Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 246: : Desperately 3 Lang

The private room is extremely noisy.

Wang Xinjie and Zhou Ziyou toasted their wine, yelling each other.

Ouyang and everyone drank a drink.

Qin Shaofeng even talked about the latter idea with Gao Shixian.

Liu Yuming and the person next to him said, "You can't keep this cup. You can't raise goldfish."

Unexpectedly, the atmosphere reached its climax soon.

I still wondered how to get everyone into the state.

Now, watching them toast each other warmly and boldly, they seem to be brothers who have not seen each other for many years.

The indifference and depression when I first arrived completely disappeared.

Su Qingyue felt that this was all the words and practice of Teacher Tian's opening, which aroused everyone's emotions.

They are passionate now, and they want to return to the company now to discuss work.

Su Qingyue was shocked.

This is an unexpected start to him. In his original vision, the integration of the team would take time.

He can accept it even if it is a Monday month.

But now the team was kneaded in an instant.

This is thanks to Li Lin's long-term suppression.

Even more thankful is Teacher Tian.

As the saying goes, things are based on temperament and sincere to friends. I just helped find a job and reported to the convenience.

The next moment, Su Qing simply put down the small cup, raised the dispenser and faced Tian Zhong, and said, "Brother, thank you. I don't want to say much nonsense. It is hard for Xiaozhu to express my gratitude to you." Clear and Vietnamese, can't help but toast directly.

Looking at Tian Zhong, he shouted, "Okay!"

He also picked up the dispenser. Because of drinking, his cheeks are now red.

He drank the wine in one gulp.

Holding Su Qingyue's shoulders, he said excitedly: "Boss, I thought about this all afternoon. I can't say one, two or three, but I just think you are a person who does things. This matter is not only about yourself. It’s more about me, about everyone. No matter what the result is, I feel like giving myself a chance to fight."

He said seriously.

The more Su Qing could understand that feeling.

It's the same as when I was affected by the rebate incident.

Even if you leave, you can't leave with the stain, but leave with the halo.

This is totally different for one's own future development.

The same goes for Tanaka.

The next moment, he said: "I understand you!"

"You know me! Just drink again!" Tian Zhong shouted while pouring Su Qingyue.

"Okay!" Su Qing accepted the more, holding up the wine dispenser.

Tian Zhong was also unambiguous, taking a big mouthful.

The wine came to light, and the two continued to laugh.

At this time, Wang Xinjie and Qin Shaofeng had a good time and talked: "I have liked painting since I was a child. I think art and programming are the same. You paint, I write code, but..."

"But they are all artists, I understand!" Qin Shaofeng raised his cup.

The two drank it.

On the other side, Lian Xiaoxue took a full glass of beer and toasted Zhou Ziyou boldly, saying: "Brother Zhou, that is, you are not an economics major, but a Chinese major?"

"Yes." Zhou Ziyou said.

"Why do you think of doing this instead of being a reporter?"

"You will know from now on..." Zhou Ziyou said: "How about you, a girl, think of writing a program?"

"What's the matter with the girl?" Lian Xiaoxue exploded in an instant, and said: "You drink one first, and I'll explain it to you!"

"Okay!" Zhou Ziyou did not dodge, raising his neck to get rid of the drink.

At this time, Lian Xiaoxue said: "I have been relatively introverted since I was a child. I like to stay alone in front of the computer and my thoughts to walk between the screens. The code is alive, I don't know if you can understand it."

"Of course." Zhou Ziyou nodded and said: "Words are also alive."

Looking at everyone regardless of you and me.

He feels that these developers are not losing to Jackie Chan when they drink alcohol.

Even some of them are more ruthless.

Without saying a word, looking for someone with a wine dispenser.

Su Qing smiled happily.

Prior to this, he was most worried about the teamwork and integrity issues.

Now that worries are gone, he immediately relieved his heart.

Watch Ouyang come over.

He felt dizzy.

Tian Zhong smiled and said, "Ouyang, this is a rare opportunity, and I will never have it before. Before assigning you to customer service, you never had a chance. Mr. Su strongly suggested that you be transferred. He said, pointing to the dispenser: "You can't sip this wine!"

