Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 248: :let's go

Two o'clock at night.

Ouyang had fallen asleep long ago, and he never mumbled.

Stayed with him for a while before the bed.

Su Qingyue asked other people to go back quickly because they had to go to work tomorrow.

In the end everyone talked for a while, and they all returned...

Su Qingyue specifically asked not to worry too much, just come to the company the next afternoon.

They take a taxi separately.

Then Su Qingyue stayed in the hospital for a while.

Looking at Ouyang quietly.

The gap between ideals and reality, various world situations, and various sad pasts.

Think about it again, all of this is in that bite-by-mouth bun... Su Qingyue clenched his fist.

He got up and asked the nurse how long he was okay. The nurse told him that one or two hours would pass.

Su Qingyue stuffed Ouyang a thousand yuan in his pocket.

Then left.

When I got home, it was past three o'clock.

The room was still lit. Amu was still awake, lying on the bed.

"Why don't you sleep?" Su Qingyue asked.

At the next moment, Amu threw away the phone almost immediately, and asked him, "What do you think? What time is this?"

"Everyone builds a team today."

"Is the team built to the karaoke bar? How much did you drink with such a big drink?" She made an angry expression.

"I'm going to change clothes and wash." He said, "A colleague drank too much and we took him to the hospital."

"Why did you drink to the hospital? I'm crazy, right?"

Su Qing went out, and Amu chased it out.

At that moment, without knowing what was wrong, Su Qingyue suddenly turned around and looked at her.

Seriously said: "Don't say that to others."

"Drink all to the hospital." A Mu emphasized.

Don't want to argue with her.

See her sitting up from the bed.

Remembering that she had been waiting for herself for half the night so pitifully, Su Qingyue finally just smiled and got up to take a bath.

At this time, there is no wine to drink, and all that is left is heavy.

He knew that in the face of this opportunity, Ouyang's excitement, emotion and even gaffes were all his true reactions in his heart. Although Tian Zhong didn't say anything, the more Su Qing knew that there were actually very few opportunities in life. If you meet, you will catch him desperately...

The water was deliberately made colder.

He stood under the sprinkler and was stimulated by the cold water.

He thought that probably most young people thought at first that they could break the curse.

But in the end, they will find that all their efforts are just beautiful imagination.

When I get old, let's talk about hopes and ideals, and I won't have that energy.

I don't know what's going on, but think of Amu's father.

Su Qing understood the more trust and sustenance.

The faith is firmer.

He felt that he couldn't simply look at them because it was so boring and unfavorable for growth.

They are not tool people.

They are young people.

It must grow together.

Su Qing remembered that when he was growing up, there were not so many practical cases for reference.

Everything has to be explored by yourself.

Su Qingyue felt that a form should be set.

Let these young people get some practical experience of their predecessors.

You can use your relationship in the industry and invite everyone to come to class.

From development to operation, to the rhythm of media and communication, the design and planning of advertising, give everyone an opportunity to contact the industry. Let them look up at the world, and in turn, have an understanding and in-depth understanding of the industry, and they will have more thinking and insights about R&D.

Su Qingyue thinks this idea is good.

Established this idea.

After the shower, change all your clothes.

When he returned to the house, Ah Mu was still there.

He was a little curious, and asked with a smile: "What's so good-looking?"

"It's the Internet!" Amu said.

"That attracts you?" Su Qingyue asked.

"It's more than attractive. Many people are watching it." Amu said, "By the way, when I introduced Zhou Ziyou to the subject, you can ask him what's the situation. If it works, it would be best. Our colleague, She is kind and beautiful, so blessed to find her a friend."

"Okay, okay, I will ask tomorrow." Su Qingyue said.

He was full of the prototype of the last thought in his heart. He wanted to talk to Amu about his thoughts.

But the wine will come up again at this time.

His eyelids were fighting, and he became drowsy.

Amu complained next to him: "Why do you come back to sleep?"

Pulled the quilt for him, and looked back to see that Su Qingyue had completely fallen asleep.

When I got up early, I suddenly found that the hour hand was already pointing at half past eight.

Su Qingyue hurried to wash.

He said a few words to Amu, put on his clothes, got up and walked out.

At this time, Zhou Ziyou sent a message saying: "Ouyang is okay, now he is working in the company, but he still looks uncomfortable."

"Come if you want to come!" Su Qingyue sent a message without thinking.

Pingjing in early summer is still cool in the morning.

He went out, and as usual was a champion cake.

There are no cars in the yard, nor any regular rental cars passing by.

Seeing that he was about to be late, fortunately Dongshan sent the people back, Su Qingyue hurriedly got into the car.

"Why is it late today?" Dongshan asked him casually.

"Yesterday, a colleague drank too much and was taken to the hospital, and kept getting something almost three o'clock."

"How much do you drink?" Dongshan asked in surprise.

"Uncountable, I keep drinking..." Su Qingyue said.

Dongshan first broke out a spoken language commonly used by northerners, and then asked: "What about now?"

"It is said that it is all right." Su Qingyue said.

Dongshan curled his lips, turned the car on Xueyuan Road, and sighed, "Is something in my heart? Or I'm too excited." He said, "I told you that no one would drink like this. Drink like this, no A neurosis, no one is active, there must be something."

Listen to him as if he had seen it.

It feels a little bit reasonable.

Su Qingyue asked casually: "Did you drink too much?"

"Hi, I must have drunk too much," Dongshan said, "I was at home when I was fine, and drank too much by myself."

He said and laughed.

Su Qingyue felt that Dongshan was also a kind of life.

I am silly and happy with myself.

After all, Dongshan drove, although the entire road was blocked, but Dongshan was able to flash from left to right, and finally arrived at the unit at 9.15.

If you change to someone else, Su Qing thinks it will be at least nine to forty.

He got on the elevator without going back to the office first.

Instead, he went to the "corner of death."

Found that everyone is here.

Although his face is pale~www.ltnovel.com~, he is still working hard.

In an instant, I felt shocked.

Ouyang saw him and immediately stood up and said, "Boss, last night...I..."

"Don't say these useless, work hard." Knowing what he was going to say, Su Qing waved his hand.

Ouyang nodded immediately and stopped talking.

Su Qingyue and Tianzhong said: "We will have a meeting later."

"No problem." He replied.

Su Qingyue walked back and found Zhou Ziyou walking towards him.

The morning sun shone in.

Gentle and warm.

Su Qingyue realized that a new day had begun, and he and his brothers had set off.

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