Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 249: :Brothers are united, the profit cuts money

   The first meeting of the project team was held at ten o'clock.

   The location is in the big meeting room next to the corner of death.

   Everyone is here.

   talked and laughed when entering the door.

   The mental state is obviously different from the state of the previous meeting.

   Wang Xinjie changed into a purple Nike sports t-shirt today with the words: Justdoit printed on it.

   Su Qingyue likes this kind of energetic slogan.

   This kind of vitality is very important to the company.

   They sat down, Zhou Ziyou beside him, turned on the laptop.

   Today he is in charge of meeting minutes.

   Ouyang sits in the corner.

   is holding a notebook.

   saw him come in and didn't speak.

   Waiting for him to sit down, but suddenly stood up again, saying hello: "Boss!"

   His eyes were staring blankly, as if they could not turn.

   Tanaka laughed and said, "You are drunk, haven't you come back?"

   Ouyang scratched his head instantly and sat down again.

   Even Xiao Xue and Ning Cheng also came in.

   still wearing the same clothes yesterday, no change.

   Gao Shixian came in and sat with Ouyang.

   He changed into a black jacket today.

   At the beginning of the meeting, Su Qingyue briefly explained the time for commuting.

But the main emphasis was on working overtime. He said sincerely: "In the days to come, I will ask everyone to work overtime. Our time is too short and we are faced with a pattern that we have not done before. There are many things to discuss. Need to be tested."

  The words have not landed yet.

   Wang Xinjie laughed and said, "Is it still necessary for this kind of thing? It's all done!"

   "That's right! Su, who do you look down on?" Chen Han followed.

   A group of people burst into laughter.

   Su Qingyue also immediately laughed.

   He likes this lively atmosphere and hates the lifelessness.

   The feeling of crushing people to death.

   Then Su Qingyue announced that Tian Zhong was the project manager.

  In an instant, Wang Xinjie took the lead and applauded.

   Everyone followed, Su Qingyue felt that the mental state of these people was completely different from yesterday.

   There is hope in their eyes today.

   And in the discussion that followed, everyone was no longer as silent as yesterday.

   became scrambling one by one.

Without waiting for Wang Xinjie to speak, as a planning Gao Shixian, he took the lead: "From a planning perspective, the biggest job of a new project is to redo the charging system." He said, emphasizing the key point: "We must take the output in the game The first step is to transfer the money that high-end players originally spent on power leveling to the official..."

   He was talking.

   Su Qingyue saw Zhou Ziyou typing words at high speed.

   This paragraph has not been finished yet.

   The next Wang Xinjie spoke.

"I am in charge of the client, let me talk about the recent work." He introduced: "Because our current project is a fixed structure and the bottom of the program, only part of the function and fee model modification, as well as in personalization, Humanization, the richness of activities and the interest of the work. In this case, we can only wait for the planned specific plan to come out before we act."

   He said, looking at the people around him.

He said again: "Before this, my team and I can slim down the original customer service terminal. Because the original "Three Kingdoms Heroes" went online in a hurry, a large number of client redundant resources were not cleaned up, resulting in a huge volume. Users want to download such a large Clients have high barriers to entry and high return costs. Although I am not a marketing professional, I think this is one of the reasons for the poor promotion effect."

   When he said this, Liu Yuming nodded and interjected: "We have responded to this question."

  At this time, Wang Xinjie continued: "Just now I have time. I will sort it out. The resources can be reduced by one third, and the final size of the client should be controlled at about 1G."

   He said, Su Qingyue and Tian Zhong looked at each other and smiled.

   Then even Xiao Xue spoke.

   "I have nothing else. The work assigned to me will be completed with quality and quantity," she said.

"Xiao Xue is the mascot of our department. Xiao Xue has no trouble getting out of the way. Because Xiao Xue is a beautiful woman, she will need the support of the engine team in the future, and Xiao Xue will have to come to work such as version release..." Tian Zhonghan Said seriously and half jokingly.

   Everyone burst into laughter, and Xiao Xue's face turned red all at once.

   Because of this sentence, the more Su Qing remembered "good sister", she didn't know what happened to her and the teacher?

   A team is like a home.

   He hopes everyone is well.

