Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 252: : Amo's dissatisfaction

   When Su Qingyue arrived home, the hour hand on the wall clock was already pointing a little bit.

   found that Amou was still reading a novel.

  I think of many people recently who are fascinated by this daily serialized story.

   After washing up, he asked Amo the name of this novel.

   He is determined to find out more recently.

   originally wanted to turn off the light and go to sleep, but Amou suddenly asked, "By the way, did you ask Zhou Ziyou?"

   "Oh, I asked." Su Qingyue replied.

"What did he say?" Ah Mou sat up and said: "I told you, that girl thinks he is pretty good. It feels like Yao 11, and she is very talented. Just now she sent me a message and asked Zhou Ziyou what to say. She said that it seems that Ziyou Zhou doesn't reply very much. Is Ziyou too busy?"

   "Hmm..." Su Qingyue felt helpless when asked by Amu.

   think of Zhou Ziyou's attitude at noon.

   is so obvious.

   Su Qingyue also had to tell the truth.

   "My friend, there may be someone you like." He said, "In short, it doesn't seem to be very caring."

"Forget it?" Hearing this, Ah Mou instantly stared, "Then he asked me to help introduce? The girl's heart was hooked up, and he said that forget it? What is this? Isn't this a scumbag? Su? Qingyue, who are the people around you? From Brother Guang to the coach, to Ziyou Zhou..."

   "They are not together again, how can they be considered a scumbag?" Su Qingyue instantly laughed.

   "Bah, you are not a good thing either, what about Xiao Yu... It's really not the upper beam, the lower beam is crooked..." Ah Mou said, raising his eyebrows.

   Knowing that she thought she was coming back late, she deliberately looked for something to vent.

   Su Qing laughed and said jokingly: "Xiao Yu just sent me back."

   "Bah! Whoever loves it, whoever gives it..."

   Amu lay down and turned his head.

   Su Qingyue went to coax him.

"no kidding!"

   "Who is making trouble?" She stared.

   "What's the matter? Do you want to keep making trouble?"

   "What's the matter? Do you dare to make trouble? I think you are exhausted like this!" Ah Mou said, laughing. .

   The two looked at each other for a moment.

   Su Qingyue asked: "What is it, you are not convinced?"

   "You must refuse to accept it!"

   "Then try?"

   "Try it!" The two laughed.

   The wind blew outside the window, and the wind blew the window frame with a bang, and then the rain fell.

   likes this kind of hearty rain, transparent, fun, and unreserved.

Late at night.

   took a wash, and Amo rested early.

   The whole night, he had no dreams, he was greedy for a whole night.

   opened his eyes again, it was 7:15 in the morning.

   It's raining, plus fatigue.

   Su Qingyue still wants to continue sleeping.

   But the next moment, he persisted and got up from the bed.

   called Amu.

   A simple wash, they went out together.

   This is the first time for two people to work together so early since returning from Huaiwen during the Spring Festival.

   Su Qingyue accompanies her to have breakfast at Chenghuang Temple.

   Su Qingyue asked curiously: "Who are you interviewing today? Why is it so early."

   "The producer of "Special Warfare Elite" is here. He only stays in Pingjing for a few hours and then transfers to Jianghai." Amu said, "It took me a long time to make an appointment for this interview."

  Listen to Amo.

   Su Qingyue nodded suddenly.

   Remember the information I saw yesterday.

   Recently, many big factories have made their own efforts.

   The diversity of the entire online game market is highlighted.

   The future competition must be hard power, face-to-face competition with real swords and guns.

He thought so, and said to Amu: "By the way, I am going to give my team a class at Focus recently. I am thinking about what the first class will teach?" He said, "I can let them gain some experience, You can change your mind again, who do you think is better?"


"Yes, but it's not a game school like Pengpeng, but a salon. We invite a well-known person in the industry to come over every week to teach the team lessons. One is to let them not just do things, look up at the world; the second is This is also a way of team building."

   Hearing what he said, Amu thought for a while.

   suggested: "I think you have to hire a bigger person in the first class. This person has to have problems in his career, but in the end he has overcome them in time. It is a legend in the industry."

   "The direction is right, let me think about who." Su Qingyue said, thinking this matter should be on the agenda.

   After a while, he and Amou separated.

   got in the car and went to the unit.

  Because of a traffic jam, it was already 8:35 when I arrived at the unit.

   originally thought that someone might be late today.

   After all, everyone left too late last night.

   But when he glanced over, he found that everyone was still there.

   made a cup of tea and went back to the office.

   started on the computer, typing out everyone in the lecture.

   told Zhou Ziyou this idea again, and asked him to think about candidates.

   Soon they framed some people.

  There are three candidates for the first class.

  Zhang Zhigang: He is the one who introduced "Wan Nian" and "Black Moon", and his website is one of the three major media in the game circle. Su Qingyue felt that he had all the experience and vision and should be appropriate.

   Yue Lindao: He can talk about the offline situation of the game market and think about problems from the perspective of channels.

   The third person, he framed Jiao Kejun.

   This is not only because Jiao Kejun is also a researcher and has a lot of experience.

   More importantly, Jiao Kejun's participation also gave the team and other departments a signal.

   The boss attaches great importance to this matter.

   This is good for the coordination of subsequent work.

   established these three alternatives, Su Qingyue breathed a sigh of relief.

   Zhou Ziyou and Qin Shaofeng knocked on his door and told him to eat.

   Then found out that it was already twelve noon.

   Su Qingyue has always been with the team since he came to the focus. They eat whatever Su Qingyue eats.

  Su Qingyue originally wanted to go down later, but think about the cafeteria downstairs, it seems that every hour is the peak.

   simply went down.

   There is no seat again.

   There are many people again, and they finally found a seat and sat down.

   After a while, I saw Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie also come down.

   The three of them took the initiative to move their positions, and several of them squeezed.

   Su Qingyue put down his chopsticks, UU reads www.uukANAnshu. Com felt that the food in this cafeteria was really only salt particles. He finally asked, "Is there no such thing as a small restaurant nearby?"

   "Yes, there are, but the distance is a bit far. The near ones are too expensive and not suitable for working meals. In short, Li Lin always does not come to the cafeteria..." Tian Zhong explained.

   Su Qingyue asked: "Where is the farther one you said?"

   "Language University." Tanaka said, "I know the engine R&D department, and I go there every day. They have a variety of canteens, and they are much cheaper than ours."

   "Well, no, we will go there later." Su Qingyue said, "So everyone can move around at noon."

   He said so, Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie looked at each other for a moment.

   immediately laughed: "That's it. Brothers have been suffering from this cafeteria for a long time."

   They were talking, and the table beside them finally moved away.

   A few people just sat down a little bit.

   Even Xiangxue and Ning Cheng also came in at this time.

   greeted them and went to buy food.

   Su Qingyue noticed that the two of them were still wearing yesterday's clothes.

   faintly felt something was wrong.

   But I didn't think too much.

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