Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 251: : I hope you two are good

"Something wrong?"

   The voice of the teacher came from the phone.

   is a little hoarse, the nasal sound is very strong, it seems to be a cold.

  The tone sounds tense.

   Su Qing knew why, but he didn't want to mention it.

   didn't know where to mention it, he always believed that feelings were a private matter.

  The two people at the ears and temples can't handle it, and outsiders shouldn't stand on the moral high ground.

   Of course, if it is a friend, one party is willing to share, and one party is willing to suggest, that is another matter.

   Ke Shishuai obviously did not want to share, the next moment, he suddenly asked: "Aren't you here to scold me?"

   "Curse?" Su Qingyue was startled.

   instantly understood what Ye Luo had said before and confirmed that it was correct.

He sighed helplessly, and said, "What am I scolding you, how can I scold you? Hey... Brother, this is your private matter, I didn't want to say it. But since you mentioned it today, I will say a few words... He paused for a while: "I drank too much at the foot of the Great Wall that night, crying like a mess..."

   "Hey, stop talking..." The coach immediately stopped him.

   Su Qingyue shook his head.

   Can their feelings go on?

   The next moment, Su Qingyue replied: "Okay."

   "By the way, what specific do you want me to do?" the coach asked directly.

   Su Qingyue said about the things that the Big Dipper fighter does.

   Shi Shuai listened, and then agreed to him.

   Then came greetings.

   An awkward greeting, the commander obviously has something to say, but he can't say it.

   Su Qing understood, and didn't want to point it.

   Finally he just wanted to say: I am waiting for your news.

   Shishuai finally couldn't help it. He sighed and said, "It's difficult!" Then he asked, "Is my current reputation bad in your circle?"

   "What did you hear?" Su Qingyue said.

   "Does this still need to be asked?"

"My new company is very busy, so I didn't pay attention to these." Su Qingyue said his true thoughts: "And we people just feel very sorry, after all, we all hope you two are good." Su Qingyue said: "As for Some people think you are wrong, and I don’t think you should care too much. People cannot live in the saliva of others for the rest of their lives."

   "Hey..." The coach sighed again.

   Su Qingyue did not speak, he thought it was all right.

   Don’t always hold on to other people’s private affairs.

   People must be measured.

   Just about to hang up the phone, the coach said again: "It's hard to say a word, brother, I really fell into the pit...wait to find time to meet and talk!" He said, it seems that there is nowhere to let go.

   understand the feeling of needing to talk, but there is nowhere to talk.

   Su Qingyue had no choice but to say, talk to each other again.

   After this, they hung up.

   Su Qingyue sat on the chair and rubbed his eyes.

   Feelings are too complicated.

   Whether it's love or betrayal, it's like glue when it's hot, and nothing happens when it cools down.

   complain to each other that they can't do what they want.

   Whether it's Jia Naixiang, Song Xiaoxuan, or the coach.

   Whether they want to admit it or not, cheating is the cruelest plot in life.

   This kind of cruelty is not only for the victim.

   is the same for themselves.

   Thinking of this, Su Qingyue looked at the work progress on the computer screen.

   He suddenly felt that work was the easiest.

   It is much easier to complete the ideal than to get the feelings.

   At the thought of this, Su Qingyue continued to work.

   Now the whole company is waiting for their jokes.

   He didn't want to argue with the joke, he felt that Wang Xinjie's Nike t-shirt made everything clear.


   This is how the afternoon time passed.

   At 7:30 in the evening, he was about to organize everyone to order a meal.

   Chen Ting and her assistant suddenly came, each carrying two large plastic bags with the KFC Grandpa logo on them. "Our laborers are here." She said, smiling brightly, and put two bags on the table.

   Wang Xinjie saw it for the first time and laughed, "KFC! President Chen, have you bought Orleans?"

   "The category is very comprehensive." Chen Ting laughed and met Su Qingyue's gaze.

   "Thank you sister Ting."

   Su Qingyue spoke very seriously.

   At this time, someone asked, is there any mashed potatoes?

   There were laughter and laughter in the "Death Corner".

   took a spicy chicken drumstick in the field and sat down beside Su Qingyue.

   "Do you want to go back later. We work overtime, it may be late." He said.

   "It's okay, I also look at what I need to do. We just got in, and we have to look at many things again." Su Qingyue said.

   "Okay." Tian Zhong said, he took a bite of hamburger and drank Coke, and then asked, "Did you find Wang Daxing?"

   "Not yet," Su Qingyue told the truth, but didn't talk about the figure, just explained: "It will take some time."

   "It's okay, I'll make a plan first." Tanaka nodded, "You should take him down, it shouldn't matter." He said, his tone was like Su Qingyue is a winning general.

   The next moment, the latter quickly explained: "It's not a win, it's a coordination. Let the other party not be emotional and do things well."

   They were talking.

   Someone passing by, seeing so many delicious foods, their eyes widened.

  Zhou Ziyou wanted to put the chicken drumstick and Coke in his mouth at the same time.

   Ning Cheng laughed aside, and said sarcastically: "You can really pull hatred! It's not easy to live to this day."

   She said, everyone laughed.

   Drinking and eating, everyone resumed their work.

   Su Qingyue returned to the office and began to look at recent market trends.

   He found that the word-of-mouth and popularity of Hualuo's "Fengshen World" has fallen sharply.

   It is estimated that Jiang Zhengshang should be very anxious now.

   But this is not their fault, Su Qing shook his head helplessly, and became more determined in his direction.

   He started to make the next plan.

   Drinking tea from time to time, often outside the window, the night view of Pingjing.

   turned around again and continued to stare at the screen.

   didn't look at the time at all, until Amu called: "Brother Su, are you still off work?" Her voice was a little bit coquettish.

   Su Qingyue stretched out, got up and said, "Isn't it, I'm still in the company."

   "It's 11 o'clock."

   "Everyone is here." Su Qingyue was startled, and then he noticed the wall clock on the wall with the hour hand pointing to eleven: "I guess it will be after twelve today. You can rest early."

   "I don't sleep, I am waiting for you while reading novels."

   Hearing that she mentioned novels again~www.ltnovel.com~ Su Qingyue discovered that Amou has become obsessed with online novels recently.

   I see it late every day.

   Su Qingyue started to have some curiosity about this style.

   rubbed his eyes, really tired.

   spent a while in the house, and at about twelve twenty, Tian Zhong came over and knocked on his door.

   know it is over.

   He got up and left with everyone.

   Then I discovered that Liu Yuming was the only one with a car here.

   couldn't help but smile and said, "Yu Ming has a good life."

   "Hi, there is a traffic jam every day." Liu Yuming shrugged.

   "It seems as if the taxi is not blocked." Ning Cheng followed by.

   Everyone laughed suddenly and said Ning Cheng was poisonous.

   watched them leave one by one.

  Su Qingyue asked Lian Xiaoxue and Ning Cheng to tell them when they got home safely.

   Then he took a taxi and left.

  On the way home, I looked at the night view of Pingjing.

   He felt that this day was really fulfilling.

   I really miss the life he wanted when he first left Nandu.

   Tired to exhaustion, tired to ecstatic.

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