Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 229: : The Great Wall of China

"So beautiful!"

   They finally arrived at the foot of the Jiankou Great Wall.

   looked up at the strange peaks and mountains covered by the morning light, the lilacs and spiraea all over the mountains, in the cool spring and summer, exuding a fragrance of flowers.

   The Great Wall is in it, like the dark gray lines of the fine brushwork, separating the sky and the earth, making everyone involuntarily admire.

  The beauty is very beautiful, but it is not the same as I thought, it has not been developed here.

  To reach the city wall, it takes another two hours to walk the mountain road.

   They were in the local village and they found a guide to lead themselves.

   The angle of the wild road between the mountains is very high, and it is not flat, and often requires both hands and feet.

   The breeze stroked his cheeks, still with the coolness of spring.

   Oh, my sister couldn't help but shivered: "It's really cold in the mountains."

   "The more you go up, the cooler it will be." Su Qingyue interrupted, walking in the middle of the team, taking care of Amu from time to time.

   "There will be snow?" Amou asked.

   "We are here at the beginning of May, it is only ten degrees. In the mountains it can be below zero at night." The guide said.

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   He is a thin, black, middle-aged man with a distinct accent.

  In the mountains and forests, there is either gravel or soft soil.

Jiang Zhengshang and Xiao Yu walked in the forefront, making preparations from time to time: "It will be more difficult to go up, everyone must be careful." He said, and then asked: "Remember not to look down, do not look back, just keep climbing. When you have climbed there, you will surely see what you want to see."

"Don't worry!" Xiao Yu laughed, and said: "The mountains in the southwest of our country are more steep than here. When I was young, my mother would take me to climb the mountains on weekends." She said Then, looking back, smiled.

   Su Qingyue met her eyes.

   I think it is much more natural than it was a few months ago.

  Su Qingyue couldn't help being happy for her, and was also curious about her relationship with Jiang Zhengshang.

   The company certainly cannot disclose the relationship.

   But it seems that they are already very close.

  It is best to start a new life.

   The more Su Qing thought, they were walking deeper and deeper in the forest.

   Waited for the climbing entrance of the Great Wall.

   Looking up, Su Qingyue realized that Jiang Zhengshang was right.

   It's harder to go up.

   I've seen some introductions before, but I haven't experienced it personally.

   The damaged city wall has only one side and is very steep.

   The steps were severely weathered and were not repaired at all. They were all broken.

   They had to use both hands and feet to remind each other.

   The body clings to the steps, the hands are grasping on both sides, and the side feet are up.

   The hiking shoes I bought yesterday showed their function at this moment.

   Su Qingyue is carrying a backpack, his shoulders are slightly tired.

   But this kind of rising tension makes him inexplicably excited.

   temporarily forget all the unhappiness after entering the focus.

   I can't even remember the solution.

   only keep moving forward and upward.

   In some places, they also use cables as auxiliary tools.

   Based on the principle of ladies first.

   Xiao Yu climbed up first.

   The back of her pink outdoor outfit, shuttled among the gray-white masonry, stopping and moving forward from time to time.

   Followed by my sister, Ah Mo, and Zhou Ziyou.

   Jiang Zhengshang and Su Qingyue Palace.

Jiang Zhengshang and Su Qingyue said: "Xiaoyu has been under a lot of work pressure recently. She always misses the days when everyone was together. Yesterday, she told me that although work is on track now, she is the director again, but not everyone before. Happy when we are together."

   Hearing what he said, Su Qing looked up.

   then asked Jiang Zhengshang: "How are you two?"

"We two?" Speaking of the relationship with Xiao Yu, Jiang Zhengshang thought for a moment and complained: "I feel that Xiaoyu is far away from me. Our window paper has never been broken. It looks good, but It’s almost that. I don’t know if it’s my feeling or something else."

   "What else?" Su Qing frowned and asked curiously.

   Xiao Yu climbed up at this time.

   She stood below, screaming at them.

   smiled and said, "Hurry up! The scenery here is beautiful!"

   Su Qingyue and Jiang Zhengshang looked at each other for a moment and laughed.

   At this time, Jiang Zhengshang suddenly asked Su Qingyue: "Brother, let me ask you something, because it is very important."

   "Huh? What's the matter?" Su Qing became more curious.

"Does Xiaoyu have someone she likes? That's why she is always separated from me by one floor and refuses to move forward." Jiang Zhengshang said, sighed, and said: "If there is, I really don't know what to do What to do? I don't care about anything else, but I only face Xiaoyu..." He stopped talking and shook his head helplessly.

   Hearing what he said, Su Qingyue didn't know how to comfort him.

   Just about to reply, I suddenly felt Ah Mou's gaze follow.

  Woman! He sighed in his heart. Looking up, Xiao Yu looked over.

  Su Qingyue sincerely hopes that Xiao Yuneng should start a new life.

   Old emotions can affect mood, but they cannot be destroyed.

He thought, and returned to Jiang Zhengshang: "Old Jiang, you should have confidence in yourself and be patient with Xiao Yu..." At this point, he originally wanted to add: True love is true love, selflessness, and total dedication. Pay attention. When Ah Mou's gaze stopped, he quickly stopped.

   At this time, Jiang Zhengshang gave a hum, and then his sister also went up.

   Zhou Ziyou urged Amu to go up first.

   But Ah Mou refused, and said to Jiang Zhengshang: "Old Jiang, it depends on you if you don't make further progress."


   "You always have to express it clearly before you know the real result," Amu said: "Otherwise, it's not good for both of you. Especially for you, it's too unfair and you pay so much."

   She said so and looked at Su Qingyue again.

   There are mixed emotions in the black eyes.

   Then Jiang Zhengshang said: "So I am going to confess today, do you think it is okay?"

   "Why not?" Amu said, "Brother Su and I will definitely support you."

   "What did you say?" Jiang Zhengshang ignored Ah Mou and looked at Su Qingyue again.

   "Of course we all support you two together." Su Qing smiled.

  This is the end, happy for her.

   I hope she can promise Jiang Zhengshang~www.ltnovel.com~ to start a new life.

   is like in Hengqin, what he said to her.

   Stop living in your old feelings, move on.

   He thought, then Zhou Ziyou also climbed up.

   Just as Jiang Zhengshang was about to speak, Amu asked him to come first.

   said thank you, then said please, then Jiang Zhengshang grabbed the rope and climbed up.

   Looking at him, Amou suddenly asked: "Mr. Su, are you particularly sorry?"

   "Sorry? What are you sorry?" Su Qingyue looked at her.

   "The one you love is someone else's today."

   "Don't tease me anymore." Su Qingyue was speechless.

   Amu pursed his lips, snorted, and leaned close to him: "You have to bless others later."

"of course."

   "Of course?" Ah Mou asked, his eyes widened.

   "Then what should I say?" Su Qingyue asked.

   For a long time, they looked at each other, but Amu didn't speak.

   At this time Jiang Zhengshang finally climbed up and greeted them.

   Look at him embarrassed and embarrassed.

   Ah Mou smiled happily and said, "Brother Su, I'll go up first."

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