Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 247: : People like us

Ouyang was eventually sent to the hospital.

The community hospital is nearby. When they sent Ouyang, it was less than eleven.

Su Qingyue asked the others to go back first, but Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie must stay.

They rented a wheelchair in the hospital and pushed him to get blood.

He supported him again to make him vomit clean.

Everything was cleaned up, and finally put him on the hospital bed with great effort.

During this period, Ouyang kept rolling, crying on the bed, and mumbled non-stop.

Su Qingyue only heard one sentence clearly: "Boss, I will fight my life."

In retrospect, he said he had two younger sisters and his girlfriend had just come to Pingjing.

Only eat a few vegetarian buns every day.

This is probably too depressing, and the depression, grievance, and unsatisfactory in my heart are nowhere to be released.

Finally, it can only be released in the wine.

He suddenly remembered that Qiu Xinjun and his girlfriend would cry like this when they were unstable.

Su Qingyue just wanted to tell him that everything would pass.

Turning his head, the nurse came over, gave him an injection first, and then gave him an infusion.

Ouyang gradually fell asleep, but his mouth was still muttering, saying something.

Su Qingyue relaxed now, and He Tianzhong looked at each other for a moment, and the two turned their heads and walked out.

Before taking two steps, Ouyang's cry came from behind: "Boss!"

"What's wrong?" Su Qingyue turned around and saw him sit up.

"Don't worry, I will do it hard and work hard!" He swore again, childish and cute.

"Since you have to do it well, take a rest and stop making trouble!" Su Qingyue ordered, his tone very serious.

"Yes!" Ouyang shouted back to him.

Like a drunk child, and like a serious soldier.

Then he leaned back abruptly, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep completely.

Su Qingyue felt relieved and walked out of Hotan.

Passing by the nurse station, I heard a few nurses on duty talking.

Get out the door. Even though it's already summer, unlike the south, the night in Pingjing is still very cool.

After such a toss, the wine has completely woken up.

Tian Zhong handed him a cigarette and smoked it himself: "I hope you don't mind, he looks like this..." He said, pointing to the direction of the hospital. The more Su Qing knew it was Ouyang.

Su Qingyue nodded: "Why would you mind. Seeing him drinking so hard, I sincerely want to thank me." Su Qingyue said: "To tell the truth, I didn't know his specific situation before." At this point, he felt deeply. After taking a puff of cigarette, he immediately choked and coughed.

"It's nothing." Tian Zhong said, "It's not you who don't know. It's the first time I heard about it today..." He said that, he paused, sighed and said, "Who cares? What about customer service?"

He said, a trace of sadness suddenly flashed in his eyes.

He went on to say: "A young man who came out of a small city graduated from a local normal university and came to Pingjing, a place where people gather. It is very common to encounter this situation. The current situation does not allow him to rent a house for rectification. Bathing and changing clothes slowly went to look for work. He had been living in the basement and delivering newspapers until the focus came. He got up at 3 a.m. every day and picked up the newspaper under the Nongke Bridge, and then sent it to major Grade A office buildings and high-end residential areas. He said: "I finally joined the company, although it was just customer service,...isn't it easy?" He suddenly asked, looking at Su Qingyue.

The more Su Qing thought about it, he couldn't tell.

The world is bustling with hustle and bustle, and the picture is only a few ounces of broken silver... But it is these few ounces of broken silver that can break the childhood dream and bend the spine that once stood up.

The next moment, without waiting for him to speak, Tanaka said again: "Such a person, grab a hand in Pingjing. Most people will end up doing nothing, and finally have to accept reality or return to their hometown... He said: "So he said that he is great, unforgettable, and desperate. Saying everything is true, but it is not an exaggeration to say anything, because you really saved him."

Tanaka said so.

Su Qingyue was silent.

He was right, such a person is more than Ouyang.

The next moment, he asked: "You know Ouyang well."

"I can't talk about understanding, but I interviewed him when he came in." Tian Zhong pinched a cigarette and said, "I wanted to use him because I saw fire in his eyes. But Mr. Li was right. He graduated from a normal university in a third-tier city in the south, and his professional scores are not outstanding. What can I do with him? We can't use it for the students of prestigious schools."

Eclectic talents are reduced because of understanding, but when they don’t know each other, they can only fight for hardware.

Su Qingyue felt cruel, but it was not wrong.

I couldn't help sighing.

Then Tian Zhong lighted another cigarette, and continued: "In fact, don't say him, he is from a prestigious school like ours, and he has excellent grades in school, and he may not be able to do it after graduation..." He said, "I just graduated. At that time, it was also full of enthusiasm."

Su Qing understood that Tian Zhong saw his shadow from Ouyang.

He did not speak, did not interrupt.

Then I heard Tian Zhong said: "But in the end, how about doing the main course? It's just a puppet, any plan is not my decision." He said, "It's all about the puppet. It is the responsibility of the team."

"I understand." Su Qingyue realized that when an ideal young man was not only used as a marionette or a tool man, but also carrying a pot and carrying thunder, the pain was unspeakable, and he continued: " I think they are probably the same..."

He said that it meant these recruits in the team.

"Of course." Tian Zhong nodded: "If you didn't show up, most of them would have to leave the focus in the end..." He said, sighing.

Su Qing was more startled.

Suddenly realizing that people like them are unwilling to be ordinary, but in the end have to admit the reality, this is undoubtedly destroying the heart.

Now that I understand, Ouyang said to fight his life.

Not only not too much, but not enough.

Ouyang's tears are not only his own, but also everyone's.

There are not only grievances and sorrows, but more importantly, unwillingness.

This is also the difference between them and Li Lin and Gao Yanhai. In their eyes, there is no effort, no hard work, and no fatigue. They can give everything to succeed...

For them, fighting with fate is better than doing nothing for a lifetime.

The next moment, he said firmly: "We must do this well."

"Take your life and leave the rest to the boss!" Tian Zhong looked at him and said seriously: "We believe you..."

When he said so, Su Qingyue suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was very heavy.

He hadn't thought about it before that being an old conference has such a heavy burden.

Not at the time of Hualuo's market center.

There was no focus when I first arrived.

Now there is ~www.ltnovel.com~ He suddenly realized that when he was in Hualuo, it was because of Chen Feng's support.

Arita was against it.

But now he has to rush forward with his brother.

Oneself is their last way.

A road leading to ideals and hopes.

He now understands why these people who are usually quiet and don't speak much, drink like desperately. Understand that kind of grievance, that kind of hesitation, can only be released by drinking.

No one will feel sorry for them. The only thing they can do is to work hard and move forward.

And what I can do...

The next moment, Su Qingyue said seriously to Tian Zhong: "I am here!"

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