Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 244: : You are Ouyang

The glass door of the office was pushed open.

Su Qingyue felt that the knock on the door just now was very polite, and he looked in the direction of the door.

A familiar figure walked in.

Red T-shirt, some tousled hair, and black-rimmed glasses.

The cheeks were thin and not much blood.

Probably because it was past noon, the smell of leeks disappeared.

Su Qingyue was startled and wanted to ask him: something?

But then he realized that he was the one who posted the "Customer Service Briefing" every day.

Then he heard him say: "Tian..." His voice was a little shy and nervous, and he stammered, "Tian teacher asked me to find you."

"Yes, please sit down."

Su Qingyue smiled and asked Zhou Ziyou to pour him a glass of water.

"What's the matter?" He scratched his head.

"Are you Ouyang?" Su Qingyue said, noting that he was very thin and looked a little unhealthy.

"My name is Ouyang." He explained, sitting down, but the tension still didn't disappear.

"After reading your customer service briefing for a long time, it is considered the right number today." Su Qingyue said.

Zhou Ziyou came in with water, and just about to put it on the table, Ouyang suddenly got up and reached out to take the cup.

After saying a few words of thank you, Zhou Ziyou was startled, and the water almost spilled out.

Su Qingyue found that he was a little too warm and polite.

He was asked to sit down again, and after Zhou Ziyou left, he asked, "How do you think of doing "Customer Service Briefing"?"

He stopped talking.

Silent, sitting on the opposite side stiffly, seemed at a loss, facing Su Qingyue as if facing the interrogator.

After watching him stay silent for a long time, Su Qingyue finally had to continue: "You don't need to be afraid. I think the "Customer Service Briefing" is very good. I want to ask your thoughts."

"The performance of "Three Kingdoms Heroes" is too bad. Every day, the customer service side faces a large number of user problems and complaints." He said, looking at Su Qingyue, and suddenly changed the subject: "What I said is not directed at President Li. Only for products."

"Of course, you don't need to be nervous." Su Qingyue nodded, affirming what he said.

The latter looked at him, and then opened the chatterbox: "The first problem is that we don’t pay much attention to the opinions of the players. A problem that has been raised many times must be very common, but no one pays attention; the second problem , The technology and foundation of our products are very good. I think it’s a pity to continue like this..."

He said, Su Qingyue listened.

I feel that Ouyang is clear-cut and has his own set of ideas.

"So you decided to do "Customer Service Briefing", it is to give the company opinions and suggestions, but also a systematic summary of your own thinking."

"That's what I think." He nodded.

"Because of your personal expectations and hard work, you have always insisted..."

"Yes!" Ouyang blushed, as if Su Qingyue had caught his mind.

Su Qingyue didn't care too much, but felt that Ouyang met the three conditions Tian Zhong said.

Have ideas, be attentive, and get close to end users.

He confirmed that his judgment was correct, and asked, "Have you learned computer?"

"I am a computer major at Southern Normal University." He said, scratching his head to explain: "I was not a customer service at the beginning. But after I came in, my school was the weakest in the same batch, so I was sent to the customer service." Slightly embarrassed, his face turned red.

Su Qingyue was taken aback while listening.

This was a bit unexpected, and it was a surprise.

Because if you are a computer major, the communication efficiency between him and other colleagues in the project team will improve, because everyone has the same discourse system.

At the next moment, he simply said straightforwardly: "We just formed a project team, did you see them moved there?"

"See you." Ouyang nodded.

"Are you interested in joining us?" Su Qingyue said: "I put you in charge of testing. This job may be a bit more tiring than your customer service job, but if you do it well, you can completely transform yourself into real R&D..."

I wanted to ask if you could accept it.

Unexpectedly, when the words came to the lips, Ouyang suddenly got up before he could say anything.

Standing at attention, the whole person's eyes lit up, and he made an oath: "Boss, I will do whatever you ask me to do, and I can accept everything. Don't be afraid of hardships, as long as you can do things well." He said nothing, separated At the table, shake hands with Su Qingyue.

Su Qingyue reached out politely.

He found that Da Xia Tian's hands were also cold.

"Thank you!" Ouyang said, looking at Su Qingyue, his mood immediately fell again, and asked worriedly: "Can Li always agree?"

"I am responsible for this matter. As for President Li Lin, I will communicate."

"You will be my boss from now on!" He said, nodding seriously, as if swearing.

He didn't expect him to be so excited.

When he was seated again, Su Qingyue found that his eyes were bright.

The whole person's face was filled with a feeling of "Dare to call the sun and the moon change the sky".

His eyes were full of desire.

It is a kind of light that has been suppressed for a long time, releasing huge energy.

Suddenly think of an animal to describe him: hungry wolf.

Su Qingyue felt that it was Ouyang.

The next moment, he asked: "Everyone has time for team building at night?"

"Boss, all my time is yours. Turn on 24 hours a day and listen to your deployment at any time!" He said excitedly.

Su Qingyue nodded, realizing that the matter was finally resolved.

Let Ouyang go back to prepare.

Looking at his back, Su Qing thought that customer service is a negative collector.

Not only is it stressful, but it is also a burden.

Many people in the company look down on them. In this case, Ouyang can actually make a "Customer Service Briefing". And without any feedback at all for more than half a year, he can still be so serious every day.

Su Qingyue wanted to say: Such people are unsuccessful and have no reason.

Thinking about it, so I communicated with Chen Ting, and then I found Li Lin.

Li Lin's opinion is very clear, the R&D position is very important, and Ouyang cannot enter the R&D sequence yet.

Finally, Su Qingyue had no choice but to arrange Ouyang in the operation department.

Then he entered as the operation department dispatched to R&D, and Li Lin had no opinion.

Faced with such troubles, although Su Qingyue is not angry, he really feels that a company's executive ~www.ltnovel.com~ and is also a shareholder, this pattern is really embarrassing.

Ouyang blushed and said to him, "Boss, I'm sorry! I'm embarrassed."

Understand the huge humiliation of being pushed around in the workplace.

Su Qing patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's okay, don't say sorry if you don't move."

"Boss, I work hard with my life." Ouyang said seriously in the same swearing tone.

Wait until I go back to the office and check my watch. It is already six o'clock in the evening.

Su Qingyue sent a text message to Amou, telling him that he had to go home late for the team building today.

At this time, Zhou Ziyou knocked on the door and came in and asked: "Boss, shall we go?"

Su Qingyue nodded and stood up and said, "Okay."

Then left the office.

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