Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 243: : The corner of death

The project team is in the most remote corner of the company.

The chairs are next to the chairs and the space is very crowded. Forcibly squeezed a place from the first R&D center.

There are two pillars in the middle, and some green plants between the pillars separate them from the main force of the First R&D Center.

The more Su Qing walked over, only felt that the temperature of his body had increased significantly.

Everyone is basically packed and seated.

He saw a doll of Darth Vader, the dark warrior from Star Wars, on Wang Xinjie's desk.

The desktop of Lian Xiaoxue's computer is a poster of "Monster Hunter".

Seeing Su Qingyue, Tian Zhong nodded seriously at him. Su Qingyue noticed that his work station was still relatively tidy.

Everyone's expressions can't tell whether they are happy or chaotic, but the atmosphere is very subtle.

It is estimated that most employees have already arrived at the new project team without knowing what happened.

Su Qingyue smiled and greeted everyone.

Across the two pillars, people who did not enter the project team were whispering, and the laughter was clearly audible.

The young people who entered the group were downcast.

Su Qing thinks that the scorching state of the world not only exists in the world, but also in trivialities.

However, he has a different view on position. This place is separated from the first R&D center in sight, forming an independent closed corner. But Qin Shaofeng curled his lips and said to himself: "Excessive!"

Su Qing frowned and found him bulging.

Asked in a low voice.

Qin Shaofeng immediately said, "Boss, do you know why they laugh?"

"You said." Su Qing more faintly realized that there might be something hidden in it.

"This place is recognized by the company as a'death corner', and some people call this place of exile."

When Qin Shaofeng said this, Su Qing understood what was going on.

As soon as he passed the column, he felt warm, and it seemed that he couldn't stay here until summer.

He stopped talking and stood at the window. It was discovered that this was not only a problem with the western sun, but also clinging to the platform, the central air-conditioning fan was spinning desperately. The real summer is hot, and winter is air-conditioned. It is absolutely cold in winter and hot in summer. I really want to say Li Lin, this arrangement is too low.

After thinking for a while, he said calmly, "It's okay, I'll solve it." He said, and looked around. The two pillars can just hang a whiteboard, and there is a large conference room on the corner, where you can meet at any time.

Su Qingyue felt that this at least met the needs of the project team.

Thinking about going back and talking to Chen Ting, it shouldn't be a big problem to communicate with the property and add an external air conditioner.

Not two steps away, Tian Zhong suddenly called him: "President Su?"

Su Qingyue looked back at him: "What's the matter?"

"Just settled, tell you about the team." He said.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's eyes gathered.

It's like watching a monster.

As if to say, don’t you want to leave just now?

Are you transformed now?

Qin Shaofeng was completely stunned.

Liu Yuming stared at it.

Someone at the station whispered: "What's the matter?"

Wang Xinjie stunned and went back: "Work hard, what's the matter with so many."

After he spoke, Su Qing laughed more.

He Tianzhong said, "Go to my office."

They turned and went back.

Su Qingyue sat down and let Zhou Ziyou make two cups of tea.

Tian Zhong waited for a few minutes. He first mentioned the air conditioner and fan requirements to Chen Ting.

The latter immediately replied: "I'm going to see it now, it will definitely be done before the weekend."

Su Qingyue replied with a thank you, retracted his gaze, and said to Tian Zhong, "Teacher Tian has worked hard..."

"I thank you, my girlfriend received the call."

"Okay." Su Qingyue nodded and said nothing.

At the next moment, Tian Zhong took out the printed list of personnel: "Let’s start?" He said, and made a summary first, "I told you before that this team I’m not optimistic about is not based on the program. Because of this. I know the people and their jobs well. Although they are young, they are still good in terms of ability."

As he said, Zhou Ziyou pushed the door into the house and put two cups of tea on the table.

Tanaka said again: "You are like Wang Xinjie, don't look young, it seems that you lack experience, but he is very talented." He pointed to Wang Xinjie's name with his finger: "He can do both client and server work. , Very agile and strong in learning ability."

"Understand." Su Qingyue nodded, feeling a lot relaxed.

