Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 245: :I am here

Team building with developers for the first time.

Su Qing feels that this is very different from the previous outreach department.

In the huge private room, it turned out to be very quiet.

Gao Shixian is playing Psp with headphones.

Some of the others are either playing mobile phones or eating snacks on the table.

Occasionally there is some communication, but also very quietly.

Although a little awkward and unaccustomed, Su Qing understood the better.

After the day-to-day development, the questioning of the entire team is rushing forward. Now they start a new attempt ignorantly, and it is now inexplicably, so they may feel that they have been abandoned by the company.

At this moment, everyone's heart is beating.

Aggrieved, uneasy? There must be something else, Su Qing thought.

Before the dishes were served, Liu Yuming had already set the wine, and today he was drinking Daoguang twenty-five.

Liu Yuming took the wine bottle and asked everyone if he wanted to drink.

As long as it is drinking, he falls. Like a waiter, with a smiling face.

It is in sharp contrast to the indifference of others.

Finally he filled himself up.

The seats are a bit cramped, although this is the largest private room of Lucky Bird, which can hold eighteen people.

But they came 22 people.

Tian Zhong smiled and said, "This is good, crowded is the lively thing."

He is on the left hand side of Su Qingyue and Liu Yuming on the right hand.

This was specially arranged by Su Qingyue.

The purpose is to disrupt the order and not form a research and development on one side and market operation on the other.

In terms of form, integration is necessary, which Su Qing thinks more and more.

He asked Zhou Ziyou to be beside Wang Xinjie, and Qin Shaofeng and Lian Xiaoxue occasionally said a few words.

But the atmosphere on the scene is still not good, deserted.

Cold dishes came on a plate at this time.

In addition to the regular cold dishes such as lemon chicken, sukiyaki goose, braised pork knuckle, and white sliced ​​pork knuckles, Zhou Ziyou specially ordered blueberry yam and fruit salad to take care of the two women present.

Everyone waited for him to lift the cup.

His face was stiff, like a wooden figure, Su Qingyue was about to lift a cup.

Tian Zhong stopped him and said: "Su, should I say something first?"

"Okay." Su Qingyue nodded immediately.

Understand that he wants to set himself up.

Tanaka stood up at this time and said, "Today is the first team building for our project team. I know what everyone thinks. Like you, I also have a feeling of being abandoned. But everyone, think about it in reverse. The road is dead, don’t we think about any changes? A possibility of life!"

He was so straightforward, without any excesses, and everyone present was stunned.

Even Su Qingyue's eyes widened.

Tanaka ignored him, and continued at this time: "I want everyone to think about whether you are willing to continue to be innocent worker ants in a project team that may cease operations in the next six months, and wait for the entire ant colony to collapse; The main force of a new product, to create its own world?"

At this point, he was a little excited.

Su Qingyue looked at the others and noticed that everyone's eyes were concentrated.

Obviously Teacher Tian's words stabbed them.

Wang Xinjie's eyes were full of hope and he listened carefully.

"Others kicked us out because they thought we couldn't do this! He thought I was hob meat, you are a bunch of new recruits! Including Mr. Su! I definitely can't do this!" Tanaka said: " If we ourselves think so, it is an insult to our study career over the past few decades!"

After he finished speaking, the atmosphere became serious.

But Su Qingyue felt that the cold atmosphere just now was heating up.

Wang Xinjie said nothing.

Lian Xiaoxue cast a serious look.

Su Qingyue thought that Tian Zhong was emotional.

The latter continued: "I know, everyone is talking about my resignation, thinking I can't stay a few days. But now I tell you, I decided to stay!" He said, Su Qingyue was also surprised and looked up. Look at him, listen to him and continue: "Not for President Su, not for others, just for this tone!"

This is from the bottom of the heart.

Vent out the anger that has been suppressed for so long.

Everyone present felt the same.

The atmosphere rose instantly, and someone had already picked up the cup.

Blushing before drinking.

Su Qingyue felt that the atmosphere was as before the eruption of a volcano.

Just warm it up a bit and it will burst.

At the next moment, Tian Zhong continued to say: "I want to prove myself, and you also want to prove yourself! This proof is to do our project well!" He said nothing and raised the cup.

All the people on the scene raised their glasses.

Wang Xinjie shouted loudly: Good!

Su Qingyue picked up the cup, got up and took the shoulders of Teacher Tian, ​​and said, "Brothers, just for this sentence, not for me! Not for others! Just for yourselves! For this tone!" He said and took a sip Drink a glass of wine.

Everyone immediately followed.

The mood on the scene was instantly high.

Shouted and applauded, drank a glass of wine.

At this time, Su Qing put down the cup, and everyone stopped talking instantly.

Wait for him to speak.

At the next moment, Su Qingyue brewed for a while, and finally said: "Thank you, Mr. Arita can stay for this project, but a thousand words are not enough to make this thing successful!" He said, looking at everyone's expectations: "We must not only lower our heads to do things, but also look up at the world. People who think about life in the bed every day will keep him awake at night."

Listen to him.

Everyone's eyes are full of desire.

Su Qingyue recounted the conversation between himself and Jiang Zhengshang a few days ago.

Talking about my own experience, thinking process, and the realistic logic behind the free model...

Everyone at the scene opened their eyes wide, as if they had discovered a new world.

Su Qingyue went on to say: "Some people think that if you give me such a team, I can't do anything, but I don't think so." He said, "I think you are the best, and there is nothing stale about you. There are no fixed rules. Your grievances, dissatisfaction, and desire to be recognized can overcome all difficulties."

As he spoke, the flames were about to ignite again.

Continued: "In the coming days ~www.ltnovel.com~ I will solve problems more and more by Su Qing; if something goes wrong, Su Qing will take more and more responsibility; I will stand with you, and when they realize the error, we have already It is their unattainable goal. One day you will not be in the place of death, but in the "corner of hope" of the entire company."

After he spoke, Zhou Ziyou took the lead and applauded.

The three most beautiful words in the world are not "I love you", but "I am here"!

Ouyang got up first, followed by Wang Xinjie.

Then everyone.

The initial haze and depression on his face disappeared.

It is replaced by excitement and anticipation.

Finally, Su Qingyue got up to lift the cup and said loudly: "Come on! Brothers, drink this cup!"

After he spoke, he drank his glass of wine.

Everyone also drank it.

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