Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 242: : First met Teacher Tian

"Personally, I agree with your idea very much, but it won't happen." Tanaka was straightforward.

It was already 3:15 in the afternoon, and the sun was shining into the office, softening a bit.

Su Qingyue looked at Tian Zhong, but he didn't expect to speak before he could speak, and went straight to the discussion on the product level.

In the conference room just now, Li Lin just mentioned a few words about the specific plan.

Slightly surprised, Su Qingyue asked: "Do you have any ideas or suggestions?"

"Li Lin is not a fool, not even Mr. Jiao." He said, "How many people have not convinced them that you have succeeded, indicating that the plan itself is still approved..." He said, "But you can't succeed."

"Why?" Su Qingyue asked knowingly.

"Look at these people recommended by Li Lin today. I am completely inexperienced and have to develop a new version. Although it is modified in the original version, the bottom layer is basically unchanged, but the entire charging model is changed, which is difficult!" Tian Zhong Reluctantly shook his head: "This is nothing, and I am going to resign." He finally explained: "I have no feelings for you, and the resignation is a long-term plan."

He didn't expect him to be so honest.

It is completely different from the image of the old fritters that I thought at the beginning.

Also different from him in the conference room.

Su Qingyue confirmed that he was at least not an enemy.

As long as it is not an enemy, it is possible to become a partner. The next moment, he asked in a very friendly tone: "Is it convenient for me to ask the reason for resigning?"

"Reason?" Tian Zhong looked at him, hesitating for a moment on his face.

Su Qingyue continued: "You can also not answer."

"Forget it, we have no grievances and no grudges, just tell you, this is not a secret." Tanaka sighed, and finally said: "You should see what the focus is. The current situation of the company is far It cannot be solved in one or two versions."

He said, Su Qingyue nodded.

On this point, their understanding is the same.

Only Tanaka chose to escape.

And he can only choose to fight.

As he was thinking about it, Tanaka said again: "Do you think there is hope for such a company? Several persons in charge are on the top every day, guarding their inexplicable sense of superiority, and no one really reflects on them. They have succeeded and become rich, regardless of What kind of life will not be greatly affected." He said: "But we are different, we have no grades, no money, and can't afford it! Why did Gao Bin leave? Isn't it just not convinced, since he knew he was going to die, why not leave early What?"

Listening to him, Su Qing understood that this is a long-standing resentment

Since he came, I have felt it.

It's all negative emotions, and the violence is heavy.

That's why I saw him as a stranger, and I didn't feel unhappy.

The next moment, he asked: "Is there a next home now?"

"No." He shook his head: "Don't believe it, it's true."

"I believe you are not such a person." Su Qing smiled: "You are so frank, there is no need to lie."

"I have been in focus since I graduated, and I have more feelings for it than any company in Pingjing." He said, "But it has changed." Tan Zhongyu stopped, took out his cigarette, realized that this is an office, and had to put it away. Go back and continue: "I endured it for a long time, it was very interesting."

Su Qingyue said: "Pick it, give me one too..."

The two lit up cigarettes and were silent for a while.

Su Qingyue certainly understands this feeling.

As if he had just arrived at Hualuo, Xiao Yu wanted to leave.

The next moment, when he was about to speak, Tian Zhong's cell phone rang.

He glanced at the number, then at Su Qingyue, frowning slightly.

Su Qingyue smiled immediately and said, "Take it, it's okay."

The latter said something embarrassing, but when he picked it up, his voice became soft: "How is it?"

I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone, it was obviously a girl, her voice should be sobbing.

Tian Zhong really comforted: "Okay, then next time, Pingjing will be like this anyway." He said, glanced at Su Qingyue, and said: "I have to hang up, we are in a meeting. Don't be sad. It's not a big deal," he said at last, then pressed the hang up button.

Feels like a girlfriend.

It seems that the other party encountered some setbacks.

Tian Zhong did not lose his temper, but was still comforting.

Su Qingyue felt that he was not the legendary old fritters, but a disappointed old horse.

At the next moment, Su Qingyue asked casually: "Girlfriend."


"Is this trouble finding a job?" He guessed subconsciously and said, "Look at you so comforted."

"No way, she has no education," Tian Zhong sighed, "In places like Pingjing, all Internet companies like the thing will cost 985 and 211. She is a double-featured, and she just came here again. It must be bad. Find."

He could hear that he was helpless.

It is estimated that his girlfriend has failed many times, which made him a little frustrated and troubled.

Su Qing understands that although it is easy for Pingjing to find a job, it is difficult to find a suitable one.

People who stay at home for a long time will be anxious and impatient, and Tian Zhong must have a deep understanding.

The reason why he left with a resignation report is probably because he simply wanted to earn more wages.

The next moment, Su Qingyue said: "What does your friend do?"

"Website editor." He said.

Listening to him, Su Qingyue nodded.

Suddenly remembered that a few days ago, Brother Guang told himself that he lacked a website editor.

Then asked: "Will you use these backends? Basic operations."

"All of these are okay. Judging from my science student, my writing skills are fine."

Su Qingyue thought for a moment and said, "I have a friend who has created a special content website for "World of Hegemony". Now Kongkong.com wants to inject capital. Personally, I am very optimistic. At the beginning, my girlfriend and I also pooled some money into it. . He lacks a website editor now, I wonder if your girlfriend is willing to try it?"

"You mean Aiglas National Geographic?" Tian Zhong was surprised, obviously he knew Guang Ge's website.

"Right." Su Qingyue nodded.

"Is it really okay?" he asked, sitting upright.

"I can call right now." Su Qing stopped speaking in Vietnamese and picked up the phone.

Tian Zhong was stunned there.

A few minutes later, Brother Guang picked up and only communicated briefly.

Brother Guang laughed on the phone: "It's okay, you call her over. If it doesn't work, I will train it from scratch."

After the two spoke, they hung up.

Su Qingyue tapped a few times on the keyboard, and then said to Tian Zhong: "The contact information has been sent to you."

"Is that all right?"

"Don't worry." Su Qingyue said.

Tian Zhong thought for a while, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Thank you very much, but I should quit or I will quit. This has nothing to do with you, this is the company's problem, it is Li Lin's problem." His voice was helpless.

"It's not a deal..." Su Qingyue said with emotion: "When my girlfriend first came to www.ltnovel.com, it was also difficult to find a job, understand Long live."

"Thank you really." Tian Zhong nodded, hesitated, and said again: "You are very different from Li Lin."

"Of course it's different, because my surname is Su." Su Qing laughed more and decided not to persuade him. There is no one size fits all to solve ideological problems. Need to moisturize things silently, so he said: "That's it, you go back first, and deal with the problem of the workstation."

He stood up and sent him to the field.

The latter was completely stunned, obviously thinking that Su Qingyue would continue to persuade himself.

Unexpectedly, the conversation stopped abruptly.

When he was leaving, he was really embarrassed and said: "I will clean up the work place first, and then talk to you about these people."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at any time." Su Qingyue shook his hand.

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