Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 235: : Snake's suggestion

   The letter from Snake Lord came the next afternoon.

   In addition to the attached document, he also has a good explanation in the body of the email.

   He emphasized that this is the person who needs the least on the R&D side in extreme cases.

   But these people must be the main force, otherwise... he said very seriously: can exhaust you! ! !

An exclamation point was specially added after   ,

   Finally he ordered: "Brother, I'll give you a suggestion. If the staffing is severely insufficient or lack of ability, I suggest you be cautious."

   He said a lot later, he has seen countless young people who rushed up with vows and passion in these years, and they all returned in an instant. R&D is a systematic project, which requires professional investment...

   In his words: you are a marketing "god" person, there is no need to wade in this muddy water.

   Snake Lord is right.

   Su Qingyue admitted.

  Because of his leaving Hualuo alone, it caused quite a stir in the industry.

   Various voices rushed towards his face.

   has everything to say.

   If I really do something wrong, I will praise you more then, now it will hurt you more.

   He thought, and continued to open the document sent by Lord Snake.

   Before he could see, the water on the stove boiled, so he hurried to turn off the fire.

   Pour water on Amou and let her drink the medicine.

   She is getting better these days, but Su Qingyue still suggested that she take more rest.

   After all, I will go to work tomorrow, I am afraid it will get worse.

   Ah Mou felt very happy, and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that I would be able to live a happy life in this kind of clothes to stretch out my hands, open my mouth when I eat, and the overbearing president personally give stomach medicine."

   was laughed at by Amou.

   Su Qingyue thinks that love is a realm.

   From wind, flowers, snow and moon to pots and pans, it is a long-term penetration, and needs to blend in and warm each other.

   He enjoys this process very much.

   After she finished drinking the medicine, Su Qingyue went back to the computer and continued to work.

   Snake Lord is very interesting.

   The documentation is detailed and meticulous, but not verbose.

He wrote the project summary first: "Qingyue, although you have already been deeply involved in the game circle, you definitely know how to do it. But I still want to emphasize to you that the producer is equivalent to the film director, and the most important thing is to bring together a group of people. Go forward with a goal. So your goal is firm, no matter what you encounter, you can’t collapse.”

   Su Qing understood this.

  The first thing a producer needs is a clear direction, absolute execution power and willpower like steel.

   A firm belief to keep the team moving towards a goal.

   There is no turning back at the start.

   But Su Qingyue felt that his future goals were even more ambitious.

   The current producer is just a small step in his life.

  Go through the entire process of game production.

   understand the system, division of labor, various links, difficulties, etc., and then he will continue to go down.

   The email continued, and Lord Snake once again emphasized the importance of planning a post.

   He proposed that producers and planners are the brains of the human body, and you set the goals.

   "The formulation and execution of the plan is the key," he wrote.

   Finally, I specifically talked about R&D and art.

   They prefer a more technical and detailed execution level. The most important thing is to be able to do things and be efficient.

   understood that Lord Snake was worried about herself, so she repeated the key link to herself.

  Su Qingyue thanked him very much.

   I think this kind of retelling is useful.

   Then the following is about the staffing problem.

   Snake Lord suggested that at least fifteen people are needed.

   One main program, two servers, and three to five clients.

   Then he wrote three to five planners, plot planning is optional, mainly numerical planning and system planning.

   Two to three QA.

   A version control can be shared under this original R&D system.

   Of course, Su Qingyue also told Snake that the company art does not need to be equipped separately, and the engine is coordinated by the engine group.


  Su Qingyue is very grateful and remembers everything.

   sat on the chair, finally let out a sigh, and looked back to see that Ah Mou was already asleep.

   stretched out, sorted out the original plan as a whole, and directly sent it to Jiao Kejun.

   waiting for reply. If there is no problem, Su Qingyue hopes that the first day after May Day is over, he will be able to attend the meeting.

   walked out of the house and stretched.

   Brother Guang came back from playing at this time, saw him at home, and said: "Qingyue, I have something to discuss with you, wait for me."

   He took a shower first.

   took a bottle of iced Coke for Su Qingyue, sat down on the sofa in the living room, and said, "I really made you right. I haven't started this website for a few days, and someone is interested in me. Do you know Kongkong?"

   "You are a SP, right?" Su Qingyue said.

"Yes, they have been chatting with me recently, and today they proposed a plan-6 million capital increase, but to hold the shareholding." Guang Ge said, "6 million is not a small number. Missing this village really does not have this shop, anyway, we also There is no major early investment..." He said, scratching his head.

   I understand that it is difficult for Brother Guang to make a decision. Most people in this era may not earn this amount in their lifetime.

   is six million after all, not sixty thousand.

   For a hungry entrepreneur, what a luxurious meal is a "full meal".

   Chen Feng's words at the summit forum are still in my ears.

   When the capital is delivered to the door, don’t rush to get the money. He said that an important thing for entrepreneurs is to learn to reject desire.

   The next moment, Su Qingyue said: "I think it's a little bit less. Your website definitely has more than this valuation."

   "Less?" Brother Guang widened his eyes.

"Brother Guang, "World of Hegemony" is coming in soon, and Qicai has already signed an agency." He said: "With Qicai's ability, the popularity of "World of Hegemony" is visible to the naked eye. Your website is now the most authoritative information. Station, and has formed a fixed user base and has grown gratifyingly. Isn’t six million too small?"

   "I also understand what you said, but I'm a little bit confused."

"You have to be patient." Su Qingyue said: "You can endure loneliness. My opinion is that you can invest, but you must not lose control. The principle of financing now is not to make aggressive investments, but only to meet the most basic expenses of website operation. That's all. You can ask them to let them 10-15%, the quota is 2 million." After thinking about it, he said: "I know the vice president of Qicai, and I will definitely help you when I really need it."

   Brother Guang did not speak, but was silent.

   He must have difficulty making up his mind.

   The more Su Qing knew about this kind of thing, no amount of persuasion would make any sense.

   Regardless of the future, everything is an experience.

   Thinking of this he got up and left.

   Before entering the house, Brother Guang suddenly said: "You are right, I have nothing to lose~www.ltnovel.com~ Give it a try... I will email them back immediately."

   "Well, the money that Amou and I are going to buy the house is in the card. You need to take it first." Su Qingyue smiled at him.

   Jiao Kejun's email came back from sleep in the evening, with a short line: I support you fully, and I will meet at ten in the morning.

   The last day of May Day just passed.

   At 7:30 the next morning, Su Qingyue went out on time.

   As expected, everyone was lazy after the long holiday.

  Walking is slower than before.

   bought the champion cake and got on the Dongshan car on time.

   The traffic flow has obviously returned to the previous situation, which is just a word block.

   Dongshan three turns and five turns, went to Xueyuan Road, and arrived at the unit in a short time.

   As soon as I entered the unit, I found that everyone was sleepy.

   does not seem to be relieved from the festive atmosphere.

   As usual, I had a cup of tea in the morning, passing by the front desk, I saw the man in red again.

   came in with two leek stuffed buns.

  Su Qingyue wanted to say: "Pay attention to nutrition, this will cause trouble."

   can still hold back.

   At 9:58, he got up and went to the conference room.

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