

   I talked about this during dinner last night.

  Zhou Ziyou said with emotion: "I think I have separated from the last one. I am looking for a girlfriend now, like climbing the Great Wall. It was really thrilling, dangerous, strange, special, and absolutely nothing."

   "Ah? How could it be?" Ah Mou said in surprise, "It's such an exaggeration."

   "Really, it's too difficult."

   "Then I will introduce one to you. Our unit has a small editor, who is super nice."

   "Really? Thank you so much, sister-in-law."

   Unexpectedly, after leading Zhou Ziyou out for a while, Ah Mou started to be a matchmaker.

   Su Qingyue was speechless.

   Looking out the window, the streets of May Day, there are not as many people as before.

   He and Amo finished their breakfast.

   went out to the intersection, waiting for Jiang Zhengshang.

   After a while, Zhou Ziyou also came, really wearing the same clothes I bought yesterday.

   He also brought a pair of sunglasses.

   When Ah Mou saw him, he said, "My friend, I talked to that girl. When I get to work, see you both."

   "Okay, okay." He said excitedly, and kept thanking Amu.

   After a while, a white gold cup drove over.

  Until the co-pilot rolled down the window and saw Xiao Yu in a pink outdoor outfit, Su Qingyue realized that it was them.

   After getting in the car, Jiang Zhengshang said, "My car can't hold so many people, so I rented one."

   Then everyone who hadn't seen each other for a long time became noisy.

   chatting with each other.

   Su Qing asked her sister more curiously: "Why didn't the teacher come back?"

   "He is busy there, there is really no way." My sister shrugged and sighed, with a slight disappointment in her tone. He then looked at Zhou Ziyou and said, "Ziyou, how are you?"

   "Very good! Follow the boss, just two words: happy!" he said.

   Xiao Yu turned his head from the co-pilot and looked at them enviously.

   Then the car drove out of the Fourth Ring Road and drove to the destination along a newly built highway.

   They chatted.

  The sky is all over the world, so my sister praises Amou as beautiful again.

   also expressed emotion how Ah Mu's legs can be so slim, why can't he do it.

   are mainly some industry rumors.

   My sister asked Su Qingyue, "Qingyue, have you heard of it? Boss Chen submitted his resignation to the company."

   "I heard." Su Qingyue nodded.

   He was not surprised by this incident.

   "Some people say he will go to Tiancheng Prosperity." Ah Mou followed.

   "Impossible!" Su Qingyue waved his hand: "The boss can't go to any company."

   "Impossible?" Everyone looked at him.

   Su Qingyue nodded.

   didn't tell his judgment on Chen Feng.

   But he knows that he and Chen Feng are facing the same situation.

   They are all dissatisfied with the status quo and want to move on.

   What can Tiancheng flourish give him, or vice president of marketing? How could he be interested.

   CEO? The boss shouldn't need it for the time being.

   No one else.

   These current companies, apart from the focus, there is almost no suitable place.

   And the boss said to him: "He has too deep a relationship with Hualuo, it is impossible to go to work and become a competitor."

   There was a lot of discussion.

   Su Qingyue originally wanted to ask what is going on in "Feng Shen World".

   can hold back not to say.

   Industry rumors: Fengshen’s current performance has fallen sharply.

   Everyone chatted~www.ltnovel.com~ The car continued to drive on the highway.

   There are gradually more cars around.

   is the May Day holiday, it's different.

   After a while, the highway was blocked, and the car had to stop.

   He turned around at this moment and looked at Su Qingyue and Zhou Ziyou.

   smiled and interjected: "Qingyue, I feel like you and Ziyou have changed people this time."

   "Changed people?" Su Qingyue looked up and asked in surprise, "Me and Ziyou?"

   "Yeah." Jiang Zhengshang nodded and lit another cigarette.

   Su Qingyue asked: "A big change?"

   "It's quite big, I also feel it." Haohao sister followed, "It's very different from the time when Hualuo was."

   "What's the difference?" Zhou Zi asked kindly.

   "It doesn't feel like an office worker anymore." Xiao Yu interrupted.

   Su Qingyue was startled.

   The traffic in front finally moved, and Jiang Zhengshang started again.

   drove forward.

   Su Qingyue asked Amou curiously: "Am I changing a lot?"

   The latter looked at him, then at Xiao Yu.

   verbally replied: "Nothing has changed."

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