Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 239: : Gao Fengliang Festival

   They didn't go home until eleven that day.

   After washing up, Su Qingyue lay on the bed.

   Unexpectedly, Ah Mou sat up.

   asked him with an ambiguous attitude: "Su Qingyue, will you lose your home then?"

   "R&D personnel are all like this. Although I don't need to do specific R&D work, it must not be too early. And you also know my goals and ideas. I also hope that in this process, I will have a deep understanding of all aspects of R&D..."

   "Will you be tired, then."

   "I don't deserve to be tired now, because I have nothing."

   After speaking, Su Qing realized that something was wrong.

   Look at Amu's anger, and understand her meaning in seconds.

   then suddenly turned over.

   Without waiting for Amou to speak, he said: "No matter how busy you are, there is still some energy for this."

   There was a storm in a moment.

   There was also wind outside the window.

   Raindrops hit the leaves, making a popping sound.

   The rain of summer night came at the right time...

   finally relaxed completely, he took a breath.

   The two chatted for a while, and then each took a bath and slept.

   He was half asleep and half awake this night.

   seemed to hear the soft breathing of Ah Mu.

   I heard Li Lin's voice again: President Su, with so many people, I really tried my best. It is true that we can't draw more, and we also have a new version plan, which is really embarrassing.

   "At least fifteen people, fifteen! And all must be elite backbones." Dongfang Jun's voice rang in his ears.

   The two voices clash repeatedly.

   Without waiting for the alarm to ring, he got up at half past six in the morning.

   shook his head and forced myself not to think so much.

   He went out early and bought a Zhuangyuan cake as usual.

   Pingjing’s morning is still relatively cool, and wearing a t-shirt is still a bit cold.

   At seven ten ten, Dongshan has not come out yet.

   He simply walked to the intersection and took a taxi.

   At this time, the College Road has not been blocked, and the traffic is fast. He arrived at the unit, but no employees came.

   made a cup of tea and sat down.

   Looking out the window again, Xueyuan Road has been completely blocked.

   He turned on the computer, and Li Lin hadn't sent the name list yet.

   found that yesterday’s "Customer Service Briefing" had not been read, so I read it carefully.

   He feels that the more analysis this person is, the more systematic, and some suggestions are quite thoughtful.

   At nine thirty, Li Lin's email came.

   is the entire staff suggestion list. Su Qingyue opened it, and an Excel table appeared on the screen.

   looked directly at the bottom.

   What surprised him was the person Li Lin gave him, not fifteen or twelve, but seventeen.

   There are two more suggestions than Dongfang Jun gave before.

  Because Su Qingyue is not familiar with the relevant personnel, he is not praiseworthy.

   But this result is obviously inconsistent with Li Lin's attitude yesterday.

   Su Qing simply didn't want to think about it anymore.

   At this time, Jiao Kejun called him to the office online.

   Su Qingyue got up and walked out.

   As soon as he entered the door, he saw Chen Ting holding a coffee cup in one hand and flipping through the printed list with the other.

   Watching her come in, nodded, and continued to flip.

   expression is serious.

   Jiao Kejun let Su Qing sit down. Li Lin was the last to come, slowly.

   He also changed his sleeves today.

   A BOSS, very fit.

   smiled when he came in and said, "It was a good rain last night. This morning the air is very refreshing."

   He was talking and sat down by himself.

   and Su Qingyue are close to each other: "Su, I'm afraid you will not have enough manpower, so I added two more for you."

   Su Qingyue replied politely: "Thank you Li Lin for your support!"

   Gao Yanhai also walked in at this time.

   said as soon as he came in, "Lafayette, you really have enough money, seventeen people."

   I still wear Bluetooth headsets in my ears.

   Su Qingyue noticed that Chen Ting had not said a word.

Jiao Kejun took the lead to ask questions at this time: "Lafayette, are your staff still rich? I mean..." He pointed his finger at the list, as if there was something he couldn't say, before he said again: "Look, Some people can adjust it."

   Jiao Kejun said so, Su Qingyue was startled.

   Before he could react, Chen Ting directly added: "Lafayette, the people on this list are all newcomers?"

"Are all the newcomers?" Li Lin's eyes instantly widened, pointing to the list, and said, "Is this a newcomer in Tianzhong? And Xia Jieqing. These are our absolute main force, following from the stand-alone era. "

   "But..." Chen Ting reached her lips and stopped again.

   Then Gao Yanhai followed and helped Li Lin: "Both of them are experienced. The old brings the new, the experience and the hard work."

"There is no problem with their abilities, but if I remember correctly, they had already proposed to resign last month..." Chen Ting estimated that she couldn't help it, and said: "This model is very important to the company, and we must use people carefully. "

   "They resigned because of emotions and the company did not approve it. Since they are our employees for a day in the company, they cannot be treated differently, and I believe in their professional ethics..." Li Lin raised his voice and looked at Chen Ting.

   Su Qingyue instantly understood what was going on.

At the next moment, he wanted to speak, but Li Lin continued: "These newcomers are all recruited by Mr. Chen and your personnel department. How can there be problems? Our personnel interviews, induction and induction training are strictly regulated. And we are in The reputation of the game industry, and guarding such a good university resources in Pingjing, everyone’s professional skills are the best."

   When he said so, Chen Ting was choked and speechless.


Following him, he didn't stop, and said: "Now in the situation of "Three Kingdoms Heroes", I really tried my best to bring out these people." He said this to Jiao Kejun, pointing to the list: " "Three Kingdoms" is still online, even if there is a problem, there is still income after all, and I racked my brains to find a way. President Su's plan sounds good, but after all, it is a trial. Compared the two, which is more important, everyone It should be very understandable, right?"

   What he said, Jiao Kejun didn't know what to do.

   Su Qing realized that it would be useless to continue like this. Let's go on, maybe everyone will be moved by Li Lin's "high style"!

   The other party's reason seems to be fine, "There are heights and details".

   This kind of soft knife killing can make people speechless.

   After making a few judgments, Su Qingyue felt that this was the case~www.ltnovel.com~Can't continue to shirk indefinitely.

   I can't shrink back.

   And this is my ideal.

   People do not have so many mature opportunities.

   Everything is perfect, that is the ideal state, and it will never appear in the real situation.

Seeing that Jiao Kejun was choked and couldn't even send out the fire, Su Qingyue smiled the next moment and said: "Okay, let's do this first. In the afternoon, everyone will have a meeting?" After thinking about the next work, he added: " Thank you Mr. Li for your cooperation."

   "Yes, after all, the team is still under the banner of Yiyan, and I myself will always pay attention to it..." Li Lin laughed.

   Gao Yanhai touched the earphones at this time, and interjected: "If you need my help, please mention it."

   No more to say anything, everyone broke up.

   After going out, each walk back. Su Qingyue and Chen Ting walked in the aisle.

   Chen Ting stood in front of her office and added: "Look at it first. If it doesn't work, I will think of a solution."

   Knowing that Chen Ting is also helpless, Su Qing smiled awkwardly and said, "Thank you sister Ting."

   The two separated and he went back to the office.

   I want to get to know these people first. So I typed out the list and called Qin Shaofeng and Liu Yuming.

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