He continued: "Two girls, everyone misunderstands them."


"There are very few female programmers, and many people have always had a wrong understanding of girls in science and engineering." Tian Zhong responded.

"I don't have any opinions on this. You can talk about the situation of these two girls..."

"In fact, it has nothing to do with gender. The most important thing for programmers is learning ability, thinking ability and coding ability." Tian Zhong said: "I recruited the two of them. They were born in class and have a solid foundation." He went on to introduce: "Lian Xiaoxue Elementary School was exposed to programming, and so did Ning Cheng. Although he is not as talented as Wang Xinjie and lacks experience, given time, he can definitely be alone!"

After the introduction, Tanaka nodded seriously.

Su Qing understood that this was his affirmation of the two girls.

Tanaka continued to introduce others.

"Chen Han, client." He said: "Don't look at the college students who are just recruited, but they are actually very capable of working."


After a while, Su Qingyue couldn't help it, and asked: "I know these things. But you just said that our team's problem is not in the program. What do you mean?" He asked curiously, and then casually Kutada said: "Planning."

Su Qingyue leaned back in the chair and said, "What's the problem?"

"The problem of focus is planning. Our technology is actually no problem." He said: "The focus is on the technical capabilities and reserves of games, which is obvious to all in the industry. I believe Mr. Su also understood it before coming to Focus."

Su Qing agreed with this point, and he nodded slightly.

Tanaka continued: "Our planning is not good, mainly due to two reasons: first, it is not paying attention to technology, the inertial thinking of technology is that technology can solve all problems; second, the level is limited, all of them are executed, and I came here alone, with misunderstandings of thinking and failed to learn to listen."

He said so, Su Qingyue looked at the list of planning personnel.

Tian Zhong added: "Whether it is Gao Shixian or the other two people in this team, they all have this problem. They work very hard but they can't work well."

Su Qingyue knew very well that the importance of planning was beyond doubt.

The promotion of online games depends on the art, and the opening of the server depends on the stability of the program. The later stage is mainly about planning and numerical values.

Su Qingyue nodded and said, "Since this is the case, can you find another plan?"

"It can be, but he has to meet three requirements." Tian Zhong said, Su Qingyue listened: "First, diligently; second, have ideas, understand the industry and games, and can prescribe the right medicine; third, I I think the most important thing is to be close to the users, and all solutions that can be achieved start from the users."

Hearing what he said, Su Qing frowned.

Suddenly remembered "Customer Service Briefing."

At this time Tanaka said, "If you can find someone who meets these three conditions, that would be great."

"Do you know the "Customer Service Briefing"?" Su Qingyue asked suddenly.

"I know." Tian Zhong said, "I mentioned to Li Lin a long time ago, but he is just a spring breeze."

"What do you think of this person?" He said, opening the customer service briefing, and forwarding the screen to Tian Zhong: "I saw what he posted for half a year and thought it was very serious and thoughtful. He can give back every time the customer service , Find the problem and conclude the solution."

"But he has a problem."

"Have no planning?" Su Qingyue said.

"Yes." Tian Zhong explained: "Our time is very short, and it is too late to cultivate his technical and operational level of work."

"But can you let him provide some direction. Because this is our best possible solution under limited conditions." Su Qingyue said.

"I think it is feasible, so let him do the test first. This way he can participate in specific R&D, and he can gradually understand the specific R&D process in specific work."

"Okay, I'll talk to him."

Su Qingyue also really wants to know, UU Reading www.uukānshu. Com is supporting him so persevering.

After a while, they finished talking.

Tian Zhong refused to leave, looked at Su Qingyue, and suddenly said, "Is there time tonight? I'll treat you to dinner."

"You don't have to be so polite." Su Qing laughed more and said: "I invite you all."

Call Zhou Ziyou immediately and tell him to arrange everything.

I wanted him to call the customer service briefing to talk.

But Tanaka then said, "I'll call him, it's better."

No more polite, they said yes, the project team will have dinner together tonight.

Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door of Su Qingyue's office.

He looked up and said, "Please come in."

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