Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 237: : Good trouble

   came out of the meeting room.

   Li Lin and Gao Yanhai look bad.

   It was obvious that Su Qingyue's plan was completely unexpected.

   Jiao Kejun patted him on the shoulder, "Lafayette, please." He spoke earnestly.

   Li Lin nodded.

   Gao Yanhai said nothing, the world in the headset is his world.

   The mundane world and the world of fireworks, Mr. Gao cares more about philosophical propositions.

   Su Qingyue walked behind them.

   didn't relax, I always felt that something was wrong, they just agreed?

   Next to him, Chen Ting smiled with him, and said, "Mr. Su, what I need to do, just say it."

   "Thank you, sister Ting." Su Qingyue nodded.

   Su Qingyue realized that as long as the list of personnel is not implemented for one day, the plan cannot be truly implemented.

   Li Lin can't disarm so quickly.

   separated from them at the front desk, Li Lin and Gao Yanhai returned to their half of the office area.

   Su Qingyue also returned to the office.

   turned around and made a cup of tea, looking at the scenery outside the window, the blue sky and white clouds.

   The leaves have also turned green.

   The people on the street were gradually wearing thin clothes, and the construction site that hadn't existed before May Day appeared not far away.

   more than a dozen large vehicles in and out.

   Su Qingyue took a sip of tea, thinking about Dongfang Jun's suggestion.

   There seems to be something overlooked here.

  For example, Li Lin couldn't even give these people to the place, what should I do?

   can't help but frown.

   I think this is really a hard bone. At this time the QQ rang, he clicked on it and found that it was Ye Luo.

   asked if he was in the unit.

   Su Qingyue replied: Yes.

   Ye Luo said: "I will go to your 11th floor in the morning to discuss cooperation, and have a meal together at noon?"

   "Okay." Su Qingyue was very happy for Ye Luo's visit.

   made an appointment to meet at the "Lucky Bird" on the second floor.

   I don't know what company is on the 11th floor. He always thinks they are crowded.

   The canteen on the first floor every day, as long as you go to it a little late, it will be filled with those people.

   Without thinking any more, Liu Yuming, Qin Shaofeng and Zhou Ziyou were found.

   I told the general content of the meeting.

   But I didn't talk about the free mode, so I wanted to announce it later.

   Liu Yuming suddenly smiled as he listened, and said, "Boss, are you a bitch?"

   "No way." Su Qingyue stretched out his hands: "Let's put it to death and live."

   "Just they will cooperate?" Liu Yuming asked with a frown.

   Qin Shaofeng interjected bluntly next to him: "Boss, don't blame me for talking too much." Qin Shaofeng sat upright, got serious, and said, "You have to be prepared for their disagreement. These two definitely have ideas."

   "I know." Su Qingyue nodded.

   understand that everyone is also worried about themselves.

   is more worried about the department.

   See if Zhou Ziyou didn't say anything, and just waited for himself to assign tasks.

  Su Qingyue feels that he is getting better and better. The first thing to do is not to be afraid of wolves and tigers.

   Especially when you are still a tactical execution unit.

Su Qingyue said: "Brothers, you have to know that we are being held down by others, which is a decoration in their eyes. To fight for opportunities, we must not be afraid of wolves and tigers. We must achieve the goal in one step and fight the key battle. May turn over."

   He said so, everyone was startled.

   In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng took the lead and said: "The boss is right, you can rest assured. I have no problem with the implementation."

   Liu Yuming followed: "Do things, I'm even more so, don't worry."

Zhou Ziyou just caught up at this time and reminded: "Boss, I know you must have thought very clearly. My opinion is that we didn’t have many points and the media attention was not enough, so it’s best that we are all ready to go abroad. , “If you don’t hear it, you’re already a blockbuster.” Moreover, R&D is cycled. Once the plan is exposed in advance, there is a danger of being imitated..."

   "Okay, you control it. The plan can be made in advance, but the smaller the scope, the better."

   "No problem." Zhou Ziyou smiled.

   After the two spoke, Su Qingyue arranged the work of Liu Yuming and Qin Shaofeng.

   "Let's focus on sorting out the materials we have previously sorted out. Once the R&D team is in place, these materials will be our direction and basis."

   "This is easy to handle." When talking about his job, Liu Yuming nodded seriously.

   He then arranged work for Qin Shaofeng.

   When they left, Su Qing thought, still something was missing.

   But the rest, we have to wait for Li Lin to put everyone in place.

   He didn't think much about it.

   It was half past eleven after looking at his watch, and he got up to see Ye Luo.

   This is considered the best restaurant in the building where the focal point is. Ye Luo had already sat down when he went.

   There is a man beside him.

   was thin, not tall, with gold-rimmed glasses and a beard, a bit like a minority.

   Su Qingyue walked over and shook hands with them.

   Ye Luo introduced them to each other.

   The man's name is Jiang Li. He is doing map information. He should have a Northwestern accent.

   Jiang Li smiled and said: "You guys who are making games are really catching up with the good time now. The market is so good now."

   Knowing that the other party is just polite.

   Su Qing smiled and asked curiously: "You do map information?"

   "It is for navigation. We are the company that provides basic data for these navigations." He said: "It used to be a state-owned enterprise, and it has just been restructured in the past two years."

   "All navigation hardware uses your software, right?" Su Qing asked curiously.

   "Yes, we provide basic data."

   "Understand." Su Qingyue nodded.

   He discovered that after the advent of the Internet era, it seems that every related industry is booming.

  Gold is not just about games.

   is that all industries related to the Internet will undergo tremendous changes.

   Everyone made a few polite words and started to order.

   Ye Luo asked about Su Qingyue's current situation and talked about other things.

   Several people walked in in the hall and sat down at the table diagonally opposite.

   Jiang Li immediately greeted the other party and explained to them: "I'll sit down, some leaders."


   The two of them nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ When Jiang Li left, Ye Luo suddenly asked Su Qingyue: "Qingyue, do you know about that?" He was mysterious.

   "What's the matter?" Su Qingyue asked.

   "Wang Xi is pregnant..." Ye Luo said, "I'm having trouble with the teacher..."

   Hearing what he said, Su Qingyue felt a little clouded.

   "Wang Xi is pregnant?" Su Qingyue wanted to say what it had to do with being well, but suddenly recalled that Jiankou had been drinking on that day, and took good care of her sister's performance, and swallowed the second half of the sentence instantly.

   Ye Luo said again at this time: "I heard Wang Xi, it seems that your unit went to Lin'an."

   "Yeah." Su Qingyue nodded.

   Ye Luo said: "It's that the blog was very serious back then, saying that his boyfriend had cheated on it. Which woman he had was this Wang Xi."

   "I know who you are talking about."

  Su Qingyue nodded, but didn't say Jia Naixiang's name.

   This Wang Xi is really unfathomable.

   But it can be understood that the tiger can't stand alone when a man and a widow are together.

   Unable to make specific judgments, Jiang Li came back after a while.

   The three of them talked about other things and avoided this topic.

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