Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 234: : Difficulties of Lord Snake

   May 5th is a rainy day.

   The rain is not heavy, but it has been two consecutive days.

   A Mou had a cold, but it got worse.

   In the past few days, Su Qingyue is cooking at home. He mainly uses prescriptions and medicines to cook various soups.

   Brother Guang joked that Su Qing has become more virtuous.

   In addition to these, he devoted himself to the execution details of the plan.

  The biggest difficulty is the organization and implementation of the R&D side.

   Although he knows the staffing of a project, art, planning, testing, etc., in the current focus, it is impossible to have such a complete and integrated team for him to deploy.

Therefore, under extreme conditions, do not move the bottom of the engine, only modify and adjust the application layer and charging links, including the task system, the time and quantity of activities, resource output, program stability, and the personalization and humanity of the player experience. How many people do you need at least? How to configure?

   Su Qing is more uncertain.

   The reminder sound came from the email again, not to mention the "Customer Service Briefing" again.

   Su Qingyue discovered that during May 1st, the briefing continued.

   The content is still very neat and serious.

   Su Qingyue thinks that such a person is not only a good customer service, but also a good operation.

   I remembered that Liu Yuming said that the email had been going on for a long time.

   After reading the content, Su Qingyue politely replied: "Received, thank you."

   It was five o'clock, and he cooked porridge for Amu.

   Just out of the house, Liu Yong called and asked if he could have dinner together at night.

  He also came to participate in the "Martial Arts World" player meeting.

   Just knew that Su Qingyue was no longer in ChinaNet, so I called to ask.

  Thinking that they are all old friends, Su Qingyue did not hesitate to send him the hotel address.

   In order to take care of the taste of Snake Lord, Su Qingyue chose the restaurant in the famous Hangbang restaurant: Guimanlong.

   This is recommended by colleague Amu, who is also from West Lake.

   once led everyone to eat.

   Su Qingyue booked a private room in advance, and he chose two bottles of Dream Blue M6 as the wine to entertain Snake Lord.

   After all, the taste of Hangbang cuisine is somewhat close to the southern capital.

   hung up Liu Yong's phone and got into Dongshan's car.

   Pingjing’s night is still a long snake formation, and Su Qingyue has adapted.

  I was still thinking about the plan, and I didn't say a word to Dongshan.

   Dongshan didn't talk nonsense, and Su Qing admired him more and never annoying.

   Gui Manlong is in a hutong near Pingjing North Third Ring Road, and the courtyard is small.

   There are two lanterns on at night to illuminate the signboard.

   The wooden door was concealed, and Su Qingyue pushed the door to enter, and it was immediately called Xiaoqiaoliuhui. Following a path paved with bricks and stones, towards the inside, dim and gloomy, the style is excellent. The table in the private room is an old-style mahogany square table. The name of the private room is: Junlin Zean.

   He sat in the private room for a while, and Lord Snake and Liu Yong almost came back and forth.

  No one else.

   Huayang can't make it through because of people in Liaoshen.

   also called him specifically to ask him to drink his share.

   "After you finish drinking, Houhai will continue in the evening."

   These are Huayang's original words, and Su Qingyue told Dongfangjun about it.

  The latter smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, who is my Coke killer afraid of?"

   Liu Yong laughed and asked, "How much can you drink cola?"

   "Drink as much as you want." Snake Lord said and laughed.

   Liu Yong originally wanted to persuade him to drink, but he stopped wittily.

   Then he helped Su Qingyue pour the wine.

   After learning that Su Qingyue had gone to focus as the vice president, he immediately changed his mind.

   "Brother Liu, how are you playing now?" Su Qingyue asked Liu Yong before a few people greeted him.

   "I haven't played lately," Liu Yong said, "If it weren't for you to engage in this activity, I would have to withdraw."

   Dongfang Jun was startled and frowned slightly.

   Liu Yong hurriedly explained politely: "Brother, I am not targeting you, I am telling the truth."

   "I know." Dongfang Jun looked solemn.

   Su Qing understood that he was not angry because Liu Yong spoke like this.

   But I am really worried about the status quo of "The World of Martial Arts".

   Seeing that market competition has intensified, Hualuo’s products have shown weakness, and the number of online users has continued to decline.

   Even with the vigorous promotion of the marketing department, there was only a slight increase.

   As a producer, he can't help but worry.

   The next moment, he couldn't help asking: "Brother, can you tell me the reason?"

   "The reason..." Liu Yong thought for a while and looked at Su Qingyue.

   "Just say boldly, Lord Snake thank you for it's too late." Su Qingyue encouraged him, and he wanted to hear the real feedback from the players.

Liu Yong thought for a while and then said: "In fact, it is the problem I talked about last time in Hengqin. There is really no time. The construction site is tense and many relationships have to be dealt with. It's boring to keep employees playing for me. Slowly. It’s getting cold. If it weren’t for the fact that the gang was still there, I wouldn’t insist on it."

   He said so.

   Dongfang Jun agreed with what he said.

   Then Liu Yong asked, "Brother, can't you change this model?"


   Suddenly Dongfang Jun made such a sound and explained: "We are also hurrying."

   This is obviously a perfunctory remark.

   Su Qing can understand more clearly.

   But he understood that Lord Snake couldn't help it.

   Not to mention that it is in ChinaNet, but in the entire industry, this problem cannot be solved.

   This is the main contradiction Su Qingyue said.

   This made Su Qingyue more determined to make a brand new attempt.

  Su Qingyue feels a little distressed about Lord Snake, because Hualuo cannot make any aggressive progress because of the conditions and status quo at this moment.

   dishes came at this time.

   Xihucuyu, Longjing Shrimp, and Pepper Shrimp.

  Every dish is a classic Hangbang dish, which makes Lord Snake full of praise.

   The three kept toasting, and after a while Liu Yong's drunkenness began to rise. Su Qing is getting better, basically staying sober.

   Snake Lord needless to say, he did not drink.

   asked curiously: "Qingyue, I have always wanted to ask you in person, why did you choose the focus? I think you must have your own ideas about what you do."

   Hear Dongfang Jun say so.

   Su Qing thought more and more, since they are all brothers, then they know they can talk about everything.

  He said straightforwardly what he was thinking about and the causes and consequences of choosing the focus.

   Of course, it also includes my current thinking and upcoming work.

Dongfang Jun was completely stunned, thinking for a long time, and finally said: "Your boy's mobility is really nothing to say." As he said, he poured himself a sip of liquor and said, "I never drink. Yes, but today I have to make an exception."

   Look at the snake master.

Su Qingyue immediately filled the glass ~www.ltnovel.com~ and listened to him continue: "I hope you can experiment successfully, because this matter is not only about you, but also about the entire industry." He said: "You must succeed. Tell me if you need it, and you must do your best." He said, before Su Qingyue said, he drank the wine in one go.

   was instantly choked with the pungency of the liquor to tears.

   wiped it for a long time.

  Su Qingyue looked at him and understood that he had countless difficulties.

   can neither be said in front of Liu Yong, nor in the company.

   is difficult to name.

   Liu Yong next to him listened, and couldn't help but nodded: "It would be great if it could."

   The three said.

   Su Qingyue elaborated on the current situation and what he needs to do now.

   Finally, he asked the question that had been in his head for a long time: If I want to implement this plan, I need at least a few people and how to deploy the personnel.

   After another word, Dongfang Jun thought for a moment.

   Su Qingyue just took out his mobile phone to record.

   was stopped by Dongfang Jun, and said, "Don't use your mobile phone to record. I will write it down for you tomorrow."

   After another word, the three continued to drink.

   did not leave until after nine o'clock in the evening.

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