Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 240: :Go ahead to dangers

"Boss, can this team have combat effectiveness?" Qin Shaofeng said: "They are all newcomers who have just joined in the past six months. The only two main players, especially Teacher Tian and Li Lin, have a very bad relationship. They don't work hard, and they fish for three days. After posting on the Internet for two days, everyone in the company knows this." He said angrily, "Isn't it intentional to give him to us."

   Su Qing understood what he said.

   At Jiao Kejun's office, Su Qingyue guessed it. These two main forces are by no means as simple as submitting a resignation letter.

   Chen Ting certainly cannot say that the other party is an old fritters.

   But the opposition she expressed has been very clear.

   Now looking at Qin Shaofeng who was furious, Su Qing smiled bitterly and said, "I know."

   "Do you know that..."

Qin Shaofeng didn’t finish speaking, but Liu Yuming said, “President Su, the old fritters are not the old fritters. At any rate, we still have the ability. Let’s not say anything. The key is that these 15 newcomers, we don’t understand at all, and we have to try them at all levels. Just know." He said: "The problem is that we don't have any chance or time for trial and error."

   "And they are going directly on the battlefield." Qin Shaofeng pursued: "Two old dough sticks, with fifteen inexperienced recruits, do not have combat effectiveness at all, this battle cannot be fought."

   Listening to them, Su Qingyue thoroughly confirmed his judgment.

   But what can I do now?

   After taking a sip of the tea, I couldn't explain it to them. It broke the front teeth and swallowed it into my stomach.

   After thinking for a moment, he finally said: "Have a meeting with Li Lin in the afternoon, and these people."

   "President Su, can you adjust one or two people before the meeting." Liu Yuming finally had no choice but to point to the list and tentatively said: "For example, this plan, this is a key position."

  Su Qingyue admitted what Liu Yuming said.

   Su Qingyue held his breath, wanting to say that Li Lin would not adjust for himself.

   This is already his maximum concession.

   At present, it seems that there is no good way. The next moment he was about to speak, a sentence came from outside: Gao Yanhai, come out for me.

   is a female voice, her voice is very high.

   both Qin Shaofeng and Liu Yuming raised their eyebrows.

   spontaneously laughed, as if he had known something happened.

   Then Su Qingyue reminded them that this was a meeting, and everyone returned to normal.

   He went on to say: "Li Lin will not promise us."

   "What should I do?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

   "It's man-made." Su Qingyue nodded simply, looked at their puzzled eyes, and added: "If something goes wrong, I will take responsibility. The credit is yours."

   "We are not afraid of taking responsibility." Liu Yuming shook his head helplessly.

   and Qin Shaofeng looked at each other.

   Finally, they stopped talking, and after the meeting, they went back to work.

   Su Qingyue rubbed his eyebrows and brewed a cup of green tea.

   As he walked back from the boiling water room, he ran into the guy who loved to eat buns stuffed with leek and came in after smoking.

   Back to the office, the email rang.

   I clicked and saw that Chen Ting had sent the personnel resumes.

   was surprised to find that the old fritters in people's mouth were actually graduated from Nankai University in computer science.

  His name is Tian Zhong.

  The position is: former main programmer, now server-side programmer.

  Looking at the time again, this position has just been adjusted. Contacting the launch time of the "Three Kingdoms Heroes" means that from the product project to the official launch, Tanaka is the main project leader. It is definitely the core and backbone of the project. If it weren't for other reasons, Li Lin would not ration the test team anyway.

   There is no doubt that I need such a person to assist myself.

   Look at his resume carefully.

   There is no flaw in the written text.

   Although he is the so-called old man, Tanaka is actually one year younger than himself.

   When I was in the Department of Computer Science at Southern University, I won the first prize in the programming contest three times.

   One of the international ones.

   Twice nationally.

   As for why he had a bad relationship with Li Lin later, why he became the "old fritters" in people's mouth, the reason is unknown.

   But Su Qingyue believes that it is definitely not as simple as a bad temper.

   Especially after the "Three Kingdoms Heroes" went online, the whole company knew about the resignation.

   This must be putting eye drops on Li Lin.

   Su Qingyue thought, tapping the desktop with his knuckles, thinking there might be other problems here.

   If you want to break through, this person is currently a node. If you break through this person, then the difficulty will be much less.

   Then I looked back at the resume of the newcomer and noticed that there were a few famous school students in it.

   One of them is Wang Xinjie, from the Department of Mathematics, Pingjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

  He is currently a client programmer.

   He also has many awards, and Su Qingyue thinks it should be at least not bad.

   then look down.

   He gradually framed, the main force in his mind.

   Of course, you need to read it after execution.

   Su Qingyue was among them and found two female interns. One is a programmer, the other is a planning.

   Su Qingyue always believes that women are the most important factor in a team.

   They are not only loyal, but also careful, which will bring a lot of vitality to the team.

   At noon, Zhou Ziyou knocked on the door and told him to eat.

   They went down together. There are a lot of people in the cafeteria, they didn't have seats.

   Unexpectedly, I met the friend who was doing navigation with Ye Luo yesterday.

   After a few greetings, Jiang Li was about to leave, so he left their seats.

   I bought food and came back.

   Zhou Ziyou sat down, approached him a little, and lowered his voice: "Boss, do you know what happened to the front desk today?"

   "What's the matter?" Su Qingyue shook his head.

At this time, Zhou Ziyou looked around and said: "When you were in a meeting, a woman with a big belly came to Gao Yanhai. The front desk refused to let in, so she yelled, Gao Yanhai, you will come out. In a few minutes, at last Gao Yanhai came out and took the woman to his office. What is even more exaggerated is that he gave us a bouquet of roses to our new front desk yesterday..."

   There are many stories about Mr. Gao and the front desk of the company, and Su Qingyue just laughed.

   He didn't notice that Zhou Ziyou was a little unhappy.

   I always feel that this kind of gossip is true or false, of course it’s a bit outrageous...

   But ~www.ltnovel.com~ I had a meeting with Liu Yuming and Qin Shaofeng before, and I did hear such a voice.

   smiled helplessly, he looked at Zhou Ziyou.

   A colleague passed by and greeted them, Su Qing smiled.

   said: "Don't spread this matter to the outside world."

"It wasn't from me," Zhou Ziyou explained quickly: "Everyone in the hall was watching, and the forum exploded. The R&D company is too yang, and the front desk is no less effective than the project leader. Because there is a beautiful woman, brothers every day They all come to work with fantasy and beauty." He said, and finally added: "General Manager Gao is a full man who doesn't know how hungry he is. And he does it like this, it's simply a'hate of taking his wife'."

   I feel that his tone has changed obviously, Su Qingyue originally wanted to say: Is this what you like?

   But there was a colleague passing by and he didn't say anything.

   When the other party walked over, Zhou Ziyou added: "I have made people stare at the media and forums. Although the focus is different from China Network, there are not so many people paying attention, but it is just in case."

   "Good job." Su Qing laughed.

   The two talked and continued to eat.

   At 2:30 in the afternoon, Li Lin sent him a message: Ask if you want a meeting, he called the team to the conference room.

   Su Qingyue: Okay.

   then got up and went to the meeting room.

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