While thinking about it, Ning Cheng said: "I want to go back to find the art director and change our UI. Now many UI designs are too anti-human, how can they be awkward. Just like the Ximen overpass, the purpose of the design Is it to let the driver retire?"

   "I heard that Wang Daxing is very difficult to speak." Qin Shaofeng interrupted next to him.

   "I will give it a try. He is a fellow in the grassland, maybe it will work. It really doesn't work, Xiao Xue," Ning Cheng said.

   It’s another joke made by Xiao Xue...

   Ning Cheng is a "poisonous tongue", everyone knows.

   But Su Qingyue feels that a team must have everyone's characteristics.

   poison tongue does not mean heart poison.

   Everyone didn't think about it.

   said to Zhou Ziyou: "Add a red line here. If it doesn't work, I will communicate."

   "Okay." Zhou Ziyou recorded it.

   Su Qingyue asked Tian Zhong: "Teacher Tian, ​​how long do you think it will take for our first DEMO version to come out?"

"We are very clear about your previous direction. We have to break down and implement the plan based on this direction. It is expected to be about one week. According to the specific plan, an accurate timetable will be issued. However, the entire direction will still be officially launched within 3 months. , Or at least meet the online standards... Within this week, the server-side programmers set up the intranet development server, and then rewrite the previous stress test robot..." Tanaka replied conservatively.

   Su Qingyue nodded.

Liu Yuming said at this time: "Boss, let me say something too. As long as the game is technically well done, it is not bad to a certain extent. In terms of operation, there must be no problem." He said, "Aren't you talking about virtual rivers and lakes? We are. Xiaoer, make all players feel at home!"

   "Does your house run a hotel? Very skilled in business!" Zhou Ziyou suddenly raised his head and teased Liu Yuming.

   "How did you know?" Liu Yuming answered naturally.

   Everyone laughed.

   Qin Shaofeng followed: "I must make the official website well, and in terms of advertising design, I will blind them."

   "It's not...you two wait a minute..." The next moment, Tanaka stared.

   "What's wrong?" Liu Yuming asked.

   "What are you talking about? What do you mean by product not being too bad?" Tanaka became serious.

   Everyone's eyes in the meeting room cast their eyes instantly.

   Liu Yuming reacted immediately and said something wrong.

   hurriedly said sorry, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Teacher Tian, ​​that's not what I meant. I'm just guaranteeing that I will do my job well. It's nothing else!"

   "Teacher Tian, ​​Teacher Tian, ​​don't be angry!"

   Everyone burst into laughter as they said.

Tanaka said: "Of course, if you don't do a good job, you can raise opinions." He said: "If you find a problem and don't mention it, this is the greatest sadness of a product." He said, Take a look at Su Qingyue: "This product is not mine, not President Su's, but everyone's. Starting from me, we know everything is endless."

  He said this.

   Liu Yuming took the lead and applauded.

   looked at each of them with enthusiasm and passion.

   Su Qingyue is very happy.

   For him, personality and nature are the foundation of vitality.

   They are people who walk out of campus, not tool people in the factory.

   Employment, housing, and competition can be heavy loads, but the courage to explore and try should not disappear.

   He thought so, and noticed that Ouyang hadn't said a word~www.ltnovel.com~ had been making notes in the notebook.

   Then listen carefully. Su Qingyue felt that it was right for him not to speak, after all, he was a test.

   And at this stage, I don’t understand R&D, so I mainly study.

   As long as it is serious, it is fine.

   Near noon, the meeting is over.

   After the meeting ended, Su Qingyue and Zhou Ziyou left first.

   Leave Mr. Tian for a separate meeting for the developers of the project team.

   Su Qingyue picked up the tea cup and went to make tea.

   Recently, his tea addiction has grown.

   When I walked to the pantry, I heard two R&D personnel discussing there.

   "The meeting is quite passionate."

   "Whenever you are passionate about R&D...hahaha!" the other person laughed.

   "When I see it, what should I do if I can't get it."

   Su Qingyue didn't care about such remarks at all.

   He walked in, and their faces became visibly stiff.

   Su Qingyue seemed to have not heard what they said just now, and poured out the tea for the first time.

   received the water again.

   Seeing this, the two hurriedly left.

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