Without saying anything, Ouyang immediately returned to his seat and poured out a full bottle of wine.

He walked back again and said, "President Su, great kindness, unforgettable!"

"Not enough!" Su Qing smiled more and more: "You just work hard."

"From today on, you are my boss." He said, and added: "You sip, three of me!"

"Hey, you don't need to..."

Su Qingyue hadn't finished speaking yet, Ouyang had already finished his glass of wine in one gulp.

But seeing him suddenly stopped speaking, he was obviously choked and tears came down.

But still resisted, not saying a word.

Su Qingyue hurriedly picked up vegetables for him, knowing that he always eats vegetarian buns, so he specially picked up a chopsticks and lettuce.

Unexpectedly, Ouyang rejected his kindness.

He stretched out his hand and squeezed a piece of pork belly into his mouth, and said, "It's so fragrant!"

Su Qingyue was taken aback for an instant, and said, "Aren't you only a vegetarian?"

Hearing what he said, Ouyang froze for a moment, and said, "How could I only be vegetarian, but because vegetarian steamed buns are cheap, just a few bites can fill up my stomach." He laughed and said, "Because I have two younger sisters, but also I have a girlfriend who just came to Pingjing, there is really no way!"

He said, not just Su Qingyue.

Everyone who heard him say so was stunned.

Looking at him.

But Ouyang didn't care, and pours out the wine vessel again: "Boss, don't worry, I will work hard and be a horse. No one needs to tell me to come on, I will come on!"

He was full of words.

Su Qingyue also served the cup without hesitation.

But Ouyang was holding on to it, and said: "Brother, the dripping grace is reported by the spring, let alone you are the grace of knowing. You don't need to drink, I drink!" He said, and toasted.

Su Qingyue wanted to persuade: it's okay.

Can realize that such words are superfluous.

The highest state of emotional intelligence is not disappointing, and now he gives this to himself.

Then listen to what Ouyang said from the bottom of his heart.

Understand how low the salary of customer service is and how much pressure is on him alone.

So for Ouyang, finding him on his own is tantamount to throwing a life-saving straw.

The next moment, he was not polite.

Let Ouyang hold the dispenser and say: "Boss, this cup represents me and my family. In the future, if you are dissatisfied with me, you can beat and scold. In short, I will not say anything else, take my life. Fight!" He said, raising his neck and another cup.

Slightly tilted sideways, Su Qingyue immediately supported him and said, "You can do it, don't drink it."

"Big brother, thank you."

"Do things well!"

"Big brother, life is difficult!" He let out a drunk feeling, and he returned to normal after being excited. He turned around and walked back and said: "Boss! Don't worry, if I let you down, I will strike five thunders. boom!"

Seeing him returning to his seat, Tanaka smiled involuntarily.

Said to Su Qingyue: "Brother, I'm telling the truth, don't look at Li Lin and the group of people, who are arrogant and slanderous all day long. But in terms of courage and desperation, they really may not have these little guys. There is fighting power." He said: "Hunger is the source of power for beasts."

"Honor is the source of fighters' fighting spirit!" Su Qingyue continued.

They both poured wine again in an instant.

Su Qing held the cup: "Make this happen!"

"We all have this victory!"

The two talked ~www.ltnovel.com~ and sip the wine in the dispenser.

At this time, Ouyang went to Liu Yuming again, and as usual continued to do three.

Drink with Zhou Ziyou again.

Su Qingyue stood up at this moment, raised his wine glass, and said to everyone, "Brothers!"

The noise stopped immediately, and everyone looked at him and raised their cups.

Su Qingyue finally concluded: "We are all brothers and a team. Our goal is very simple, to do our best to accomplish this thing!" He said loudly, "If there is a will, everything will be done. Belonging to Chu;? Painstakingly pays off, you can eat the courage, three thousand more can swallow Wu.? Cheers!"

He stopped talking and served a drink.

Everyone immediately followed.

The next moment, there was a popping sound from the other side.

Ouyang fell to the ground.

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