Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 238: : The war is coming

   Send away Ye Luo at noon.

   went back to the office, nothing to do all afternoon.

   Thinking of good things, I couldn't help sighing.

   He knows that emotional matters cannot be judged, but he feels sorry for them.

   After thinking of tomorrow, I will be busy.

   He knows that R&D is busy, which is very different from the market.

   It's even more common for them to develop and stay overnight. When that happens, they will definitely not be able to accompany Ah Mo.

  Look at the time. It was almost night. He sent a message to Amu and asked, "I will pick you up at night."

"???" When he was stunned, Amu sent back directly, and then sent a line of text: "Is this the sun coming out from the west? Are you coming to pick me up?" The text was sent, followed by a series of words Exclamation point.

   understands Ah Mou's surprise, and I think it is really surprising.

   After all, since she came to work in Pingjing, he rarely did that.

He smiled and sent her a message and replied: "For Venus, the sun comes out from the west. This is nothing." He said, and explained: "It's mainly because tomorrow, my project will start, and I will be very busy. . I am afraid that you will be wronged. Today is my last day to show."

   "Cut..." Ah Mou looked back.

   "I'll leave in a while, let's watch a movie in the evening," Su Qingyue said: "Then have a supper."

   and Amou finished teasing.

   After packing up, Su Qingyue decided to leave earlier.

   When walking towards the elevator entrance, I ran into Chen Ting and his husband.

   As soon as the three people met, before Su Qingyue could speak, her husband Chen Ting greeted her first.

   Just as the elevator came, they walked in.

   Chen Ting’s husband exchanged a greeting with him: "Are you busy with work recently?"

   "It's okay." Su Qingyue replied politely, unable to figure out what is Chen Ting's husband called.

Then the other party said: "By the way, we have a national education project. See if we can integrate you into it at that time, and do marketing promotion by the way." He said: "It is based on the education intranet. My friend is the big secret of the intranet boss."

   "Okay." Su Qingyue was very excited when he heard the intranet.

   He only knows that this is a network connecting the campus.

   In the past, major manufacturers wanted to intervene, but because they were closed, they did not take shape.

   He doesn't think this can be done, but some other cooperation can be done.

   was thinking that the elevator arrived.

   Chen Ting said at this time: "Qingyue, when your research and development projects are coming, you can come to my house for dinner. My husband, the cooking is superb. He can do everything on the menu, but he can."

   "Yes, you are from Nandu, right?"

   "Huaiwen, but South is the second hometown." Su Qingyue said, only then did he remember that his name was Liu Qiang.

   "Broiled lion's head in brown sauce, I am good at this." Liu Qiang said at last.

  Su Qingyue was shocked, but he didn't expect him to do this again.

   went out, everyone said goodbye at the door.

   Su Qingyue got on the rental.

   At this time, Pingjing has begun to block, especially in Xiguan Village on the North Fourth Ring Road. Su Qingyue was stuck at the first bridge in Xiguancun for a long time, looking at the headquarters of Oriental English. There were a lot of students coming in and out there, and then looking at the position ahead, Su Qingyue decided to get off the bus.

   He asked the driver to put himself on the side of the road, and then walked to the Amo unit.

   After passing Baiyi Road, it was already 6:15 in the evening by the time of competition.

   As soon as he entered the door, he ran into He Cunxi and came out, bowing his head and frowning, it seemed that something was going on.

   looked up at Su Qingyue and laughed instantly.

   A few words of greeting is nothing more than asking about Su Qingyue's focus.

   The more Su Qing understood, He Cunxi must also know some status quo.

   After talking to him for a while, when Su Qingyue entered the competition, he discovered that several people were playing "StarCraft."

   Ah Mou is playing the bubbling dragon in the flourishing age.

   In the office area, the voice of Zhang Zhigang's command can be heard.

   "What are you two doing with that big ship, hurry up, stop the ink, it will be troublesome if you get over it."

   Su Qing laughed more, and didn't bother him.

   sat down beside Amou.

   "Wait a moment." She said, "It's over."

   Su Qingyue discovered that Ah Mo likes this kind of casual games very much.

   and like to spend money on it very much, her pay rate even exceeds many players in "Martial Arts World".

   have to admit, the positioning of the Tiancheng Shengshi project.

   Thinking of Ye Luo’s friend Wang Rui at Gameyoung, he said that casual games must be promising.

   Now Su Qingyue feels that it is true.

   At this time, Ah Mu is finished.

   They were leaving, just in time for Zhang Zhigang to come out. They wanted to say that others were playing badly.

   When I saw Su Qingyue, I stopped again, shook hands with Su Qingyue, and exchanged greetings.

   "Qingyue, how is your place?"


   "We will talk more about business in the future. As long as you need it, I will definitely be fine here." He said with a smile.

   "Thank you." Su Qingyue nodded.

   The two said something else, and Su Qingyue and Amo left.

   Pingkyo in early summer, the night is still a bit cold.

   A Mou coughed twice, and Su Qingyue put on her coat.

   They went to the cinema.

   found out that there was nothing else to watch except for "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith".

   So I chose this one with Amo.

   There are not many people in the cinema.

  The seats are also very comfortable.

   Su Qingyue was shocked by the scene of space combat.

   felt that if these were the future, it would be nice to introduce the game, and then he was attracted by the story.

   Especially the story of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan.

  Su Qingyue finds this grand narrative very attractive. This is also the unique charm of "World of Hegemony" in addition to gameplay. The reason why the Guangge website has always been done is also due to the grand background of the story. There are many places to be explored. From this perspective, the tension of the story line is very important.

   Thinking of what he wanted to do, Su Qingyue had more ideas in his mind.

   When the movie is over, Amo feels sorry for Anakin's betrayal and Amidala.

   The two found a Japanese food restaurant for dinner.

   Amou asked curiously: "Is it really that busy?"

   "I saw it with my own eyes, it would only be exaggerated than you said."

"Okay," she said helplessly: "Anyway, I can't stop you from moving forward. You came to Pingjing to move forward, but I hope you don't change your mind." She said, suddenly approaching Su Qingyue, like a gossip The tabloid reporter of China, whispered: "You know what, I heard that Shi Shuai cheated."

   "Why do you all know?"

   Su Qingyue discovered these gossips, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com will always be the last one to know.

   was a little dazed for an instant.

A Mou grunted and said, "I really didn't see that his surnamed teacher is so sad, and his sister is so kind to him," she looked at Su Qingyue: "That Wang Xi is really too much. He dismantled Jia Naixiang. Yes, I took apart a good sister."

   Listening to her, Su Qingyue had no comment.

   He found that feelings are complicated and it is difficult to measure with a standard.

   But it is obvious that Jia Naixiang has been betrayed, which is also a kind of retribution.

   He thought, was staring at him again, and forced him to ask: "Su Qingyue, will you betray you in the future?"

"I'm not that kind of person."

   "The coach is not that kind of person!" Amu said.

   "I definitely won't."

   "What if Xiao Yu?"

   "Let's eat well, okay?" When asked, Su Qing couldn't help but hold his forehead.

   Then they continued to eat.

   He could only sigh helplessly for what happened to his sister.

   thinking: Who said the relationship is good?

   can only wish them two.

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