Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 241: : Stagger forward

There are many people in the meeting room.

Su Qingyue pushed the door in and found that Li Lin and the others had arrived.

It's probably been a long time, everyone talked about it.

Someone looked up at him and frowned.

Su Qingyue instantly understood that Li Lin must have waited for everyone to arrive before he informed himself.

The purpose is simple, to make everyone feel that they are outsiders.

The method is naive, but it does bring some subtle barriers to the early running-in.

Su Qingyue was very upset, but didn't want to explain anything.

Now Li Lin was sitting in the main seat and nodded towards Su Qingyue.

His face was cold and proud. Su Qing felt that he was not doing this deliberately, but was used to arrogantly.

Su Qingyue wanted to tell him the story of Zhuangzi and Shihui.

Tell him the story of the owl being afraid of the phoenix and killing the mouse by himself.

Tell him: Do you think I am worthy of your three-acre land?

But he may not have heard this allusion.

Finally, he sat down next to Li Lin, his eyes scanned the other people in the conference room, and he recognized Tian Zhong for the first time.

There is no difference between him and the photo on the resume.

Looks loyal and honest, with messy hair.

Still more energetic, very young.

I have been playing with a new color-screen mobile phone from Nokia.

Tian Zhong was also the only one in the room who ignored Su Qingyue's entry.

No complaints, nothing else, just playing with the phone with his head down.

Other people, as long as there are photos on the resume, Su Qingyue can basically recognize them.

Li Lin spoke at this time, "Because there are a lot of people today, I won't introduce them one by one. After the meeting is over later, if Mr. Su wants to understand and communicate, there will be time. This time I call everyone here, mainly for one thing. To announce. The company has decided to set up a temporary project team to be coordinated by me, and President Su will be responsible for the specifics..." He started to introduce what the project team is mainly responsible for, as well as the model, and the tone seemed to be initiated by him.

Hearing that Su Qingyue was specifically responsible, everyone was taken aback and whispered.

"Isn't this what the research and development should do?"

"What do they do to blend operations and markets?"

Li Lin didn't speak, but deliberately let the voice ferment, and let Su Qing listen to it.

This state is completely different from the feeling of Hualuo's meeting.

After a while, Li Lin just wanted to continue.

After playing the game, Tanaka finally raised his head and suddenly questioned: "My resignation report has been submitted, it is not appropriate to find me?" He said, and started operating on the phone again.

"The company hasn't approved it yet, there is nothing inappropriate." Li Lin's face was very bad when he said. I looked at Su Qingyue again, and then put on a smiley face: "Mr. Tian, ​​is our former chief program, with very strong technical ability. Just a bad temper, so please understand." Deliberately speaking as if Su Qingyue is very concerned.

I ignored Li Lin's cleverness.

I feel that the contradiction between the two is by no means simply a problem with the old dough sticks in Tian Zhong.

There are some things he wants to talk to Tian Dan, instead of spending time in this conference room, making fun of his mouth.

The next moment, Su Qingyue said: "You continue?"

"Then I will arrange the work now." Li Lin said, picking up the list, first said that the main program is Tian Zhong and the server-side main program, and then said: "Wang Xinjie, responsible for the client." He said, one The thin boy nodded and said: I understand.

Only then did Su Qingyue know who Wang Xinjie was.

The person is very thin, flat-headed, white, and face.

Between the eyebrows there is still the childishness of college days, but some talent and arrogance are also written on the face.

The very clear feeling for Su Qingyue is: people with ideas.

Then Li Lin went on...

There are also two female programmers.

"Lian Xiaoxue, Ning Cheng returned to Wang Xinjie to arrange..."

The two girls nodded, one with long hair and the other with short hair. The long-haired girl is Lian Xiaoxue, very quiet and shy. When Li Lin mentioned her name, his face flushed. The other one is called Ning Cheng, but it's generous, and a little like a tomboy.

They all have a good temperament.

Su Qingyue remembers the school they graduated from.

There are three other people who are planning, one is Gao Shixian, and one is a student who has just passed the internship period.

There are still some pimples on the face, wearing glasses.

The same is true for the remaining two.

Seeing this, Su Qing couldn't help but worry, but his face remained calm.

Finally, Li Lin finished speaking. He looked at Su Qingyue and said, "President Su, would you like to say a few words?"


Su Qingyue nodded and got up, thought for a while and said: "First of all, thank Mr. Li for letting everyone join. This is an experimental project plan, crossing the river by feeling the stones. But this attempt is very important for the current situation of the focus and even for the industry. Important. In the days to come, I will go all out with you elites..." He said, just about to continue, noticing that Tian Zhong shook his head.

Ignoring these first, Su Qingyue continued: "I said this not to compliment everyone, but to tell the truth." He said, looking at everyone, and then said: "For example, Teacher Tian, ​​Wang Xinjie, etc. are all graduates from prestigious schools. He has won many international and domestic awards, so as long as you work hard, you will definitely get good results."

He said that Tian Zhong was about to chip in.

Su Qingyue followed up: "Xiao Xue graduated from West Lake University and has participated in the domestic "Hope Cup" entrepreneurial competition and won the first prize." He said.

Almost everyone's experience was told again.

Noting that Wang Xinjie listened very carefully, Lian Xiaoxue seemed shocked. One is that they rarely communicate with each other, and a lot of information is heard for the first time; the other is that Su Qingyue is surprised at Su Qingyue’s seriousness and outstanding memory, so much information and even what kind of campus activities he participated in in a certain year and month, Su Qingyue Can explain clearly.

Tian Zhong had an indifferent attitude, still looking at his phone.

Li Lin couldn't help raising his eyebrows and looked at his watch.

Su Qingyue ignored him and continued: "We will be partners in the next few months. If you have any problems, you can directly contact me. If I can solve it, I will definitely solve it. If I can't solve it, I will try my best to coordinate. This model is successful. , You are not only the heroes of the focus, but also the heroes of the industry."

He finally said a few words of thanks.

Li Lin stretched his waist and added: "In a moment, everyone will adjust their positions."

The meeting ended.

When going out, Su Qingyue heard someone whispering: "Is this kicking us out?"

"What kind of treatment is there in this department, shouldn't you be happy when you come out?" Tian Zhong gave the speaker a blank glance.

Wang Xinjie followed up: "Do your job, thinking about trivial things outside of work all day long."

Even Xiaoxue and Ning Cheng didn't say anything ~www.ltnovel.com~ and left.

Su Qingyue finally said to Tianzhong: "Tian teacher, come to my office."

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Let's talk." Su Qingyue said.

"Hey..." Tian Zhong sighed and said, regardless of whether Li Lin was present or not, he said, "I'm going to leave, and Mr. Li throws me to you. Isn't that obvious!" He said, "I am. I won’t cause trouble for you, and you haven’t provoke me, but I will go if I should go.”

"I know, let's talk first." Su Qingyue said.

"Okay." Seeing that Tian Zhong couldn't escape, he had to agree.

When returning to his department, Su Qingyue first asked Liu Yuming, Qin Shaofeng, and Zhou Ziyou to take people with them to help everyone move things and adjust work positions. After that, He Tianzhong walked into the office, poured him a glass of water, and the two sat down.

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