Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 253: : Jiang Zhengshang’s invitation

   After eating at noon, Su Qingyue returned to the office.

   made a cup of green tea.

   After a while, the coach sent a message saying that it was done, but the express delivery takes time.

   Su Qingyue had no idea that it could be so fast.

   I was thinking about taking a break for a while, and then I was refreshed, and immediately returned to the message: "Brother, tell me how much money, I will call you now."

   Shishuai sent a smiling face, and then sent the specific information.

   Su Qingyue had never been in contact before, and never thought that a figure could be so expensive.

  Because I didn't bring a USB shield today, Su Qingyue decided to go to the counter downstairs to send money.

   As soon as he walked out of the building, he felt heat rushing over his face.

   think of the hearty rain last night.

   The so-called summer rain and heat.

   He thought about walking towards the bank against the sun.

   hasn't reached the door yet.

  The phone rang suddenly, and after a glance, it was Jiang Zhengshang.

   answered the phone, and Jiang Zhengshang's hearty laughter came from the microphone end: "Are you at work?"

"Of course."

   "I am near your work. Would you like to come out for a cup of coffee? Or have a drink together at night." Jiang Zhengshang asked.

   After thinking about it, I want to continue working overtime at night.

   Su Qingyue denied drinking, and after an appointment with him for half an hour, he met at the coffee box at the east gate of Wudaokou.

   Hang up the phone and enter the bank.

   While queuing for business, Su Qingyue wondered why Jiang Zhengshang suddenly found himself.

   faintly think whether it is related to "The World of Conferred Gods".

  Because Fengshen is already like this, Xiao Yu is not trying his best, there must be other things.


   Suddenly a thought made Su Qing understand what was going on.

   was thinking, the queue arrived.

   Su Qingyue sat down at the opening window.

  The thought became clearer and clearer.

   recalled their chat at Jiankou Great Wall.

  Reminiscent of the recent decline in the performance of "The World of Conferred Gods" and the fiercer competition that is about to face.

   Jiang Zhengshang's thoughts are already very clear.

   Thinking like this, Su Qingyue is a little looking forward to meeting him.

   After a while, the business is done.

   He sent a message to Shi Shuai and left the bank.

   Box Coffee is right at the gate of a community at the east gate of Wudaokou University.

   Su Qingyue knew about this place because he had been with Amou before and was just in time to show an art film here.

   They only learned that some art directors’ works are often shown here.

   Some art directors will also show their works here.

   The decoration here is very tasteful.

   The whole interior decoration is mainly brown, and the lighting is warm.

The shelves inside    are full of various books.

   When Su Qingyue walked in, Jiang Zhengshang had already arrived.

   He was sitting inside, smoking a cigarette, and flipping through a book.

   Seeing Su Qing approaching, he closed the book and put it aside.

   The two chatted for a while.

   Su Qingyue noticed the book on the table called "My Camera Doesn't Lie".

   "How do you know this place, it's pretty stylish." Jiang Zhengshang laughed.

   "I came with Amou last time." Su Qingyue said, "Some art films are often shown here."

"Yes, next time I will bring Xiaoyu." He said, "It's boring to always go to the theater and amusement park. You have to change your taste." He said and laughed, then said: "How are you in focus? Is it okay? ?"

   "It's okay." Su Qingyue just smiled, but didn't make it very specific.

   Then they ordered coffee.

   Su Qingyue ordered a cup of American black coffee without any sugar.

   Jiang Zhengshang ordered a latte.

   Then Su Qingyue asked casually: "How is your place?"

   "It's okay," Jiang Zhengshang said.

  The words are obviously not finished.

   seems to be something else, Su Qingyue waited.

   Sure enough, after a while, Jiang Zhengshang said again: "I'll tell you something, you first tell others, including Xiaoyu."

   "Okay." Su Qingyue nodded.

   I already know what he will say next.

   just waited quietly, and then Jiang Zhengshang said: "I am going to leave Hualuo."

   "Well, I guessed it." Su Qingyue nodded, expressing understanding.

"You know?" Jiang Zhengshang was taken aback, looked at him, and noticed that Su Qingyue didn't have any surprises on his face, so he sighed with emotion: "Nothing can escape your eyes anyway. Now that you know, then I will tell you. Talk about your thoughts? Some we talked about in Jiankou."

   "Yeah." Su Qingyue nodded again.

   He thinks that at this time, it is only right to talk less and listen more.

   It's not that someone else hasn't spoken, and started selling smart and talking nonsense.

   Then he waited.

   Coffee comes up this time.

Jiang Zhengshang took a sip first and said, "I think I should do my own thing. The company has a market position for myself, and I also have a life position for myself. The hand is always held, which makes it uncomfortable." He made a gesture of holding a pen, and said: "I have two ideas, one is to start a business, and the other is to go to another company, but with enough power, just like you."

   heard him say about himself.

   Su Qing smiled awkwardly.

   want to say, who knows the difficulties of the people in the song.

   Thinking about him, he said that the hand is always held.

   Su Qingyue felt that this was correct.

   Because no matter what your ideals are, you have to follow other people's positioning.

   This is indeed the sadness of part-time job.

   The next moment, he asked: "Are you still hesitating?"

   "Yes." Jiang Zhengshang said: "How difficult it is to start a business, I am not a fool, that is a nine-death life. Moreover, the time and labor costs invested are huge. There is no absolute certainty, I don't want to do this."

"I can understand." Su Qingyue said, changing the conversation: "But when you go to another company, you have to think clearly, think about it, and better understand their internal situation. Anyway, these two things are like playing chess. You have to think carefully before making a decision."

   "So I came to you." Jiang Zhengshang laughed.

   leaned back in the chair and laughed.

   He handed Su Qingyue a cigarette.

   The latter did not answer, and just wanted to ask, but suddenly understood what he meant.

   was silent and did not speak.

Jiang Zhengshang continued at this time: "I'm looking for you, just to ask. If I start a business, would you be interested in joining?" He said, sitting upright, and said: "Our two brothers are absolutely perfect. Coupled with your original Hualuo marketing team, the odds of winning will be very high."

   understand what Jiang Zhengshang means.

   If you agree to him, then the last flag will fall on entrepreneurship.

   If he refuses, he will go to another company.


   Su Qing thought, he had agreed to Jiao Kejun.

   And Mr. Hotan, and everyone in the team, is also equivalent to an oath.

   A promise.

   From a moral point of view~www.ltnovel.com~ it is impossible to just leave, it is too irresponsible.

   Besides, he feels that he and Jiang Zheng are not necessarily good partners yet.

   The latter's desire for product control is not necessarily worse than Li Lin.

   Not all opportunities are called opportunities.

  The most important thing is that his future and plans are different from those of Jiang Zhengshang. If you only do marketing, is there a better platform than ChinaNet? Whether it is the team, resources, or the size of funds...

  Leaving Hualuo was just for his dream of the world.

  I came to the focus also for my dream of the world...

   After thinking for a moment, he smiled, took a sip of coffee, and said, "Brother, you can leave it somewhere else."

   "You don't want to start a business?" Jiang Zhengshang's eyes widened.

   "I have a promise here, and I can't give up." Su Qingyue said.

   "Understood." Jiang Zhengshang nodded.

   He didn't persuade anything.

   Later, they began to chat about a lot of industry gossip.

   Chen Feng was chatted among them.

   But no one mentioned starting a business anymore.

   At half past four, they were at the entrance of the cafe and said goodbye.

   Su Qingyue returned to the unit.

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